Biennale Matter of Art

The 2024 edition organized by will take place from June 14 to September 29, at the National Gallery Prague. Subscribe to our newsletter
✅ [ ZBYNEK BALADRAN NEWS ] @zbynekbaladran 👏 Artist Zbyněk Baladrán is not satisfied with the ways museums tell our history. They make the story smooth, linear and repetitive. History is always divided into us and them, the powerful and the powerless, the rich and the poor, natives and foreigners. Museums do not pay attention to unexpected turns of history, they give simple answers and often describe the stories of those who have the power. For that reason Zbynek Baladrán creates his own displays, diagrams, and even museums themselves. Through them he explains complicated connections, economic systems and possibilities for better futures. For the Matter of Art Biennale the artist was invited to think about the way museums tell stories of social uprisings, radical politics, and collective efforts. He should have presented his installation at the Museum of the Cooperative Association of the Czech Republic. The museum tells the story of how people can unite to achieve goals instead of competing for them. Unfortunately, it seems that people are not very interested in the ideas of collective efforts and economic forms of cooperation. … Zbyněk Baladrán (*1973) is a visual artist, curator, and exhibition designer. He focuses on the contradictions of the contemporary world and the possibilities of understanding them through art and artistic practice. He studied art history at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University and New Media at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. In 2001 he cofounded Display – Association for Research and Collective Practice, where he works as a curator and organizer. 📷 Work exhibited in the Trade Fair Palace: Sclerosis Multiplex / 2024 / series of 10 assemblages / combined technique on plexiglass / each 100 × 70 cm / courtesy of the artist #zbynekbaladran #zbyněkbaladrán #greatartist #contemporaryartcurator #praha🇨🇿 #biennalematterofart #2024 #historyofart #museum #installationartwork #family #gandygallery #gandygalleryarchives #easterneurope #tranzitcz #lidiceartcollection #museumofmodernart #
3 hours ago
🌞 Zažijte léto plné pohody, umění a pohybu v Lidické galerii a její zahradě – vstup zdarma!  🌱 V rámci čtyř letních výstav – "Oslava života 2027–1959", "Žádný pocit netrvá věčně. Díla na papíře ze solidárních sbírek Skopje a Lidice.", "Bienále Ve věci umění: Dernier Poème" a "SOULAD" – nabízíme veřejný program plný umění a pohody. 🌾 VEŘEJNÝ PROGRAM — Léto 2024 🧘‍♀️ Pravidelná cvičení jógy v zahradě 📅 středy 17., 24., 31. července a 7. srpna 2024 ⏰ vždy mezi 16h a 17h Přijďte si zacvičit jógu pod vedením certifikované lektorky. Přineste si vlastní podložku a potvrďte účast na V případě deště se akce nekoná. 🎒 Výlet do Lidické sbírky umění 📅 sobota 20. července 2024 ⏰ mezi 10h a 15h Jednodenní uměleckohistorický výlet do Lidic organizovaný Národní galerií Praha v rámci spolupráce na dvou-výstavě "Žádny pocit netrvá věčně." Rezervace nutná - více info na webu NGP. 🎨 Komentovaná prohlídka: „Dernier Poème“ 📅 sobota 20. července 2024 ⏰ mezi 14h a 15h Prohlídku kurátorské intervence ukrajinského umělce Nikity Kadana povede ředitelka Bienále Ve věci umění, Tereza Stejskalová. 🖼️ Komentovaná prohlídka: SOULAD 📅 středa 31. července 2024 ⏰ mezi 15h a 16h Prohlídku výstavy Soulad povedou studentky kurátorských studií UJEP, Ústí n. Labem, které výstavu v rámci studií připravily. Sraz je v recepci Lidické galerie. 🕊️ JAK SE K NÁM DOSTANETE? 🚴 Doporučujeme kolo. 🚌 Ze stanice Metra A „Nádraží Veleslavín” autobusem 300 do zastávky „Lidice – Památník” a pěšky cca 8 min. 📍 Lidická galerie, Tokajická 152, 273 54 Lidice ⏰ denně od 9:00 do 17:00 🎟️ vstup do expozic Lidické sbírky umění je do 29. září 2024 zdarma 📸 fotografie z instalací aktuálních výstav Lidické sbírky umění. Foto: Lenka Lormanová (1,4), Karolína Matušková (2,5) a Jonáš Verespejš (3). #oslavazivota #pamatniklidice #lidickagalerie #vytvarnavystava #marieuchytilova100 #lidiceartcollection #barnettstross125 #LidickáGalerie #Umění #Léto2024 #Yoga #bienaleveveciumeni #KomentovanáProhlídka
1 day ago
coming up TODAY afternoon: the next (and last) of our marathon public events with : UPROOTING ILL HEALTH (Vytrhnout nemoc z kořenů) in the park of BOHNICE Psychiatric Hospital in collaboration with @institute_of_anxiety and @v_kolona we will try to resist the heatwave and plunge our hands into the earth to do some gardening with the Institute of Anxiety from 14:00, who will tell us more about the Garden they recently started on the premises of Bohnice 🌿🌿🌿 at 16:00 we'll move to the shade with Apolena Rychlíková and Tomáš Uhnák to talk about the mental health of farmers in Eastern Europe, about their efforts to be resilient while facing increasing pressure due to economic instability and climate crisis (“I'm in the worst psychological state I have ever been in," one of the farmers told Apolena.) 💊💊💊 at 17:30 Hannah Proctor will give a talk on her recent book BURNOUT: The Emotional Experience of Political Defeat, exploring the history of how political activists have reacted to defeat, frustration, and disappointment 🔥🔥🔥 and the icing on the cake will be a concert by Peter Kolárčik & Christopher Pauliny from 19:00 at V. kolona! come and join us! full programme in comment.
