

I’m leaving all lower vibrations behind for the betterment of my higher self. If I got to leave you behind it’s not goodbye forever it’s I’ll see you when you get there 🙏
65 7
1 year ago
Photo dump in the whip ✌🏽 Where my ladies at? 👀
91 16
1 year ago
Doing what makes me feel good brings me piece of mind. Prioritizing health mentally and physically. The year of intention has required much discipline and sacrifice but the journey has kept me grounded. I look forward to closing out the the final quarter of the year with a W!!!! Who’s with me?
62 7
1 year ago
Dreams made of Sand 🏝 and Sun ☀️ #eastbeach #summer2022 #nephewlove
25 0
1 year ago
Every sunset brings the promise of a new Dawn. They are proof that endings can be beautiful too. #Newport
14 0
1 year ago
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. ~Mya Angelou
46 1
1 year ago