

toronto ♉︎/🇮🇹🇯🇲
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12 days ago
Hey again… happy birthday to me! Another year around the sun has given me so many opportunities to change my perspective in regards to my abilities and capabilities in all aspects of life, and there have been so many lessons within all these changes and moments; most importantly, realizing how precious life is, and that, in a matter of a second you’re forced to leap onto another chapter you’ve been forced to tackle. In the past 365 days, I’ve had opportunities to learn from amazing teachers and mentors, have had so many laughs, and engulf myself in so many fits of laughter, crying session’s and EVERYTHING in between with all of my loved ones and family…. hell, I even got to go back on tour with the one and only @revemtl who i’ve been rocking with for the last two years or so. The love, gratitude and appreciation runs so so so deep for you as well as our tour crew who really is like another family at this point. However, with all of the highs, brought a lot of lows. I unfortunately experienced the loss of my father this past September and it not only felt like I lost a huge part of who I was, but it made me spiral into social isolation; making me almost lose my feeling to dance and live my life the way it should be. The last few months have been the toughest months of my life, but, I know he guides me through my every step, every obstacle and every achievement, protecting me through all life has to throw at me. Although this post is about me, I want everyone to know how special my father is to me, his family and too ALL of those people he impacted in his community. Everton Mcewan (or I as know him, dad) was and still is my biggest role model and I know that one day, we will meet again, until then, here’s another likkle look into my life. Here’s to a new chapter!!! 10 slides is NOT enough.
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1 month ago
hey it’s my birthdayyy
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1 year ago
next stop: vacay?
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2 years ago
2021 class dump 🙏🏽. these are just a few of my fav classes/combos i’ve learnt these last few months of the year.. so so thankful for all the knowledge, for the ability to move, take class, meet amazing humans, movers, teachers and have an outlet for EVERYTHING else happening in my life. cannot wait to see what this year has to bring. i have also been learning and practicing to trust the process and embrace the flaws and little mistakes as it builds to something bigger. 💙. p.s: instagram don’t delete this or any more of the slides for the 3rd time 😃
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2 years ago
giving cowboy 🤠
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2 years ago
ott bound
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
i swear i smile
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4 years ago
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4 years ago