Belinda Love


Intuitive Love Expert 💖Find Your Dream Partner & Maintain the Spark ✍️Author🎤Speaker🌹Bachie 🇦🇺Aus ⬇️Psychic Readings & Coaching⬇️
I spent years dating all the wrong people, emotionally unavailable, toxic, cheaters, who I thought I needed to please in order to be liked. I finally cracked the code and have met the man of my dreams. I don’t want others to feel the pain I felt. I want you to feel worthy of love, and ultimately find your dream relationship. Not only have I learned from my life experience of being single for ten years, healing heartbreak and s€x addiction. I am an author, qualified NLP Practitioner, Life Coach and have studied counselling, I host my own Podcast, I MC’d Sexpo nationally, appeared on The Bachelor, Sunrise, Studio 10, The Project, Great Britain News, multiple national radio stations and national magazines, and guest speaker. I have coached thousands of people to heal their heartbreak and find love. If you’d like to be my next success story please send me a DM. Much love Belinda 💋 . . . #love #lovecoach #belindalove #relationships #single #findlove #selflove #selfworth #couples #dating #datingadvice #relationshipadvice #datingexpert #relationshipexpert #worthy #worthyoflove #selfcare #coaching #mentor #inspirationalspeaker #motivation #motivationalspeaker
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1 month ago
It’s all well and good for me to tell you what it’s like to work with me. I’d prefer you hear it from the people who have experienced what I do and how it has impacted them. If you’ve had an experience with me I’d love you to share in the comments so others will know what it’s like to work with me. . . . #reviews #testimonials #belindalove #truth #lovecoach #relatonships #relationshipadvice #dating #datingadvice #5starreviews🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 #singles #findlove #clientexperience #relationshipexpert #datingexpert
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1 month ago
Why Friends & Family Might Be Keeping You Single “When are you gonna find a boyfriend? All your friends have one.”, your mum comments during family dinner. People keep asking… It’s so frustrating, as if you haven’t, or arent’ trying. My clients come to me sharing that are single and now their friends have partners and they feel left out and lonely. “How did they find love but I cant”? It would be wise to ask yourself the hard questions & uncover what truly is important to YOU in a relationship. Not asking your friends & family. They aren’t the expert in YOUR love life, and often neither are you. Why? Because no one has taught you how to get clear on your desires, expectations, deal-breakers, and dream scenarios. Take your time and assemble the whole puzzle. Each and every detail. Asking an expert for help might feel odd, because it makes us feel as though something is broken. You aren’t broken, you just don’t have all the tools, If you need a filling you see the Dentist, you don’t ask your friends or family to do it. Picking your partner is probably in the top 3 most important decisions in life. I can help you make the right choice for your relationship. If you’re open to exploring ways to get rid of these mindset blocks… So that you end up in a position of abundance… I’m just a message away. I also have a quiz that can offer you the answers to what is happening for you comment QUIZ and I will send you the link. Your Love Guide, Belinda 🫶 . . . #loveguide #lovecoach #loveexpert #belindalove #askforguidance #dating #relationships
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6 days ago
Do you feel unlovable? Like no matter what you do you can’t seem to find your soul mate? This video explains why YOU are LOVABLE! . . . #lovable #worthy #unworthy #youareenough #youareloved #belindalove #bloved #selfworth #selfworthadvice #nutella #theory #nutellatheory #relationships #adviceforsinglewomen #datingadvice #datingadviceforwomen
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19 days ago
Ladies, do you think height is important when finding love? That if he is not taller than you it makes you feel masculine? I am here to share with you that this is a HUGE misconception, and is in fact stopping you from having the genuine-connected relationship you are dreaming of. I used to think this myself! How wrong I was. I would have missed out on the MOST incredible man, and relationship I have ever experienced. If a guy said to you I wouldn’t date you because of your weight, we would be totally in shock and mortified, and fair enough as your weight has nothing to do with your value. Yet we easily do this to men with no second thought, as if height was an important factor in finding genuine love. I found love, with a man who’s taller than me, he’s just not 6 ft tall, which seems to be the prerequisite, in fact, he was more concerned about his height than I was, I didn’t even give a BEEP, because it is how he treats me and I freaking love his height. Because… 💖 I don’t get a sore neck when we are lost in our make-out sessions hehe. 