Boris Johnson


Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
Boris Johnson UNLEASHED. A book that shatters the mould of the modern Prime Ministerial memoir. Publishing 10th October 2024 To pre-order, click link in bio
36.2k 876
13 days ago
Як пасажир дипломатичного вагону, так само як і звичайний пасажир Інтерсіті, або навіть машиніст локомотиву, @borisjohnsonuk почувається комфортно в наших поїздах. Сьогодні великий друг України, кумир усіх залізничників та перший член Loyalty Club Укрзалізниці – Борис Джонсон – святкує свій шістдесятий день народження! Побажаємо йому сил для великих справ. Дякуємо за підтримку🫂 Очікуємо чергового візиту та зустрічі на борту💙 @borisjohnsonuk , the great friend of Ukraine, the hero for Ukrainian railway workers! Happy Birthday! We are happy to welcome you both on board Ukrainian trains and at the helm of our locomotive. We look forward to another visit and meeting on board!
28.2k 664
14 days ago
Two years has now passed since Putin first launched his brutal invasion into Ukraine. Yesterday we gathered in Kyiv to mark this milestone in the war and stand united with Ukrainians in their continued fight. And whilst we do not celebrate today, the time will come. @zelenskyy_official is leading his country to victory. Volodymyr, you are another day closer. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦
37.0k 1,617
4 months ago
Two years since Russia’s barbaric and deplorable full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Britain was with you then and we’re with you now – for as long as it takes. Slava Ukraini 🇬🇧🇺🇦 Два роки з моменту варварського і жахливого повномасштабного вторгнення Росії в Україну. Британія була з вами тоді, і ми з вами зараз – стільки, скільки буде потрібно. Слава Україні 🇬🇧🇺🇦
172k 4,951
4 months ago
BORIS JOHNSON: What Walmart can teach us about world peace
8,917 2,116
7 months ago
Let us remember
23.7k 1,305
7 months ago
Yesterday I visited the sites of the horrendous October 7 massacres by Hamas in which 1400 innocent Israeli civilians were murdered in cold blood - many of them raped, tortured or burned alive. I saw @isaacherzog to express my condolences and met British-Israeli reservists and those providing support in local community centres. I believe Israel has no choice but to hunt down the perpetrators and to make sure nothing of the kind can happen again.
37.0k 3,295
7 months ago
Boris Johnson backs Israel: read his latest piece on
26.5k 7,335
8 months ago
I’m supporting @prezident.sveta_ !!re!!_039;s campaign to raise awareness of political prisoners in Belarus. I've agreed to sponsor her jailed husband, Siarhei Tsikhanouski. With 1,500+ political prisoners in Belarus, I urge others to join me in this act of solidarity. I stand with the brave people of Belarus. Жыве Беларусь! ⚪️🔴⚪️
13.0k 579
8 months ago
‘A monstrous waste of police time.’ @borisjohnsonuk hits out at Rishi Sunak’s proposed smoking ban. Read the full article on, coming later today
26.2k 1,137
8 months ago
A sneak preview of @borisjohnsonuk_ !!re!!_039;s latest comment piece, landing shortly on
12.3k 705
9 months ago
Read @borisjohnsonuk on what should be done about dangerous dogs, coming soon on
32.7k 1,398
9 months ago