Chantel Aguirre


mom + movement maker ny/la/bos 🌙
Brooks Elroy Keefe 12/11/22 Feeling blissed out on the arrival of our beautiful son, Brooks. This sweet beam takes his time in all that he does, goes at his own pace and has the most calming warm energy. We are so grateful our boy is here earthside, and is awakening a whole new sense of how enormous life and love is. Brooks, you make me look at your dad, at your big brother and at you with wider, clearer eyes and soul. Life is so precious. You three are SO precious. We are four, and it feels like we always have been. 🤍
3,979 383
1 year ago
lanterns, lightning bugs and late night lights in the sky, all shared with the greatest souls. Thank you @kathryn_parrish + @itshunterparrish for putting these smiles on our boy’s faces ✨
259 3
5 hours ago
When you’re 1.5 but have a 5yo brother. I just heard him whispering to himself over and over again and then giggling so hard…so finally I asked him, and he thought it was just the funniest. 😅, little’s giggles are the best.
171 14
10 days ago
Keefe family bucket list activated: 1/63 National Parks 🏞️ So very grateful to see the world through these beautiful babies eyes and hearts. (All recommendations welcomed 🥹)
338 9
15 days ago
happy beans on a boat 🚤 “you see any dolphins?” “……no dad”, this is a lake…. thank you @slinko5 @mlink182 + pop for loving on these babes
257 14
27 days ago
Griff’s last vs first day of preschool/forest school. What magic happens in this forest with these beautiful babies and these incredible educators and heart leaders. I’ve witnessed so much growth, confidence built, friendships tended to, information absorbed, and a complete openness and curiosity for all things living and nature. So very thankful. So deeply proud of this beautiful being. How are you a kindergartener? 🥹😭✨
985 22
1 month ago
Cutest day on the farm learning and supporting these rescued animals 🐄
142 5
1 month ago
when you catch sight of everything you’ve ever dreamt up.
91 2
1 month ago
The sweetest little journey watching these two learn and care for these creatures, and the magic and ache of setting them out into the big world. Watching their natural gentleness and curiosity for nature is the most beautiful gift to witness. 🐛 🦋 Thank you angel girls @scifrestwins , griff will never forget it.
217 3
1 month ago
The gift to connect on such an intense level is one of the most beautiful things about movement to me. Connection to all things, I feel this invisible web of all of us in the space, looking inward, carving out our insides to show our most vulnerable parts, all to be soaked in and held in such gentleness. Thank you for these moments, where I get to witness you all in freedom, embodied, and soulfully unravelling. Here is a soul that I admire deeply. Thank you @izzybella.rose for flowing with me, trusting me and transcending the space.
601 41
1 month ago