

Regardless who you are, what you do or say, you still will die someday. What is weak may be broken⚡️let them pass🫸🏻🛡️💙💜❤️ #ihavespoken #tjwnn #sanjuro
I’m not here to be your friend. Instagram is not for friends, only self projections and sharing, at least to me. It’s profound how many project for “themselves” yet broadcast someone else’s viewpoint. Intellectual property is as dead as ever, thanks to the gReAt sOciAL sCiEnCe eXpErT MaRk ZucKeRbErG, darling ivy league child of deep state manipulation and gaslighters around the world! His death will be my privilege to experience, but his mistakes will never be exposed, mostly due to his psychological state of mind, combined with his wealth enabling forgiveness of crimes, where his “option” to care is as much his liberal investments, “dOnAtiOnS,” expenditures, and this is why he is dead already, to me at least. Subhuman, despite all his cOrReCt iNvEsTmEnTs and pOLiTiCaLly cOnNeCteD mEdiA fRiEnDs around the world. Death will find him, possibly in the dark of night. And the next day will be brighter.
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4 hours ago
@joebiden Ready to die yet? We all gotta go someday, even Barrack Hussein is gonna die, my guess is, sooner than later- but what do I know, right? Isn’t racism, correctly iDeNtiFyiNg it from behind a screen, deep state coordinated propaganda campaigns, historic murder and death rates, chaos and inflation an eXcELLeNt scapegoat for poor people to be diSaDvAnTaGed and feel DiScRiMiNaTeD against? It’s almost as if Barrack Hussein wants a political disaster just to blame you, because, you know (you’re a tOxiC wHiTe mALe, a very old ugly one) #zuckerbergforprison #shadowbanthis🖕 #fuckyournarratives
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8 hours ago
@jadecarey Nice work yesterday!!🥳 My comment is politically incorrect and I am politically incorrect. It’s okay, just tRuSt tHe sCiEnCe. The fAcT cHeCkErS are in damage control, even when a commercial airliner fails, they are trying to maintain cOrReCt diVerSiTy, eQuiTy and iNcLuSiOn scores. Even with a plane crashing, killing civillians, they’re still trying to maintain DEI scores. The eXpErT fAcT cHeCkErS are only trying to maintain their narrative, their sponsors investments and their own bottom line, because DEI tax breaks are still tax breaks. When society collapses, the fact cHeCkErS will still be there, hiding behind a screen, correctly checking things fOr tHe sake of tHe sCiEnCe. The cOrReCt sCiEnCe, at least, unlike toxic wHiTe pEoPLe science, which is rAciSt science. Don’t trust me, tRuSt tHe sCiEnCe. #fuzuck #zuckforprison #ccpvirus #obamunismsucks #shadowbanthis🖕
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9 hours ago
“There’s* obamunism, and then there’s tRuStiNg tHe sCiEnCe” - Me #fuckyournarratives #war #tRuStThEsCiEnCe
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1 day ago
@theamalaekpunobi Knowledge is a curse. I am cursed with knowledge, knowing money and currency are not the same. If ignorance is bliss, be happy you don’t know what I know. No one would live free knowing, breathing and living every day with the pain of what I learned 5 years before 2020, who told me, and the fact he married my half-sister (yeah, if you’re reading this Clark, fuck you and your daddy’s money, your marriage-inheritance, your family is toxic, your “smart” investments arevsoaked in the blood of millions of dead Americans, who will continue to die while your “iNtELliGeNce” brings great returns for shorting the fucking $USD, and you played me well but didn’t do enough, looking out for “your people” funny how you seemingly “lost” your crypto assets, aye?) @theamalaekpunobi Be careful who you call a friend, who you see as a “smart” or “capable person,” not all that glitters is gold. Easy money makes cheap people, and I don’t have much to my name, nor do I seek much but my own peace of mind, it’s about all I have left that I can manage. If you knew covid was bullshit, but all you knew was a conspiracy to collapse the fiat $USD, and you were alienated, looked upon like a sick patient, conditioned, ostracized, condemned with an easy diagnosis, then you will know why “Gold Another” is the curse I was educated of, that I studied for years like a madman.. I know this seems crazy, and you are welcome to judge me as crazy, but I’ve dm’ed like a mad man for over 7 years, getting very few replies, being blocked, and this has made me a cold person.… (comments)
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1 day ago
