Chelsea Mottern


mostly orange cats and gratuitous travel pictures 🏳️‍🌈🌞🌵🐱
Climbed some big rocks, climbed some big hills, maybe got trapped mid-air in the Metro Cable, conquered some fears of heights, carried our luggage a mile in the sand to get to our hotel, didn’t have running water for two days, definitely almost capsized on a boat or two, but here are some highlights that make it all look very effortless and chill 🌊👙☀️🏖️🍹
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4 months ago
We are afraid of scuba driving so we decided to nose dive straight down toward the Great Blue Hole in an 8-person plane instead 🥏🔵🐠🦈✈️🇧🇿
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7 months ago
Learning about ancient Mayan ruins in Tikal is the perfect backdrop for my annual “Thanksgiving is a holiday grounded in colonialism and the forcible seizure of native lands, so by leaving the country in protest, I’m morally superior to you” picture 🥰🥰🥰
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7 months ago
Much like these green iguanas, you may find us in our natural habitat, baking in the sun until our skin sheds 🦎👙☀️🇧🇿
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7 months ago
Fulfilling my reputation as being a bit salty
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10 months ago
I’d say this trip has had some ups and downs, but at this altitude, it’s hard to see the downs 😎🦩🌋🇧🇴⛰️
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10 months ago
And on the eighth day of vacation, the travel gods said: let there be eight different hot springs to frolic in and out of!
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10 months ago
You probably don’t know this about us, but we love wine and petting wildlife!
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10 months ago
Mary? She’s just a virgin who can’t drive. #santiago #chile
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10 months ago
10 years of friendship, 20 countries, 3 matching tattoos, 1 favorite cocktail (the Guillermo special), 2 children that we co-parent (while letting @kayaytay do most of the work), about one million bodies of water swam in, and countless wildlife pet throughout the world, I can’t wait to see what adventures @aliciabeekman ‘s next turn around the sun brings us 🌎🦍👙 thanks for being the best friend a girl can ask for, and tonight, maybe I’ll even avoid telling bouncers that I, too, have a birthday coming up. Maybe.
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11 months ago
I don’t even care about the dodgers I just look cute here. (Swipe to see my spirit animal)
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1 year ago