Celia Keenan-Bolger


Pleasure Machine is a @coltcoeur produced, 9 episode audio thriller that tells the story of one artists’s attempt to cultivate authentic experiences of pleasure inside the pressures of capitalism.
2 years ago
2 years ago
A talk with Rachel Spencer Hewitt of @paaltheatre and @garliacornelia of #blackboardplays
3 years ago
3 years ago
Hi loves, I wrote this for the BC/EFA Mother’s Day variety show. They aired the abridged version and this Is the whole thing.
4 years ago
Repost: @elizabeth_gilbert_writer *Dear Ones: Today is the day that my novel CITY OF GIRLS is released in paperback! And because we could not have a book tour or a book party to celebrate, we did this special thing instead: We enlisted brilliant Broadway actors to read scenes from the novel for your delight and entertainment! This scene — where our heroine Vivian Morris loses her virginity — shall be read to you by the brilliant @celiakb : Celia Keenan-Bolger, who recently won the Tony for her role as Scout Finch in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. It makes my heart feel so good to bring Broadway to this story — a tale which, of course, is centered around the New York theater world of the 1940s. My novel is about show-people who stubbornly continue to produce plays and musicals, despite the fact that there’s a war going on and the world seems to be on the edge of collapse. It’s a book about how important it is for the show to go on — and how much people who are struggling need the escapism of glitter, glamour, fantasy, and entertainment. When I wrote the book 2 years ago, I used it as a way to escape my own grief and sorrow — to make myself laugh, to take my mind off my loss. I had no idea that the story would find its way into the world at a time when so many other people were in grief and sorrow, too. I only hope that CITY OF GIRLS will bring people a spark of light and love in this dark time. “Let’s keep up some spirits,” as Aunt Peg would say. And now I turn the show over to the great Celia Keenan-Bolger — who was generous enough to lend us her considerable talents. Thank you, Celia! We love you, and we pray that Broadway will be back soon.❤️ (And if anybody would like to order a copy of #cityofgirls from a local, independent bookstore, you can easily do so from @bookshop_org !) Thank you, and on with the show! ❤️LG @riverheadbooks
4 years ago