Bernard Scott | Health & Fitness Coach


🔥I Help Men Lose Fat, Build Muscle & a Limitless Mindset 🙏God First 🥊 Crohn’s Warrior since 2011 🏆 TEDx Speaker 🧬Lifetime Natural ✌️DM “Champ”
How Nathan Gained Fat-Free 8.2kg (18lbs) of Muscle in 4 Months and WON the National Racing Championship! When @nathan.herne started training with me he was already training for 4.5 years! He plateaued at 75kg (165lbs). This really frustrated him, as he was eating healthy and a "lot". This discouraged him as he was working hard, yet not seeing the results he was hoping for! As a pro race car driver he had a lot of commitments. He worked a lot. Raced a lot. We’re talking about 10-12 hour work days and plenty of travel! Nathan’s goal was to get to 80kg (176lbs) in 4 months... we killed it by getting all the way to 83.2kg (183lbs)!! The biggest change Nathan noticed was his drastic change in confidence & mindset! You might be wondering, how did all this happen? 🏆I built Nathan a custom nutrition plan based around his extremely busy schedule. The meal plan included foods Nathan loved . We made sure his nutritional needs were met without jeopardising his work! This way he was more productive and energised! 🏆Check in calls & mindset training We had regular check in calls. During those check in calls we talked about training, nutrition... but most importantly the mindset! These mindset calls helped shift Nathan’s identity into that elite racing driver. Nathan is an incredibly skilled driver . However, as with a lot of elite athletes/CEOs he used to have a hard time controlling his emotions. In fact, before his championship race we called and I helped set his mind right. The results speak for themselves! He became the CHAMPION! Coming into the program Nathan already had a great work ethic. Nonetheless, throughout our work together he became even more driven, disciplined, focused & determined! 🏆Daily accountability! I reached out to Nathan everyday making sure his nutrition was on point! The daily accountability allowed Nathan to build the momentum to become the man he is today! Now Nathan is looking towards having the best year of his life! 2022 will be his year! Make sure to follow him! NOTE: first slide shows a 7 month difference!! If you want to take yourself to that elusive next level & are willing to put in the work DM me “Champion”
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2 years ago
How Miguel’s Confidence Skyrocketed in JUST 9 Weeks, Training ONLY 2-3x a week! Miguel came to me wanting to lose fat and build muscle as he knew he was living below his full potential. This was really frustrating for him, as he knew & felt there was more for him. However, working long hours he found it difficult to have enough time to structure a routine that would be efficient . This is because as a busy man, time is literally money. We can never get back a minute that passed. There were 3 main pillars to help Miguel improve his confidence: 🏆1. The actual results! Miguel was setting new personal records EVERY SINGLE TRAINING. This is due to the coaching app I use with my clients. It allows us to strategically see what we did during our last workout, and then improve upon it. Miguel was training 2-3x a week. The focus was to improve from workout to workout, without spending hours in the gym! Miguel consistently was spending LESS than 3-4 hours on training per week. The real confidence came in when other people told Miguel that he looks visibly better . 🏆2. Keeping promises he made to himself! We live in a society where a lot of people talk great game, however they do not back it up! With daily accountability, Miguel was fully supported in his pursuit of excellence. This was not only in the physical, but also mental. We worked through different strategies to make sure Miguel was on point in his mental space. 🏆3. Improved mindset! With weekly live calls, we dissected different aspects of Miguel’s mentality, helping him get to a higher level. What were the results? • Miguel now has the confidence to be shirtless when he wants to. This is because he worked hard, and EARNED the right to be proud. • Miguel moved countries, and started a higher paying job. • Miguel learnt that it is not necessary to spend countless hours in the gym to achieve results! Are you ready to step into a more confident version of yourself without sacrificing countless hours training? DM me “confidence” to see if you’re a good fit for the program.
