Ben Adams - Photographer


Australian Fashion & Portrait Photographer Owner of @sunsetstudiogc
320 13
1 year ago
WORKSHOP: THE ART OF MODELING I have worked with countless models over the years helping them develop their portfolios. One thing that has become obvious to me in that time is that there is a clear need for modeling training within the industry. Many models at all levels are thrown into their careers because of their looks, but often neglect the techniques and awareness of themselves that will separate them above the rest. One of my unique strengths as a photographer is helping you become a better model, not just give you a better portfolio. This is not just a workshop about how to pose, it is a full day of comprehensive learning about bettering yourself completely as a model. If you’re ready to take your modeling career seriously and equip yourself with new perspectives, techniques and strategies moving forward, this is the workshop for you. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN • Discovering your “why”. • Pre-shoot planning. • Industry etiquette. • The importance of using your face. • Posing techniques. • The difference between commercial and editorial modeling. • The Do’s and Don’ts. • Learning to break the rules. • Building an effective portfolio. • and much more! PLUS EVERYONE WILL LEAVE WITH A BRAND NEW HEADSHOT! Visit the website link in my bio and go to workshops to secure your spot!
146 4
21 days ago
I mean I live on the Gold Coast, I guess I should post more swim right?
80 9
1 month ago
@samfrost is a special human. I feel really connected to her whenever she’s in front of my lens. I have a deep respect for her talent and she does with mine which makes a great combination. It’s interesting though understanding that no matter who you are we all struggle with confidence and identity at times. After having a child there were many personal struggles Sam faced. Without going into the details, this shoot was for her to find her confidence again. To find herself again. Sometimes a photoshoot is less about the photos and more about you. It’s about what you discover about you in the process. Although the first photo isn’t the most technical and clearly not a good headshot 😆, in my opinion it was the turning point. Sometimes shaking it out is all that’s needed for freedom to flow. It makes sense, you can’t be free if you don’t let go.
124 8
1 month ago
Maybe the perfect photo isn’t the one that has the best lighting or composition, but the one that simply causes you to pause. We scroll past thousands of images a day, overstimulated by the abundance of content like we’re running through an art gallery. Let’s slow down and enjoy art again. @lenevoigt @shannonjjwilliams @e.s.j.a.y @quemodels
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1 month ago
When you tell the model their Uber Eats order is missing the sauce.
99 5
1 month ago
Ballerina off duty | ft. @sheiscamilla How do you post anything on Instagram when you have 172 favourites from the one series. I honestly don’t know where to start so here’s my attempt at getting some of this content out into the world. @sheiscamilla @e.s.j.a.y @facebyjenn @quemodels @sunsetstudiogc
158 21
1 month ago
Growing up I wanted to be an artist. I was good at it too, but as I got closer to leaving school I realised it was going to be difficult to make a living from it (this was pre social media) so the options were to risk everything to be an artist or become an art teacher as a backup plan. In 2005 I graduated highschool and decided that graphic design was the better path for me to take. It combined my artistic eye with something that was a bit more commercially accepted and financially viable. In 2007 I was offered a position at Billabong which led into the following 7 years designing catalogues, concepting window displays, packaging design and creating boardshort and T-shirt art. Starting there at 19 years old was a dream Job. I was a designer and illustrator for the largest surf brand in the world. Surrounded by surf and art magazines was my life as a grom and now into my career. When I picked up a camera for the first time in 2013 to take photos for my wife’s emerging fashion brand, I had no idea it would take over my life, but I did know I wanted to be good at it. I dabbled in surf photography, but when the waves were good I wanted to be surfing not taking photos. I had a crack at weddings but the days were too chaotic. I tried real estate but I was bored. I’ve always been asked “why fashion photography?” And I’ve come to realise that to me it’s the most artistic, design centred expression of photography. Seeing your image in a magazine with a logo on it is like the stamp of approval. I grew up playing sports and to me, a little bit of this industry is me chasing the trophy. It’s saying “Ben, you put your mind and your ability to something and you bloody achieved it”. I don’t know what’s next for me, but right now, this is right where I’m meant to be.
253 67
1 month ago