Brighton Mushroom


Fungi by the sea
A reminder to myself from @mycopunks
9 3
2 months ago
Stanmere Part 2: Powdery Brittlegill Bollete Someone's breakfast Stump puffball Turkey Tail tree Amenita Rubescens Bollete Mica Cap? Sulphur Tuft? Puffball
13 0
1 year ago
Stanmere Part 1: Blackening polypore Boletes of some kind? Unknown shroom? Another porous bolette Beefsteak that someone else got first! Ink caps of some kind? Southern bracket Gorgeous mystery mushroom
12 0
1 year ago
Random miscellaneous shrooms I have spotted about town ? ? Shaggy Inkcap Field mushrooms? Dryad's Saddle A sticker Hoof fungus?
11 0
1 year ago
Amanitas of Abbot's Wood. Any idea which? I'm thinking Pantherina for the first. #mushrooms #mushrooms🍄 #foraging #foraginguk #shrooms #sussex #amanita
26 1
2 years ago
Props to u/ismoketoads for this AWESOME picture on Reddit #🍄 #shroom #shrooms #shroomuk #ukshroomscene #ukshrooms #reddit #mushrooms #mushroom
30 5
3 years ago