@anyataylorjoy @caradelevingne Sorry not sorry. I tagged you in my own comments selfishly, as matter of fact just to prove my point and speak my mind. I mean no harm or foul, nor can I control how you judge me, nor do I care. Judgement passed is beyond me, people are people, no matter how small. IMHO, your world is your own world, but it happens to exist at the same time as “my” world. In “my” world, entitled, privileged, weak minded idealistic libtards use poverty as a political weapon, often to avoid their own guilt, hypocrisy and complicity in the crimes they condemn political rivals over, just like abusive producers and other execs in power break you, ruin your health, endangering, defaming and worse just to “make you,” while securing their own “needs” or whatever detestable parasitisms they feast on for their “bottom lines.” Morally bankrupted, entitled generational wealth in the DNC see chaos as an opportunity, because their status enables a “correct” discriminatory condition to “rise above” the chaos they coincidentally identify at predictable intervals, and gobble up the resources when the “eMeRgEnCy” or whatever chaos they identify is cleared out of the target area, that their police forces are tasked with “safeguarding” from said eMeRgEnCy, or whatever chaos, often involving an ambiguous, yet easy to identify, and mediate demographic of victims. Established DNC (esp. federal political-elite wealth) are deep-rooted, benevolent, gEnErOuS handlers and allocators of tax revenues, which they impress incessantly, generating media campaigns, curating an emotionally vested “need” to justify their campaigns in order to “wOrK,” like a corrupted business based on political favoritism and enticed investors compelled to supporting their agendas… all of this I describe is the corrupted, modern libtard democrat party of the USA, perverted from any sensible understanding of the difference between money and currency.. Compartmentalized, diagnosed, identified problems, they’re just gOod iNvEsTmEnTs, tRuSt tHe sCiEnCe, snowflakes.🫵☠️ #snowflakesmelt #cLiMaTecHaNgE #deepstateexposed #fuzuck #shadowbanthis🖕 #fuckyournarratives #ccpvirus #euphoriaseason3
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1 day ago
“I’ve been alienated, judged and poorly treated for my dysfunction. But I am a poor person, easy to judge and condemn for my poverty. Obviously it’s a personal problem, much like my family has established from their own financially secure positions, much of which comes down to marriage and wealth acquisition. I am just a loser, like a toxic white male, just being toxic and white, nothing more. It’s about tHe nArRiTiVe and sAyiNg tHe coRrEcT messages, when it comes to branding oneself. Monetization is like a cattle prod that zaps you into gear, my problem is that I won’t move well, if at all. I’m simply a bad investment, a problem and I’m not dead yet. 🥰 @sydney_sweeney I wasn’t joking about beating your fiancé so many times in the head that he wouldn’t remember his name. IMO your fiancé is top heavy, a pushover, literally. I may be poor, crippled from overexercise, poor recovery, poorer mental faculties and a sickeningly entitled, corrupted family, but my problems are over when I am dead. Jonathan is no problem to me, a dead man walking, just another easy money figure, making easy money because they can mOneTiZe their investments, look the part, even feel good about their role too!🤣 Sorry Syd, If I’m around, I won’t care when Jonathan dies, I doubt you have much to care about in this post-covid world either, obviously. Hurt people hurt people, but when all the hurt people are gone, then there’s just people! That’s why drugs are made, to keep hurt people from hurting people!🥰 Just kidding, antipsychotics, SSRIs, whatever drug you chose, are all great investments for capital investors, not so much the destroyed lives, correctly conditioned, treated and handled like cattle, led to their death and groomed to their condition that is created jUsT fOr tHeM, while their consumers continue consuming like they know how. It’s all done by the experts, fOr tHe eXpErTs. TrUsT tHe sCiEnCe. @joebiden hey there, you ready to die yet? 😂🤣🙏💜 If I could destroy the entire DNC establishment, hunt down and take the heads of the principal donors to your campaign, I would. But I can’t 😤. Good thing I don’t have - as Joe Rogan would say- “FUCK YOU MONEY” 🫵☠️
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1 day ago
@maudeapatow Thank you so much for sharing to your IG story these following images. I recently blocked Sydney Sweeney for personal reasons and felt bad about it, until I saw your IG story. Now, I know that I will survive, just kidding. It’s fucking INSTAGRAM. Why would you take anything on instagram seriously? I mean, not even covid was taken seriously by instagram. Just kidding, covid, like Sydney Sweeney, doesn’t give a fuck, obviously. Death and dysfunction is just, like, you know, a #filter and its a better investment to tRuSt tHe sCiEnCe. Massive rocking tits are also real, as they are naturally developed in female mammals, which humans are. But contrary to popular libtard democrat cult belief, humans are not created equal, just like Sydney Sweeney understands, this is why you act nice, but