💫Charmaine Sheh 佘詩曼💫


For work matters, please contact "Charmaine's Workshop". Email: charmainesworkshop@gmail.com Wechat: shehslab
There are no bad days when you come home to a dog. #gaga #toypoodle #toypoodleteacup
3,275 64
56 minutes ago
May your birthday this year be just as wild and wonderful, and as hysterically funny as you are! #happybirthday @tong_ying_ying #loveyou #💋
11.9k 74
1 day ago
Thank you Chloé for having me at the first Asia Chloé's "The Beginning" Pop-up at K11 MUSEA! I absolutely adore the Fall 24 Collection designed by their Creative Director Chemena Kamali. Don't miss this opportunity! You can even treat yourself to a little sweetness at the Cafe Chloé for an exclusive afternoon tea! . . . @chloe #ChemenaKamali
10.2k 89
2 days ago
So thrilled to pick up my @apple Vision Pro and met with @deirdre.at.apple and @isabelmahe0205 this morning. Now I can totally immerse with my Vision Pro, taking entertainment and online shopping to a whole new level 🤩 . . . #Apple #VisionPro
13.2k 87
3 days ago
Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live. #behappy #laugh #laughoutloud
14.4k 116
3 days ago
【我嘅理財及保障最佳搭檔🤝】 諗返起細個媽咪幫我開第一個戶口, 到大個努力賺錢儲第一桶金💰, 滙豐一直係我選擇嘅理財Buddy! 之後升級埋滙豐卓越理財, 佢哋嘅專業團隊仲會幫我管理埋個投資組合! 就算我唔喺香港,我嘅banking需要同醫療保障等等 都有佢哋幫我睇實㗎❤️。 服務香港將近160年,真正有資歷有實力! 呢啲咪係我可以信賴嘅世界級本地銀行囉🌟! #滙豐  #滙豐卓越理財  #滙豐保險  @hsbc_hk
2,604 33
5 days ago
Miss you girls.
26.6k 117
5 days ago
Nails make everything better. @____thenails____
7,912 76
5 days ago
May you believe that you always have an angel by your side.
10.1k 85
7 days ago
May your day be full of simple joys, peaceful moments and lots of love. . . . 👗 @acler 👠@giuseppezanotti Styled by @mopiko Makeup by @katherine_lo1228
16.7k 138
8 days ago
放完假~又要開始進入工作mode喇~ #workhardplayhard
13.6k 92
9 days ago
【理財女王摯愛地方】 作為理財女王,規劃財富同保障都要揀一個最專業嘅地方👑。 鍾意打卡?呢度都有靚景📸!打卡Pose最重要係夠大方淡定,自然可以散發女王氣場! 知道我喺邊度嗎?大家一齊留言估下啦💬! #滙豐  #滙豐卓越理財  #滙豐保險 @hsbc_hk
14.9k 120
9 days ago