
Philippians 4:13 ❤🌛☀️🌦 I AM LOVE ❤️
Good morning my beauties and uglies!!! Lol Gym selfies are very different nowadays!! I remember at the start of my journey how I would DREAM of having a different body and my friends and family can tell how many times I stood in front of the mirror and i would suck in my stomach and try to tuck it in to the point where I imagined how I would look to not have an apron belly! Fast forward, listen to this, 10 years later !!! Yes 10 years later, after lots of hard work and help of God and my Dr, I, no longer have to dream of a different body. I made it happen for myself. I tried every diet, I did just cardio then i learned about weights and now I'm learning that there's soo many ways to move our body and still see results but it's up to us to go out and explore what works for us. At the end of the day, just like with everything else in life there's really no one size fits all. What worked or has been working for me might not work for you but I do strongly believe you are worthy of atleast trying to find out.. you have nothing good to loose and EVERYTHING to gain! Let this be a reminder that good things take time and hard work, let's stop settling and get to work. 👏 If you've fallen off or haven't been as consistent with any goal you may have just get back on track! You can do it. Remember, if we're aren't happy with ANYTHING in our lives, we have the power to change it. Don't let things happen to you, make them happen for you!! Wishing everyone a Happy Tuesday!! God bless you all!! 🩷 #workout #fitness #happygirl #nevergiveup #keepgoing #youvsyou #posttummytuck #youcandoit #consistency
48 3
1 day ago
Happy Monday, beauties and uglies!! 🩷 If you needed some motivation to get your ass up on this lovely Monday or this lovely 1st of the month, TADA!! Lol! But for reals!! I hope you all are having a lovely Monday but let's make it better by loving on ourselves and get that body moving, get that nourishing food into our system, hydrate and be grateful that we get to see today!! Let's (i say let's because I'm human too) get out of own way and do the damn thing!! No matter how hard it is! If you've been here long enough you guys know I've been at this for a while and I have no intentions of stopping. Just cause we got a tummy tuck, does not mean the work stops, hells no!! We take care of the things we love, I LOVE MYSELF ! 🩷 God bless you guys!! And if you need help, I'm always a DM away and if you're shy, talk to God, he'll help you too! #happymonday #motivation #fitness #1stofthemonth Who's intentionally moving their body today?! Drop a 💪🚶‍♀️🚶🏃‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍➡️🏋‍♂️🏋‍♀️ which ever relates to you!
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2 days ago
Thank you guys amazing night 🥰✨ thank you for the laughs , very humble keep hustling ✅ @doknowsworld @daisyroxx_comedy @youngbeavz.comedy @christianzcomedy
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4 days ago
Last night was too dope! Thank you, sis @angelitamamacitaaa , for a night out! @doknowsworld @youngbeavz.comedy @daisyroxx_comedy @christianzcomedy It was great watching you all perform! Best first comedy show ever ! Shoutout out to all them for doing the damn thang!! Keep doing the damn thang!! God bless and thanks for a great night! Many many laughs! #nightout #comedyshow #laughfactory #cutesisters @jst_yappin love you, son!! Happy you experienced this with us!! P.S thank you to the stranger who took our pics but bruh!! Lol
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4 days ago
GUYS!! WHO IS THIS?! I FEEL SOOO HAPPY! I STILL CANT BELIEVE THIS IS MY NEW BODY!! AND HONESTLY HAPPY IS AN UNDERSTATEMENT!! I still have alot of swelling to go down according to my Dr and my massage therapist but things looks great so far! I honestly didnt know what to expect post surgery as far as how my body would look but I am soo happy for me !! 🥰😍😘 I deserved this!! God is my witness and you guys are too! I've busted my ass and it was about time!! Ahh you guys have no idea how happy I made myself with pulling the trigger on getting my surgery!!! As always, I appreciate everyone that has been reaching out and that have been supportive! It really means alot! 🩷 #postsurgery #weightloss #cosmeticsurgery #tummytuck360
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1 month ago
Been thinking about how I feel about what up next and tbh I can't say anything but excited and happy maybe a tad bit scared but not really, I know God is with me. 🩷 I feel as I'm about to step into a whole new chapter of my life...Old Blanca out, New Blanca in !! Tomorrow I'm up for surgery and all I feel is gratitude. No more foopah for me. 🥲 I know alot of people see nothing wrong with my body but what I see is something completely different and with like everything negative in our life, we cutting that ish out!! Lol 🙌 I've busted my ass and I , so deserve it! 😊 I'm excited to share this new chapter with you all!! And whether surgery is something you're considering or not, remember stay true to you. Do things that make YOU happy. No one's opinion is more important than yours when it comes to your life. Believe it or not, I may seem confident and all but I'm human and I'm still working on not caring what others think. This is MY life and I'm determined to live it to the fullest without my foopah! Don't forget you're powerful AF!! Take your power and go create the life YOU want. Thank you to all my people that love me and support me, I'm soo grateful for you all !! You know who you are!! 💕 #weightloss #transformation #lifestyle #weightlossjourney #weightlossmotivation #2024weightloss #motivational #healthylifestyle ##healthyliving
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2 months ago
Happy Thursday, beauties and uglies!! Checking in with my monthly progress 😊 pretty proud of myself!! For the past 3 months I've managed to lose 5lbs a month! Putting me at 15lb loss since I started posting again! It's true what they say, time is going to pass anyways, it's what we do with that time that matters. Thank you to all my IG fam for all the support. 🩷 I truly appreciate you all! And also want to say if you've been on your own journey on the DL , I see your stories! Keep going!! Im rooting for you!! This isn't easy but it's worth it!! I send you all a big hug and lots of love ! 170s, I see you 👁👁🙉 Starting weight in Feb : 198lbs (black sports bra ) Current weight : 183 lbs Quien dijo miedo?! Haha come on guys!! Get out of your own way!! You soo got this!! #weightloss #lifestyle