💖 I can look at him deeply into his eyes and feel easily connected. 💖 I feel safe and loved tucked into his armpit. 💖 Our hearts are close together when we are cuddling. His healthy masculine energy makes me feel like a Queen - NOT his height. He is incredible 💖 All of these things are internal factors that are stopping you from finding love. Mainly because we care what other people think when they look at us, or how we feel when we are with them, but how you feel is entirely up to you, and if he treats you like a Queen WHO CARES how tall he is. Is it time to start reconsidering your values around love? I ask the hard questions so you can find the true love. Your love guide Belinda 💋 . . . #love #heightdifference #height #dating #redflags #findinglove #howtofindlove #romance #relationships #relationshipadvice #datingadvice #values #superficial #connection #deeplove #genuinelove #belindalove
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25 days ago
Gentlemen, This is what’s stopping you from finding love… The 7 Blind-spots stopping you from finding love that you MUST stop now! There’s a word that strikes terror in the heart of every crush everywhere… The Friendzone. Can you escape it? Hell yeah! I have a friend who’s married, but in the beginning she totally friendzoned her future husband, can you imagine? You must first discover your blind-spot so that you can go from friend to fiancé. The top blind-spots: Feels worthless, thinks “I can’t get the girl I actually want as I’m not good enough, that there are better looking/richer/taller guys than me so why would she pick me over them”? Feels like a failure because I can’t get a partner, nobody likes me/wants me/cares about me” Feels like they don’t have the skill/ability needed to attract a woman, they struggle to approach a woman not knowing what to say, how to hold a convo, or get a number. Fears vulnerability and being hurt/rejected so they stay single but say “I am happy being single, I don’t need the drama in my life”. Which is in fact keeping them single. Feels judged and wants to fulfill their families/friends path or goals. Thinking “all my other friends are in relationships and I’m the only single guy, Mum wants me to what if I stay single forever”? Are needy/approval seeking. They feel like they really, really NEED something happen aka get a girlfriend. “I want her to respond to my text, why won’t she respond?!? I have to get out of this single life, I’m so lonely”. Have relationship Negativity/pessimism. Saying “all women are trash that they only want me for my money, they always ghost me even if I get the number, I always get rejected, she gets way too many matches/messages on Tinder/Bumble anyway so why should I bother. Once you can master these blind-spots you will no longer face the friendzone and you WILL find your dream relationship. DM me for more info, or follow for more. Your wing woman Belinda 💋 📸 . . . #blindspot #friend #friendzone #relationships #findlove #datingadvice #belindalove #relationshipgoals #relationshiptips #guidance #fiance #love #happyinlove
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1 month ago
8 Signs You Are in the Friend Zone (#7 Hurts the Most) Which one is your most dreaded sign? A very dreaded place to be in as a guy… You might not even be sure if you’re in it, but here are some telltale signs she views you only as a friend. 1. She refers to you as her friend, or even worse - as her BEST friend. 2. Friends don’t practice romantic things between them, right? Therefore she explicitly labels you her buddy, to make sure you understand this loud & clear. 3. Only wants to hang out in public, or in a group setting (but never in a private place with you) 4. Your crush doesn’t want you to make a move on her. If you invite her for drinks at your place, there’s a 99% chance she won’t accept. 5. She avoids physicality 6. Any touching that might occur is a high-five, or a friendly hug - and that’s it - I’m speaking from personal experience! We can always tell when a guy friend likes us. If you ever try to get closer and enter her personal space, she will back off and seem to be weirded out (because friends don’t act like that). 7. Asks for advice about other guys Ouch. This one cuts deep. Even if she only talks about other guys… Or says: “Oh my god, that guy over at that table is super cute, wish I could talk to him!” She could be asking you about a guy she’s currently talking to. Or if she talks about how much she misses her ex, this ain’t a good sign. 8. Fly by night communication You two guys communicate inconsistently. She could be reaching out only when she wants to ask you/tell you something, and then won’t text you the next day at all. She might also text you just out of boredom. I’ve had male friends tell me that their crush would go cold-chicken and just drop off the face of the earth once she starts talking to a new guy. So there you go. But… is there a way to escape this dreaded place? Keep your eyes peeled, soon I’ll be sharing how to get out of the friend zone! Your love guide, Belinda 📸 . . . #friendzone #friends #dating #relationships #belindalove #datingadvice #relationshipgoals #findlove #getoutofthefriendzone #love #loveadvice #water #waterpic #byron