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2 years ago
2022 could have been the LAST year of my life☠️ Do you ever visit a graveyard and have your heart broken when you see extremely young people lie there? I definitely am. How would you feel if this was your last year on Earth? No more second chances. That’s exactly how I felt. The possibility of it being the last year of my life was very real if I didn’t go to the hospital... In that hospital I could have been scarred for life. The operation was planned to split my core in the middle. This would lead to even more operations in the future. The Crohn’s would gradually k*ll me. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case. I denied the operation. I lost a LOT of muscle. Currently I’m at 73kg and I was 59.8kg when I left the hospital. I was extremely weak as well. My confidence was down, as after specialist doctors told me that I needed to gain weight, I took it super seriously and packed on a lot of weight... and fat. That affected my confidence 😔 That’s when I decided to take care of the nutrition, and start training again, carefully listening to my body... Now I am on a path to recovery! The next steps are still uncertain, however, I have faith it will all work out for the greatest good in the end! What’s something you overcame this year?
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1 year ago
3 Tips I’d Give my Younger Self after Training Consistently for Almost 10 years‼️ 1. Do it for yourself 🙌🏆 This is probably one of the main reasons why I’ve been so consistent. I LOVE training! It’s a break. So I’d tell my younger self to find some intrinsic motivation (something that comes from within). I would tell him to do it to maximise his potential. To improve his confidence. To help him feel more comfortable in his own skin. To inspire those around him through his work ethic. 2. Bad workouts are a part of the process 😔😅 Look brother! Not all workouts will be heroic! You *might* even miss some of them! That’s part of being human! Sometimes the stress from your life will be destroying your recovery. Sometimes you’ll be working like crazy on your other dreams and won’t be sleeping much … The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen!! 3. If you’re not tracking you’re slacking 😡📝📊 Look, the way to build muscle, strength, speed, power or even money is via TRACKING! If you track what you’re doing, you’ll move so much faster! I’d tell my younger self that he’d have my physique in half the time or less if he tracked everything he ate and all the weights he lifted! Want more tips and posts like this? Follow my account and comment “🔥🔥🔥” #MyTrainingMistakes #LearnFromMistakes #LearnMore #BecomeMore #BecomeBetter #SelfImprovementJourney #BetterDaily #HealthAndFitnessCoach #HandstandWalk
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3 hours ago
What you don’t know about the human metabolism👇 After studying sports science at the best university for it in the UK and learning from some of the best professors in the world I can tell you this: The human metabolism is much more complicated than many people give it credit to be🤨 There are a few main variables which we can control regarding the metabolism and how we look. It’s very common for people to need to keep dropping their calories as they lose weight… why is that? 1. A smaller body will burn less calories at rest and in general 2. The metabolism ADAPTS to lower food intakes so it DOES actually slow down! 🍱 While I wouldn’t call it “starvation mode” as much… cause that’s way too extreme of a name for MOST people who’ll ever come across this post. However, it is true that our metabolism slows down. So the food intake that once helped you lose that fat… can now help accumulate it!😑 So where does the pizza tie into this equation? Well… what I do with my clients and myself is that we want to move efficiently! That means not getting fat when building muscle and not losing muscle when trimming fat mass❕ So in order to accomplish that we need the metabolism working for us, not against us. That can be done by accomplishing fat loss at the higher possible caloric intake… OR By accepting that the metabolism WILL inevitably slow down a *bit* but the *time saved* by moving faster will be worth it. And there’s also this concept of “diet breaks” which is both for physiology and psychology. The pizza and ice cream in Italy were all a part of that! The same way 2 weeks of holidays won’t make your physique substantially better, they won’t ruin it either. It’s what you do consistently that matters! For a customised plan DM me “start now” and I’ll see if you’re in a position where it’s appropriate for us to work together! Any questions feel free to ask in the DMs or comment! Do you like pineapple on pizza? #PizzaLover🍕 #PizzaLovers🍕 #ItalianPizza #loveItaly🇮🇹 #BoostYourMetabolism #MetabolicHealth #FunFood #OnlineNutritionCoach #EatHealthier
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1 day ago
