Bianca Pitman Crown Care Specialist


Holistic Hair Care Specialist Crown Chakra Healer Changing lives
Im 7 months postpartum and haven't experienced any shedding outside of my son pulling my hair out 😣 and I swear it's because Ive been doing Herbal Hair Rinses in my hair every 2 weeks. Have you ever tried a herbal tea rinse in your hair? For those who don't know, Nettle is one of the oldest recorded remedies used for treating and preventing hair loss. This is primarily due to the high amount of sulphur and silica in nettle, which improves hair health by strengthening the hair shaft. Regularly using nettle shampoo can promote hair re-growth and reduce hair loss. Rosemary is one of the most fragrant and versatile herbs you can keep on hand, but this aromatic plant goes beyond enhancing recipes. Rosemary has all sorts of benefits for your hair, from promoting growth, soothing dry itchy scalp, boosting shine and more. When you mix these 2 herbs together you get a It's best to use the nettle & rosemary tea as soon as it's cool, but you can store the bottle in the fridge for up to a week.
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3 months ago