Wayne Stonecipher


Doing our part in celebrating and spreading the joys of Tiki Escapism. Please check out our website for some awesome merch centralcaliforniatiki.com
Would it be cool to have a meet up that included an art release from popular artist @mcbiffart and it just happened to be his birthday and it was held at one of the best tiki bars in California? Well it is happening at Tiki-Ko in downtown Bakersfield. Come out June 29th and celebrate the release of Mcbiff latest art release and wish him happy birthday and hang out with some the best Tiki Ohana ever.
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25 days ago
Just a reminder of the upcoming event at Tiki-Ko in Bakersfield. @mcbiffart will be publicly releasing his new incredible prints plus his it is his birthday. Plus we can also celebrate the anniversary of Tiki-Ko!! Come on out and have an incredible night with some great Ohana. Plus temporary tattoos by @maelaroux
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13 days ago
Hope to see you at the incredible Tiki-Ko on June 29th at 7pm to celebrate the new Print release by @mcbiffart and his birthday. There will be a special cocktail created just for the night created by @dishwasherdood , temporary tattoos by @missmaelaroux . Plus some of the best Ohana you will ever meet. See you there!
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22 days ago
Hope everyone is going to have a great weekend. I know I going to head to Sacramento tomorrow for the Sacramento Ohana marketplace. I know that there are a few of our members vending. Hope to see you up there! There will be some great vendors to check out. I am thinking about having a meet up soon. I think we can push thru the heat. We withstood the rain. Ready for another meetup? If you preorders the bar mats. They are still in the process. And they should be on a slow ship 🚢 from china. Literally! I hope to have a date this next week. You can still preorder the mats and check out other merch at centralcaliforniatiki.com Our next marketplace is scheduled for November 2nd at the incredible tiki-Ko. I am really excited for this marketplace and even more excited that we are planning a preparty for the night before. So stay tuned for details. So excited also about all the new Facebook members we have been getting. Welcome to all of you. And please join in the conversation on Facebook and Instagram. Share your tiki. Ask questions. Are you doing a tiki vacation this summer? I love seeing all the conversations. I appreciate this community!!
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1 month ago
It's time to celebrate the fabulous Michael R. Haider's birthday (or should we say national holiday?). Here's to another year of brightening our days with your shining personality. Have the most fantastic day ever! @mike_haider
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1 month ago
Thanks to everyone who came out and said hi or took something home from our booth at the Fresno Underground art show at Tioga Sequoia last night. It was great seeing all of you!! Thanks to Henry Contreras for having us out.
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1 month ago
Don’t forget tomorrow night (Saturday) we will be vending at Tioga Sequoia in downtown town Fresno for the Fresno Underground Art Show. Come out check out the art and other vendors and stop by our booth and say hi!! Wednesday I will be at the mug club at our local tiki bar. Hmm 🤔 I wonder where that is.
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1 month ago
Scout wishing he had a haircut
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1 month ago
Central California Tiki has been invited to set up a booth at the upcoming Fresno Underground Art event. Happening on May 18th at Tioga Sequoia brewery 4-10pm. We will have our latest merch available. Come out say hi check out some great local art and grab a pint. Any questions please let me know.
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1 month ago
Good Morning!! hope everyone is doing great. We had a great weekend in Palm Springs at Tiki Caliente 15. Thanks to Rory Snyder and his whole crew for putting on an incredible event! I did want to update the Bar mat production. I have been told that our mats is in line to start production this week. We will continue the pre orders until the 20th. After that the price will go up $5 on each mat. You can put in your order at centralcaliforniatiki.com I will update with all progress and shipping. They are coming from China in case you were wondering. I recently made up some Can Coozies I will put those up online they will be $5 hope all is well and lets get together again soon Aloooha !!!
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1 month ago
Packing the car to head back to central California thanks to all our friends old and new for an incredible weekend. #backtoreality #tikicaliente15 #centralcaliforniatiki
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1 month ago
Check out the whole video
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1 month ago