Not many people know… but I WAS vegan between September 2019 and June 2022 and it *almost* cost me MY LIFE💀 So how did it happen? I was living a bad lifestyle. I was a vegan for the animals… I love animals. I love nature… good marketing and I was vegan… Little did I know that Crohn’s disease actually requires more protein because the body is literally braking itself down in real time. My diet was NOT clean. I was eating a crazy amount of vegan processed food… And what ended up happening was there was a fistula. That being a small hole between my intestines. My stomach was a bloated as though I was about to give birth… However, it was because there was a CATASTROPHE going on inside and my entire digestive system was getting destroyed in real time. Could barely walk. Each laugh. Each sneeze would hurt WAY worse than getting punched in the face. By a NAUTICAL MILE‼️ So this led me to be very protein deprived and on top of that with fibre which is the LAST thing you want when you’re going through a wild flare up! And while I was in the hospital I had literal dreams of eating a steak and fried fish… And through all the pain and nightmares I went through in that hospital I was ready to take animals life with my own hands if needs be. I thank God every single day for being here and for my health. Health is one of those things we take for granted until we lose it! Now you can understand a bit more why I’m so driven to help others. Your family doesn’t want to see you in a coffin and neither do it! There are a LOT of unseen diseases which are literally slowly but surely k1ll1ng you! What do you think about the vegan diet? Let me know on the poll or in the comments! #CrohnsDiseaseAwareness #CrohnsFighter #CrohnsWarrior #healthiswealth🌳💰💯
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2 days ago
Why I have notifications switched OFF pretty much everywhere⁉️ I think mental health is very important. June being men’s mental health awareness month. So firstly I want to touch on that. For mental health you need to learn to be present in the moment. Not letting your mind take you to that dark place. The phone 📱 can be great… but it can also be a massive distraction and very overwhelming!! Having notifications switched off allows you to be more present in the moment and forget about all the toxicity available on social media. Secondly, having a LOT happening on the phone between friends, family, clients etc would mean that there would be a LOT of notifications. 🔔 As someone who is determined to become the most elite version of myself I place a lot of value on being as productive as possible! Notifications ARE distracting. Anyone who says they aren’t doesn’t actually understand focus. I’ve studied focus on an academic level. When you’re in a flow state a notification popping off will have your brain thinking “is it important?” “What app is it from?” “Is it urgent?” Etc. If you’re currently working, and working on something big, important and meaningful then it’s in your best interest to STAY in that productive zone as long as possible. And most importantly, the reason behind having notifications off is that this way I DECIDE when the phone gets my attention. Doing things on MY TIME not the phones time. Hopefully this helps! Do you have notifications on or off? #BePresentInTheMoment #NoDistractions #LaserFocus #ProductivityHacks #MentalHealthMonth #LiveYourLifeNow #LiveYourLifeToTheFullest #ExploreSardinia
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3 days ago
My Cheat Code which helped me lose fat over holidays! So it’s commonly accepted that when travelling for work or holidays one HAS to lose their fitness progress… That’s not true. There’s no law saying you’ll inevitably lose your progress… It’s simply that you: A. Don’t want it bad enough B. Have flawed foundations so it’s extremely difficult to maintain C. You don’t know how and then it’s not really your fault How I did it WITHOUT tracking calories! I have heard of people carrying food scales with them to weigh out food all the time… and that’s extreme and rarely anyone will EVER have get even close to that extreme to make their goals happen! My strategy was very simple. It uses the very basic principle that in order to lose fat we need to burn more calories than we consume. However, being in Italy I wanted to eat ALL the gelati I could (artisanally made Italian ice cream from local ingredients!) 🍨🍦 Also had quite a few pizzas 🍕 But what I did to counteract that was: - Be more active. Explore the area by walking around - Went for a fasted long distance run 1x a week. One of them being a 10k run and the other a 16k run. If you find a way to enjoy being active it’ll make it wayyyy easier to enjoy food and lose fat! Just gotta either find cardio that you enjoy OR teach yourself to enjoy it! I quite literally out trained a bad diet. Of course, I’ve been training for a long time and absolutely love training! You can also become someone who really enjoys exercise meaning that it’s NATURAL for you to exercise. Do you train on holidays?