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1 month ago
Are you dealing with heartbreak? Or feeling like every person you date doesn’t compare to your ex? I have the four emotional phases outlined in my book with tools to navigate it so you can move on happily and attract the loving relationship you deserve. DM me with “PHASES” and I will send you the digital book for free! . . . #heartbreak #breakup #emotionalintelligence #relationships #heal #healheartbreak #ex #thankyounext #belindalove #newlove #newrelationship #emotionalhealth #griefjourney
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1 month ago
Gentlemen, The 8 signs you are in the friend zone, and how to get out of it is coming in my upcoming posts. Make sure you’re following with notifications on. You don’t want to miss this! You’re wing woman Belinda 💋 . . . #friendzone #friendzoneseries #datingadvice #loveadvice #relationships #relationshipadviceformen #belindalove
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1 month ago
#1 Thing to Say When You Approach Women Women Let me spill the beans real quick here. It’s not a pick up line. It’s not even a generic compliment like “you’re beautiful”, because every woman out there has heard this a bajillion times throughout her life. Just to clue you in… “The first thing women think when a guy opens with a pick up line is ‘oh, he must have told this to every other girl’, so it’s not genuine.” This is what my friend told me the other day over a drink. So, instead of a corny “Well, I’m here. What are your other two wishes?”, how about complimenting her style?  “Hi, excuse me, I saw you and wanted to say you matched your earrings to your dress really well. I appreciate that you’ve put a lot of effort into your outfit!” Or simply tell her that you’ve noticed her walking by while you were on your way to grab drinks with friends, so you wanted to say hi? It’s genuine because it’s true - you have literally noticed her, thought she was cute, so you approached her. Just say it as it is! Simple & elegant, right? And the best part - it’s sincere. So while saying it, it won’t come off unnatural or creepy. This way you’re already building comfort with her, which is the first step in getting you two to know each other. Enjoy using your new tips! Your wing woman, Belinda 📸 . . . #wingwoman #dating #datingadvice #datingtips #belindalove #attraction #howtotalktoawoman #loveadvice #howtogetadate #relationships #relationshipgoals #relationshipadvice #relationshipexpert #relationshipadviceformen #singles #findlove #compliments
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1 month ago
The Top 3 Mistakes Guys Make When Approaching Women… We can tell when a guy knows what he’s doing. And we can tell when that’s not the case. Here’s how women want you to approach them… This insight comes from my experiences, and from my friends’ encounters with guys. I feel that way too many men don’t do this properly. Mistake #1 - You don’t have a smile & you don’t make eye contact. Sounds innocent, but this is a big one. If we see you’re in a bad mood, or can’t look us in the eye, the natural instinct is to put on our guard. Showing us that nice smile, paired with eye contact does help with comfort (women are big on this). Mistake #2 - A lot of times when a guy approaches us we don’t see him coming. He’ll approach us from behind, or invade our personal space. This is a no-go. We immediately get creeped out. What you want to do is approach her from the front, nice and easy. Mistake #3 - Poor body language - Slouched posture has always been an instant turn off for me. Sneaky tip: walk to her with a slightly slower pace, and take a smidge longer steps. Try to sway your shoulders a bit. This one is rarely talked about, but the way you walk up absolutely matters to us. Just take a look at how James Bond walks (starred by Daniel Craig), and try to replicate it. Keeping your shoulders back and stepping in with confidence is the way to go! Your wing woman Belinda Love 💖 📸 . . . #wingwoman #dating #datingadvice #datingtips #belindalove #attraction #howtotalktoawoman #loveadvice #howtogetadate #relationships #relationshipgoals #relationshipadvice #relationshipexpert #relationshipadviceformen #singles #findlove
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1 month ago