steal, break, pass judgement, make up an alibi and rob people when no one is looking, sorta like Anthony Fauci and the CCP did prepping for the covid plandemic before the DNC cult media legitimized the genocidal Faucian plandemic. Also, @euphoria @streamonmax I’m not wrong about anything I’ve shared concerning covid, for years. The entire goal of covid was to institute massive currency devaluation and collapse the fiat $USD, covid was planned (in my opinion) for decades leading up to the (imo stolen) 2020 electi0n. Let Coleman Domingo know this: he’s got death coming for him. He can act like a muslim, talk like a prophet to @zendaya in a fake diner and fake his own characters, because he has been trained to do this. But he doesn’t know what I know. in a search browser, look up these keywords “Gold Another.” These two words trigger a web search that will show (in the top of the results) I’ve already shared with countless others, until 2020 when I intentionally began to share what I knew, broadcast in dms, even years before covid but I was tired of the ostracization, discrimination, hospitalization, alienation. You will never know the pain I live with now. It’s bad enough, if I had the option to kill every last DNC establishment mouthpiece, I would. #fuckyournarratives #fuzuck #shadowbanthis🖕 #murderistheirweapon #peaceofmindismine #euphoriaseason3
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1 day ago
Fuck your narratives. @joebiden ready to die yet? Before you go, send this message to Barrack Hussein for me: “death is coming for you, Mr. Obama, the darling, politically corrected face of HoPe aNd cHaNgE. I have broken you, your legacy is reallocating taxpayer dollars, your relatives, your connections will not save you. Death will find you, regardless of your position. Pray it isn’t me who finds you, or I may do something politically incorrect, for soft people like you at least. But don’t worry, you all will die, regardless of where you hide, death will find you.” #obamunismsucks #shadowbanthis🖕 #fuzuckerberg
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2 days ago
In my view, the best place to be is grounded, wherever the mind may be free 🙏 This is my wisdom regarding a grounded mind and the ability to ground oneself. I almost rewrote this passage without scratching any word out, but having completed this today, the final words were written first draft, whereas the rest has been worked over for days, marking and modifying as deemed fit. #dune #trusttheprocesses
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3 days ago
@usmnt “Sticks and stones break my bones but words will never hurt me.” - my mother said this to me growing up. Talk is cheap. But what you make of language is a gift for you to use, or abuse, or whichever you chose in this free country🇺🇸. Whether you see past the messages shared, or not, you have something more to play for vs Uruguay. #usavstheworld #LFG
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4 days ago
@soundersfc sorry not sorry. I got nothing against gays, or w/e tribe of people who gang around and feel better about it. This bullshit has got to stop, it isn’t even about celebrating pride, as my comment evidences. “Pride” is a subjective word itself, subject to whomever sees, feels and senses pride themselves. It isn’t an image, or is it a product for sale. @soundersfc is a product for sale. Being able to discriminate between the two takes sound judgement. Antagonizing a population with imagery is a bad investment. It’s 2024, if consumers don’t care about how anyone identifies their own indulgent vanities, like I believe, why make the “pride” statements? If I am wrong and the ever ambiguous “people” who may care how you identify are- in fact- offended- tell me this: @soundersfc does life and death as your organization see it revolve around what you affirm, or how you identify with your own biological sexual functioning? Humans are mammals, as in, an animal in a kingdom of animals classified as MAMMALIA. The rest is spun up, superficial bullshit by vested interests with a bottom line. Entitled, soft, generational wealthy mouth breathing, flat-assed fart sniffing libtards- aka the CCP, Socialist-Obamunist-libtard sheeple people are behind this -as I see it-as reverse targeting of our domestic communities with redundant imagery, lettering, language and especially politically biased mediators. DEI scores and whatever diVeRsE affirmative actions taken are simply proving who can be bought off and manipulated, who cannot or otherwise will not think and speak for themselves but function solely for a bottom line or an outside influence, like a disingenuous politically motivated #hashtag #movement #obamakneweverything #chomoparty #clintonepsteinconnection #pedocrats #deepstateexposed👹 #dei @alexi_lalas I’m not wrong, tell your stat man. 🎸🪨🤘
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4 days ago