Christian Velcich


Photographer | Filmmaker
TODAY! 🌿✨ The Verdant Gaze H 18:00, presso @a_pick_gallery via Galliari 15c, Torino PIÙ REALE DELLA REALTÀ, PIÙ FINTO DELLA FINZIONE In mostra: Alessia Calzavara, Alessandro De Bellis, Martina De Giorgi, Alessandro Di Palma, Giovanni De Mojana, Giorgio Garzella, Cinzia Laliscia, Giuliana Lo Presti, Francesca Macis, Federica Mambrini, Alessandro Truffa, Christian Velcich PIÙ REALE DELLA REALTÀ, PIÙ FINTO DELLA FINZIONE è la mostra conclusiva del progetto “Futuri Prossimi”, programma di formazione e produzione ideato e curato da @fran.cirilli . Main tutor @jest_fotografia “Futuri Prossimi” è un progetto di @_fluxlab_ in collaborazione con JEST e con @wild_strawberries_lab @the_sweet_life_society @kublaiklan @awiartworkersitalia @a_pick_gallery @cameratorino @torino.foto.festival , Layout Digital Factory e Torino Futura. Graphic design @the_sweet_life_society con il contributo di @fondazionecompagniadisanpaolo nell’ambito delle Linee guida per la formazione e l’avviamento alla professione culturale 2023. Un rigraziamento speciale per essere stati parte del progetto al laboratorio di Bioinspired Soft Robotics dell'@istitutoitalianoditecnologia
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11 days ago
Some of my favorite pics from the shoot made with @aethernal_official . A magical atmosphere on the very cold peak of pratomagno. ❄️🤍✨ model: @annalisagiova stylist:
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3 months ago
So happy that my photograph "Zeri sheep with lamb" from my series Under The Fleece was selected for @thentherewasus 2023. Glad to be part of it 💥❤️‍🔥 ANNOUNCING AND THEN THERE WAS US 2023. AND is an annual selection of some of the best up and coming influential documentary and portrait photographers from across the globe, showcasing in this heterogeneous collection of poignant and inspiring imagery. This diverse collection presents compelling and inspiring photography, reflecting a dynamic response to the evolving culture and transformations in the production, sharing, and consumption of photography. This is THEN THERE WAS US ones to watch of 2023. As always, we’d like to say a huge thank you to everybody who took the time to submit to AND. Over 1000 people submitted and this year we have selected 78 photographers from across the world to be part of our forth AND annual. We express our eternal gratitude to all those who actively engage with TTWU, buy our books, or lend their support to the project in whatever way possible. The pre-order option for this year's annual is now open online. Thank you for your ongoing engagement and support. #thentherewasus
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5 months ago
Some photographs taken during @jeromesessini_ !!re!!_039;s workshop at the @scuola_jack_london . The shooting day was held in Fermo with the theme of Faith, my personal interpretation was an ambiguous vision of that virtue.
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5 months ago
Dying sunflowers, Tuscany, 2022. from "Aucco". "Aucco" is the Maremma term for the howl of the buttero to call the cows. The buttero was until not long ago an irreplaceable figure in Maremma; he was the cowboy, the man in charge of caring for the animals raised in the wild that he reached on the backs of sturdy native horses. Today the practice and values of Buttero are carried on by some associations in a folkloric way or following traditions in the Alberese plain. I, therefore, decide to document their myth, the essence of a character with a heroic halo who represented and represents the symbol of this ancient land.
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8 months ago
Ninh Bình, Vietnam. 2023
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8 months ago
Kratie, Cambodia.
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8 months ago
Sweet dreams. Tuscany, 2022.
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11 months ago
Nhat. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2023.
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11 months ago
Storage 18, 2022. From my on going project “Stranger in Homeland”.
42 1
1 year ago
Dad, 2021. From my on going project “Stranger in Homeland”.
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1 year ago
For all the joys you give, thank you. 🐱 1. Horus 2. India 3,4. India and her puppies #catday
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1 year ago