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4 days ago
Too many people go about change the wrong way! They think that forcing a new version is the way to go… But what ends up happening is that they just build a lot of resistance. There are times when it makes sense to go really hard and use all the willpower you have… And there are times when it makes sense to back off and re-strategise instead of banging your head against the wall ‼️ So how do you go about it? You need to go deep. Introspection is your friend here. What actions do you need to undertake daily? What time should you wake up? How should you start your day? How should you end your day? Who should you spend time around? What values should you be driven by? What standards should you uphold yourself and others to? These are all important questions to ask yourself! I go through a very in-depth call with all my clients starting the program to answer those questions and help them gain ultimate clarity regarding their situation. If you think you could be a good fit for my program DM me “get started”🤝 #MindsetOfAChampion #MindsetOfExcellence ##BecomeYourBestSelf #BecomeGreater #HabitsOfHealth #HabitsMakeResults #SixPackAbs #ExploreSardinia #LoveItaly🇮🇹
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5 days ago
No problem Here’s the information about CLR GTR: The Mercedes CLR GTR is a remarkable racing car celebrated for its outstanding performance and sleek design. Powered by a potent 6.0-liter V12 engine, it delivers over 600 horsepower.🔧 Acceleration from 0 to 100km/h takes approximately 3.7 seconds, with a remarkable top speed surpassing 320km/h. 🥇 Incorporation advanced aerodynamic features and cutting-edge stability technologies, the ClR GTR ensures exceptional stability and control, particularly during high-speed maneuvers. 💨 Originally priced around $1.5 million, the Mercedes CLR GTR is considered one of the most exclusive and prestigious racing cars ever produced. 💰 Its limited production run of just five units adds to its rarity, making it highly sought after by racing enthusiasts and collectors worldwide. 🌎
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8 days ago
There’s too many people who just TALK. They talk about their plans. They talk about their failures. They talk about their dreams. They talk about how they have had enough and are ready to change… Just to do absolutely nothing! Do. Not. Be. One. Of. Them. Be a honourable man. Do what you say you’ll do! #itsoktofail #itsokaytonotbeokay #fearnot #senditsaturday #bemore
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9 days ago
Always wanted to learn the handstand push up⁉️ But you don’t know how to go about it? I got you!! Of course, if you want to do a handstand push up without the wall, it’s very important to be able to hold a handstand! However, to do an “accidental” handstand push up you can get away without a consistent handstand hold!! I learned the push ups almost by accident, as when I was holding the handstand I’d “fail into” a handstand push up. I know that doesn’t sound logical… but if you bend your elbows in a handstand it’ll often prevent you from falling down if you do it the right way! However, I also had a lot of baseline strength cause I’ve been training for a LONG time! If you want to fast-track your progress I’d of course recommend training specifically for the handstand push up! I won’t say how long it’ll take or how long it should take cause everyone is different! The first exercise progression is called a “pike push up” cause you basically pike yourself. What I mean by that is start up in a push up position and walking up to where your hips are significantly above your head! This will put a larger amount of your body weight on your shoulders! The more piked you are the harder it’ll be! Here are some form tips: - keep your hands slightly more than shoulder width apart - lean over your hands when performing the reps - keep your legs as straight as you can Once you get to a comfortable set of 8-10 reps you’re ready for the next step! 2. Elevated Pike push ups! This is basically the same thing but with feet elevated! The process of elevating your feet will place even more of your body weight on your shoulders. The higher the feet the harder! Here the form is a copy of the pike push ups which is good, as you’ll already know what to do! Get to a set where your feet are elevated to above your knees and get to 8-10 reps. Then you’ll be ready for the final step of the progression! 3. Back to wall handstand push ups! That’s the final step! Back to wall handstand push ups are more natural for a lot of people and they don’t require as much flexibility as stomach to wall handstand push ups! (In comments as I ran out of space)
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10 days ago