Cameron Slade Smith


Follower of Christ Cofounder of @invictusmaneostudios Storyteller at @enjoynewmedia D&D enthusiast
Jumping into 2024 like… 💨 This past year reminds me of the prodigal son’s tale in Luke 15:11–32, reflecting my own journey. In 2022, I resembled that son, straying from my Heavenly Father, involved in an abusive relationship, and alienated from my loved ones due to its nature. I was in a spiritually corrupt job working for a wolf in sheep’s clothing, reminiscent of the despair in Psalm 32:3-4. But as the year closed, Gods work began. As Psalm 32:5 reveals, acknowledging my sins led to forgiveness and healing. With support from family, friends, and Godly council, I left my abusive relationship, quit my job, and embraced a new beginning in 2023—a year of healing and restoration. Also, if any of this seems reminiscent of something you’re dealing with, feel free to reach out. I’m blessed to be at a job that I truly love and am beyond grateful for the friends I’ve made there. I’m thankful for a church that nourishes my spirit, faithfully preaches the Gospel, and an incredible church staff that I’m blessed to serve alongside. I’m thankful for my family, who’s stuck with me through the tough times, and friends who have stayed true. My gratitude extends deepest to Christ for the freedom found only in Him. Isaiah 43:16,18-19 says: “Thus says the LORD, who makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters. 18 Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” I’m pumped for 2024! Swipe for just a few of my favorite memories from 2023.
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6 months ago
Here it is, the teaser trailer for “Forbidden Love Potions”! ⚔️ So much hard work has gone into this project, and we’re so excited to release it soon! But in the meantime, stay tuned… to see what’s brewing with “Forbidden Love Potions”. Enjoy! 💕 #forbiddenlovepotions #atlantafilm #film #indiefilm
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5 months ago
Here’s a quick behind the scenes of what our cast has to say about their time on set of Forbidden Love Potions! To see what’s brewing… check out the Seed and Spark link in our bio! Coming soon! ⚔️ #forbiddenlovepotions #atlantafilm #film #indiefilm
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5 months ago
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10 hours ago
The last of the Ren fair pics until next year! I gave bubbles as my trinket trade
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2 days ago
Just now getting around to posting our picks from the second time we went to the renfair. Grabbing tea with my love was truly the highlight
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3 days ago
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5 days ago
That’s a wrap
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20 days ago