

Aviator, Former Media Producer and Fetish Actor, Kinkster, Sci-Fi Nerd, Tech Enthusiast, all around weirdo! Work based in NYC, call Central IN home.
I don‘t know about you, but I love myself a good cream or custard filled donut. Even the occasional raspberry jelly filled can be yummy, but that requires the right vibe. I have not been good at keeping up on instagram. Life has just been busy and I don’t always get enough material that meets the theme of this page. I think I’ll do better when some big house items are done. On the social front I feel like I went from being lonely to social butterfly like overnight and now I feel like I need a social break. Part of that may be a recent “con drop”. It is a nice change where people are vying for my free time but it’s literally been feast or famine. My personal dichotomy of extremes continues! I need balance but I am not doing that well! So…how do you like your donut filled!? 🤣
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26 days ago
I've been silent on this platform lately. Life has been busy and not a ton of time for shenanigans. That changed this past weekend. I attended DomConLA for the first time in almost 10 years. It was a blast! I got to meet some new people, and hang out with and/or play with some wonderful people. Here's a group photo of a great group of amazing women that I have had the privilege to play with and/or work with! From left to right...Queen Mary, @kendrajamesvip , @lizrivermodel , and @amazongoddesssevera02 ! Next big event...FetCon in St. Pete, FL!
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28 days ago
Got to have a nice dinner and catch up with a fellow kinkster in NYC yesterday. No playtime though…maybe next time! She is Chinese and knew great spots for authentic Chinese food from a different province than what American Chinese food originated from. Pork belly wrapped veggies, spicy chicken, tofu in chili oil, and lightly fried and seasoned corn kernels were on the menu! So so good but also spicy. My butt is on fire today! Got bad news the place is closing to reopen as a K-Pot place. Bummer as this food was pretty unique. I am glad I got to experience it! #authenticchinesecuusine #foodie #nyc
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1 month ago
I seldom want to travel on my days off since I do it for a living so it is always great to be able to meet up with cool people on a layover! I had the privilege of meeting, hanging, and playing with @goddess.marcy on my Austin layover. Such a wonderful wise soul with a totally fun naughty side! I cannot confirm or deny that my nuts may be a bit sore and my olfactory nerves overstimulated! Hehe!
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2 months ago
Enjoy today’s naughty funny folks! Lmao! I’m on my way into NYC to meet up with a friend and former coworker plus her husband. It’s about a two plus hour convoluted journey via public transit. When I am in the Tri-State area I stay out on Long Island. For us out there, going into the city is a pain in the ass. If we can avoid it we will, especially if one doesn’t thrive on chaos, so many people, and traffic. You have to be pretty special for me to make the trek out to Manhattan and deal with the anxiety of navigating the city and the subway system as a suburbanite. Oh and we won’t even talk about crossing the rivers into Jersey. You may as well be in another time zone. One time to hang with someone I knew in jersey I picked up overtime with a layover in Jersey just so I could avoid the transit nightmare! Yeah! #urbanproblems #NYC #masstransit #naughtyfunnies
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2 months ago
Last day of family vacation weekend. Back to the real world. Went to a neat diner like place for breakfast. Probably ate more carbs than I should but oh well. It isn't typical for me to have REAL pancakes, only my low carb version which isn't as good. What's your favorite meal of the day? Mine is always breakfast! Nom nom nom! #breakfast #pancakes #montauk #theend
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2 months ago
Hello friends. I have been a bit MIA from posting here. Life has been crazy and social media has taken a back seat. I am in the middle of a bit of a forced respite with a family weekend so I have some time to catch up here. I am finally moved into my new house. It is livable, but there is still so much to do. I got to address preventative pest control measures, consider landscaping now that weeds are growing, and still better furnish the place aside from living out of boxes. Work is ramping up to our busier season too so i feel like I am just trying to stay afloat here. Now the picture of the day...what do you think folks? I personally love the idea of my lady being big spoon occasionally. I definitely will not look uncomfortable as the guy in the picture in fact I'd probably end up more chill than my baseline! #cuddling #bigspoon #littlespoon #adulting
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2 months ago
Got to meet a fellow kinkster and fetish worker yesterday on a work layover! We had been discussing meeting for a bit and it finally managed to happen. Just did dinner and drinks, so a vanilla outing, but the conversation about all things including talking kink work shop was so energizing. We both agreed too that if we wrote books about our lives they would be very interesting reads. I have a second layover here tomorrow night and while it wasn’t originally planned we will now be getting together then too! It seems she wants to expand her presence in the adult world but seeks some help or mentoring. Hehe. I am more than willing to help, but I had to ask just how deep down the rabbit hole she wants to go as it goes as deep as one can handle. So, we are going to explore a bit. Hopefully I can help despite being a little rusty on the biz in its current state. She even seemed a tad interested in maybe going to FetishCon. That’d probably end up in full on corruption to the dark side of her femininity. Hehe…not necessarily a bad thing. Either way I am happy to have made a good connection regardless how it turns out. Oh, Happy Zombie Jesus Day all! #kinkfriends #saturdaynightout #sociallayover #dinnerndrinks #positiveconnection
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3 months ago
I usually post food on my other, more safe for work insta, but here we go. High protein brekkie! Steak and an omleette. I think a second breakfast might happen. Trying to get back on the weight management bandwagon and it's bee a challenge. It's cold again in the Midwest so body wants dense food and to hibernate/be lazy. Nope, not good for long term health. Busy day today with house stuff, no kinky stuff. Adulting is so over rated! #antiadulting #mybrekkie #breakfast #nomnom
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3 months ago
Good morning friends from Minneapolis, MN! Went for a nice walk, albeit it was a bit chilly out, before having to work. Free brekkie at the hotel and some decent urban views to start my day. I did walk by a club that resonated to me and maybe I’d hang out there some day. I loved the inclusive messaging here and even though I am personally a straight male and the theme is Gay 90s, I would still go here and have a good time, especially with an ad adjacent to it that mentions kinky. Hehe. Who would want to get kinky with me? I pay extra for the good ouchies! Hehe! #inclusivity #minneapolis #urbanlayovers
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3 months ago
Work threatening me with a good time! Oh wait, maybe that doesn't mean what I think it means. IYKYK! Haha!
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3 months ago
Last night I had the privilege of playing with and hanging out with @thelucypuddles on a work layover. I cannot say enough how much of an absolute sweetheart this woman is. We shared an evening of some nut kicking, foot worship, smothering, and maybe the best part was just talking about everything under the sun during aftercare snuggles. What an incredible person to have in the kink community. Y'all seriously need to know her. My heart is full! Pardon my goofy smile. #kinkyfun #mykindofpeople #kinkcommunity
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3 months ago