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2 months ago
I'm pretty proud of myself for this one! Dont get me wrong, I've planned PLENTY of trips but this one was a bit tricky for me because although, I know I'm courageous and brave this trip was tricky for me because of unpredictable weather. I honestly was super anxious about this one because of ALL the fear that is associated with snow and driving. I rescheduled the trip once because of it, but I really had to tell myself to get out of my head. I did what I had to, to be safe, which was to be prepared with chains, but that still didn't calm my anxiety fully. The night before leaving I pray to God and I reminded myself to fully trust that everything was going to be okay, I did what I had to do to make sure I was safe on my end the rest was out of my hands and I'm glad I did ! There was not nearly as much snow at all as I thought, I didn't even need them! I honestly feel I got the best of both worlds and it was soo worth it to face my fears! This was a lovely reminder to get out of my head and just do it! Soo glad I was able to do it! It was also a perfect example as to you'll never know unless you try!! One day I'll probably drive through the snow, just not now. 🙊 Hope everyone had a lovely day and was able to intentionally move their body... the whole time while hiking one of my main thoughts were how grateful I am to be able to just move my body soo let this be your friendly reminder to not take the ability to move your body for granted, always push yourself even when you don't want to do anything.. something is always better than nothing! 💕💕💕 #hiking #physicalactivity #workoutinnature #walking #views #mountains #parks #happygirl #yougotthis #lifeisgood #grateful #blessed #motivation #sequoia #marblefallstrail #horsecreek
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2 months ago
Who wants to take a guess of how far along I am? 🤭 That is what I see when I look at this picture! Shoutout to my sister for the picture! Its not an ugly picture but the first thing that came to mind was "Omg, I look pregnant" I, in fact, am not pregnant. I'm just a girl carrying around her foopah.. lol I'd be lying if I said I'm comfortable in my body.. I'm not. I know I've come a long way and I'm very proud of myself. I know I'm not ugly and some may say " you look good" and thank you to those that remind me that. Reason for the post to show you guys, I'm human too. I pick myself apart. Then again, we are our worst critic! The difference though is what we choose to do. Are we willing to shut the voice in our head? Are we willing to go against the toughest person we know (ourselves)? Remember time is going to pass anyways... what we do with it is what matters! And yes maybe rn, I feel I look pregnant sometimes but instead of crying about it or doing nothing about it.. I've chosen to create new habits and change the lifestyle that I know was not bringing me happiness. Remember beauties and uglies, YOU ARE POWERFUL! YOU GET TO CREATE YOUR LIFE! DON'T SETTLE, PUSH YOURSELF BECAUSE I KNOW FIRST HAND NO ONE IS GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU! ANYWAYS HOPE THIS SERVES IT'S PURPOSE WHICH IS TO INSPIRE SOMEONE. MUCH LOVE ALWAYS !! I added an old progress pic from the beginning of my journey back in 2014/2013 for the new followers ! Whos been here since the beginning? Drop a 💪 And for my new people, drop a 👋! #weightloss #lifestyle #sisepuede #positivevibes
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2 months ago
Happy 1st, Everyone! I hope everyone had a successful 1st of the month. Hopefully pagaron la renta and hopefully this Monday was the Monday you decided you wanted to make a change.. and maybe it wasn't and that's okay!! One thing I've learned is that todo a su tiempo and that applies to everyone. I've also learned that not everyone's timing is the same ! Shoutout to me !! 5lbs loss this month puts me at 188!! I can already see me hitting 170s !! 🤗👏 Just a friendly reminder that with anything you do in life, the only way you'll see results is if you stay consistent.. keyword CONSISTENT not perfect just consistent! BTW: I still go back to look at pics of old me and I'm like "who is she?" Lol soo proud of myself! #weightloss #sisepuede #consistent #lifestyle SN ! IG cropped my pic but for reference, you'll find the progress pics from when i first started tracking again below in my feed. 🙂
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3 months ago
Who's been here since the beginning?! Except Adrian, of course, lol As promised, here's my update for the month of February! I started Feb weighing 198 with a goal of a 5lbs loss, and goalllll cruched !! I started March weighing in 193.5 🙌🙌🙌 Shoutout to me!! Shoutout to me for never giving up on myself!! No matter how many setbacks I've had, one thing I've never done is give up. Old Blanca appreciates this new one because this new one takes care of Blanquita 🩷 Left pic: March 193.5 Right pic : Feb 198.4 The scale isn't the only way to measure weightloss, if your clothes fit better or looser, if you're not struggling as much to do certain exercises, those too are signs that whatever you're doing is working!! Also, don't be shy to reach out if you need support or guidance! I'm not a professional, but i have definitely learned a lot from my personal experience, and believe it or not, I genuinely want to see others win!! Remember beauties and uglies! Little changes add up to big results!! The longer I'm on this journey , the more i realize how important it is for me to remain active, eat foods the nourish my body, stay hydrated, get enough sleep 🩷 and simply show up. If you're striving for perfection, you'll disappoint yourself, show yourself grace, and trust that as long as you're trying your best and working hard, eventually, you'll get to where you want to be! And that's with everything in life! But seriously, guys! Who's that girl Adrian is pointing at!!!!!! #weightloss #lifestyle #selfcare #selflove #dontgiveup #sisepuede
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3 months ago
Remember beauties and uglies!! We are striving for progress not perfection! 💕 #weightloss #lifestyle #positivevibes Workout done💪 Proud of myself for showing up for myself! 🤗
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4 months ago