

FINALLY, the moment you’ve all been waiting for: The Geoduck Song Contest winners! Check out these awesome songs about geoducks (the PNW’s giant clam) that were submitted. Watch the teaser video here, then head over to Salinity’s website to watch the video with the full songs. The top three winners will receive $100 gift cards for Salinity Seafood & More! Shipping across the USA of over a hundred delicious and sustainable items from small businesses in the Pacific Northwest. 4th Place: Geoduck Lyrics @thehappygeoduck 3rd Place: Geoduck Rap by Paige Mueller @BellsFarmWhidbey 2nd Place: The Geoduck Song by Amy Kramer 1st Place: Biggest Clam in the Sand by Kirstin @k1rst1nmarie & Ashley @charmy_2021 and Eli @eli_guitar_and_stuff from @laketheband Thank you to everyone who participated! P.S. Still looking for a geoduck farm to partner with so Salinity can add geoducks to the online store. Connect Salinity with all your geoduck friends, please! Email: yourfriends@salinityseafood.com
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