Karen Beyer


Cindy is a devon rex who loves 🐦🦗🐜 and 💤💤💤💤 We live in NSW Australia We believe in laughter and love
It was my gotcha day on 28th June mums been slack and temporarily forgots she remembered tonight I was dis little 18-month-old sassy girl whom feld in luvs wif mum and nan💜🤗 I soze glads dey chose me cos dey is best parents except mum who forgots to fill up my water bowl and ize went firsty🙄 buts overall she gives me good treaties and bickies😻😹 ize been here 7 years ❤️
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1 day ago
Mums surgery got cancelled whilst she was on her way down the freeway to Melbourne whilst put out and abit upset she's happy cos she gets yo cuddle with moi 🤗🤗🤗🤗
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1 day ago
But mum ize only had three breakfasts and bowl of bickies what do you mean ize hads enuff for awhiles hmmpppffff how rood 🙀😾😹
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2 days ago
Just hangin 😹😹😹😹
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5 days ago
My early morning .call at 530am thanks Cinny lucky I was awake this morning
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5 days ago
Missing you George hoping you are partying in heaven wif your donuts and tunatinis I miss you so much Jai @georgewilsonpalliativecaredog
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5 days ago
Where are you @mavis.smarvelous I miss you and mum😢😢😢🤗🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😘
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5 days ago
Not quite quality control 😹loves sitting on my artwork lucky I wasn't keeping that one😹😹😹
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6 days ago
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6 days ago
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6 days ago