

Aviation photographer in the PNW area My photography account @baqirs_photography All Photos are by me
Golden flying bowl A Canadian Bell47 flew over to the States and stopped by at Paine Field for a fuel stop. Was a treat to see this Bell47 and get photos of it. Was super glad that they guys flew back again to Paine Field on their way back up the Canada. #bell #bellhelicopter #bell47 #bell47helicopter #fishbowl #flyingbowl #aviation #aviationlovers #aviationphotography #avgeek #avgeeks #instagramaviation #instaaviation #instagram #planespotter #planespotting #heli #helicopter #helicoptero #rotorcraft #rotorlife #rotory #helicopterlife #helicopterlovers #painefield #propelleraeroservices #washington #canadianaviation
50 4
12 days ago
One of few flying Albatross's came into @pasfbo the other day. One of the most amazing planes out there made by @northropgrumman . This aircraft was made in 1951 and was based at Kelso, Wa but now has been flown to Alaska where its knew home will be. #grumman #grummanalbatross #albatross #wwii #wwiiaircraft #aircraft #airplane #plane #planes #seaplane #floatplane #amphibious #amphibiousplane #aviation #avgeeks #avgeek #aviationlover #aviationphotography #photography #painefield #kpae #washington #boeing #instagramaviation #instaaviation #instaplane #classicplanes
93 1
1 month ago
Paine Field's community day event last weekend was awesome! Tons of a people showed up. This event was out to target the younger generation to teach them about aviation. Hopefully this event keeps getting bigger and better! #aviation #aviationlovers #avgeeks #avgeek #aviationday #aviationphotography #planes #planes #ga #generalaviation #painefield #painefieldairport #painefieldaviationday #snohomish #snohomishcounty #washington #instagramaviation #instaaviation #instaplane
75 2
1 month ago