5 days ago
𝓢𝓸𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓤𝓷𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓽 – 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓪𝓵𝓮 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 was published on the occasion of the third Biennale Matter of Art. 🌸How do people in rural areas organize to effect change in society? How can people strike and achieve their political demands? How can care be organized as a basis for solidarity and mutual aid? We are curious about the various ways in which unrest—a state of dissatisfaction, disturbance, and agitation—can grow in unexpected places. 🌸It was edited by Aleksei Borisionok and Katalin Erdődi, curators of the Biennale Matter of Art 2024. #sowingunrest #biennale #biennalereader #vevěciumění2024 #matterofart2024 #artmap #knihkupectvíartmap #artmapbookstore #artbookstoreprague #artbooksprague #českéknihy
6 days ago
✊🌱 Sowing Unrest: the Biennale Matter of Art 2024 reader, edited by Aleksei Borisionok and Katalin Erdődi 🧡 English edition is now available in our online bookshop and in the @ngprague bookshop in the Trade Fair Palace! The Czech language edition is coming soon! With newly commissioned as well as republished essays, conversations, poems, and artistic contributions, it grafts the two curatorial threads of the biennale—Aleksei Borisionok’s interest in workers’ movements and Katalin Erdődi’s focus on rural change—in order to talk about the past, present, and future of political movements across the rural–urban divide. Texts: Kateryna Aliinyk, Aleksei Borisionok, Ramona Duminicioiu, Katalin Erdődi, Fernando García-Dory, Kateřina Kolářová, Tomasz Rakowski, Marta Romankiv, Galina Rymbu, Olia Sosnovskaya, Alex Toshkov, Tomáš Uhnák, Maja Vusilović Visual Essays: Orla Barry, eeefff, Katheryna Lysovenko, Tamás Kaszás 📸 Jonáš Verešpej Ve věci umění Matter of Art Biennale 2024 14.6.–29.9.2024 📍 @ngprague 🎫 Free admission / Vstup zdarma The publication was financially supported by the ERSTE foundation and the Ministry of Culture Czech republic
6 days ago
Public service announcement!🎨 Till 29 September @ngprague is hosting a fantastic exhibition which features, among many other wonderful works, the installation by the Central Asian art and research collective @davracollective 💔 I was deeply moved by their work, by its complexity, depth, dedication, and most importantly, its significance. “Taming Waters and Women in Soviet Central Asia” explores the invisible bodies of the people who built the Great Fergana Canal in 1939 in Uzbekistan - the bodies of the workers and the bodies of the women who were “liberated” by the Soviet regime to increase the volume of production and entertain the men by dancing and singing. As a Central Asian woman I keep thinking about the double bind of female liberation and oppression. Other works are equally thought-provoking. All of them engage with the same theme - the invisibility of the working class, the rural class, migrants, refugees, non-human nature. What does this all say about our precarious times? How to achieve solidarity? #biennalematterofart #davra #art #artexhibition #exhibition #solidarity
10 days ago
✨ The opening of the Biennale Matter of Art in the Lidice Art Collection was terrific last week. We are grateful to the artists and curators who collaborated with our collection and all who came for the afternoon. 💚 Our special thanks go to Nikita Kadan for his curatorial intervention "Dernier Poème" in the Lidice Gallery and to Marta Popivova for her deep artistic engagement with Ms Skleničková, the last surviving woman of the Lidice Massacre, resulting in a moving image that is on display in the @ngprague We are also incredibly thankful to everyone at including all the guests and last but not least to both curators of the Aleksei Borisionok and Katalin Erdődi. 🌱 The Biennale Matter of Art 2024 is open to the public free of charge in the National Gallery Prague - Trade Fair Palace, Prague, and the Lidice Gallery - Lidice Memorial until September 29, 2024, daily. 🫂 Biennale Matter of Art 2024: "Dernier Poème" curated by Nikita Kadan 🖼️ Kateryna Aliinyk, Michael Ayrton, Yevgenia Belorusets, Arthur Degner, Yaroslav Futymsky, Hans Grundig, Nikita Kadan, Dana Kavelina & Olha Marusyn, Georgies Kotsonis, Yuri Leiderman, Kateryna Lysovenko, M. Marizza, Ján Mudroch, Tetiana Nylivna Yablonska, Margaryta Polovynko, Anton Saienko and Ilya Todurkin 📆 15 Jun—29 Sep 2024, 9 am - 5 pm, daily 📍 Lidice Gallery, Tokajická 152, Lidice ♥️ Admission free. 📸 photographs from the opening of the "Dernier Poème", Lidice Gallery, 15 June 2024, Jonáš Verespejš
11 days ago
bienále Ve věci 🐝🦋🦄🌾🌸💨
11 days ago
Gallery dog Bambi. Travelling with two stars. Soulful people heartfelt city. I can imagine moving to Prague! Hardworking, a reset, ready to carry on London life 😵‍💫
12 days ago
Next stop - 𝐕&𝐀 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐦 Friday Late : Dreams and Desires, showing “utopian peripheral landscapes” by Yarli Allison & Letizia Miro. TY Carrie Chan for inviting! 📅 Mark the date 28 JUN from 6:30pm Our works this time intertwines themes of future feminism, labour, biotechnology innovations, and spirituality, offering a reflective and immersive experience. addresses the evolving role of faith and comfort within marginalised communities, particularly focusing on the experiences of female labourers. We’ll feature 3 components: our film “This is Not for Clients”, explores the personal experiences of Letizia Miro as an escort, inviting visitors into the inner world of a sex worker. Transitioning from self-fiction to collective fiction, it compiles pillow talk through interviews with escorts, transforming it into hope and utopia. The poem “Peripheral Corporalities” celebrates resilience and hope, presenting their voices verbatim and emphasising their agency. a performance @maedbjoy explores the intimate struggles of fictional fantasy characters, titled “The Pain in Privacy” & an interactive activity - Visitors are invited to participate in the gesture of 點睛 (draw gazes) on their chosen 3D printed spiritual deity by Yarli, to evoke good wishes, fostering a renewed spiritual relationship while acknowledging the past and contemplating the future. This act serves as a metaphor for rebuilding faith in uncertain times. Historically, women & migrants in factories found solace in spiritual icons made of ceramic, providing comfort amidst their struggles. These ceramic statues, often mass-produced by the labourers themselves, represented a tangible connection to faith. The advent of 3D printing technology today threatens these traditional roles and the meaning of ‘bio material’ objects. Through the work, we’ll question the future of spirituality and connectivity as technology advances in society. As machines replace human labour, how does this shift impact our perception of gods and spirituality? Can new material and tech alter or redefine our beliefs? Supported by Hong Kong Arts Development Council #art #contemporaryart @vamuseum #fridaylate
15 days ago
June 13th marks the opening of the third edition of , curated by Katalin Erdődi @katalin.erdodi and Aleksei Borisionok @borisonik6000 featuring a new commission by @davracollective titled “Taming Waters and Women in Soviet Central Asia,” represented by @zuma.mir , @madikendraws , and @saodatismailova . The exhibition takes place in the Grand Hall at the National Gallery Prague (Trade Fair Palace) and will be open until September 29, 2024. Centered around The Great Fergana Canal and the Cotton Dance Paxta Raqsi, the work explores the historical connections between inadequate water exploitation and female labor in Soviet-era Central Asia for industrial ends, particularly in cotton production. The new commission is a spatial installation that includes photography, textile works, collages, and archival films. The Biennale Matter of Art was founded by in 2020 to explore whether and how it is possible to create larger-scale exhibition projects as political and institutional interventions.
16 days ago