Claire Piccirillo


@go2talent agency @carnivalentertainment dancer/singer/aerialist #nzordie 🦋
It’s been about a week now since leaving the Jubilee. I truly don’t have the words to describe what that contract means to me and what it will mean to me forever. 🤍 Can’t thank everyone who was involved in this process enough for this experience and letting me be apart of it. I miss my cast who are now forever my family so much and seeing your faces everyday! I miss performing with you all more than anything and definitely miss the stage but for now, Time for some rest🫶 Photography: the man, the myth, the legend, my dad- @conradusa
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1 month ago
Taking our final bow tonight on the Jubilee Theatre stage, while closing our last show of Celestial Strings. Getting to dance “Roxanne” has been a dream. It’s no where near perfect, but the feeling I get while dancing this really is indescribable. Thank you Roxanne for teaching me strength and power. To most this may sound cheesy but I can’t thank the show Celestial Strings enough for taking away all the craziness of what is going on in the world for 2 hours of my night to just get to do what I love and appreciate why I do what I do along side these incredible people. Here’s to one final show tonight and our last bow together as the Inaugural Carnival Jubilee Cast🤍🕊️🤍🕊️ @carnivalentertainment
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2 months ago
I can’t believe the time is here. It’s time for the Inaugural Jubilee Cast to close our show, Dear Future Husband. To be apart of the creation of a show from scratch was a dream. Thank you @carnivalentertainment for this opportunity!!!! Thank you @vpboyle and @iamemiliodosal for letting me be apart of this from beginning to end and trusting this cast to bring the show to life. It will be a memory I truly will NEVER forget. To my cast, I love you all. It’s been such a joy to be able to do this with each and every single one of you. There have been SO many laughs, tears, blood and so much sweat but it has all been so worth it. Your talent is unmatched and it’s been such an honor to work with each and every single one of you. You have pushed me to be not only a better performer but a better person. To the future cast who get to do this show, enjoy the ride and have so much fun! 💕 Here’s to one final bow! Tonight will be so special💕💕💕💕 Enjoy some behind the scenes from the start to now:)
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2 months ago
@conradusa photography in the middle of the ocean ❤️
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2 months ago
It seems fitting that on this day a year ago, I met Christian! And since then….WHAT A RIDE it has been. My heart is very sad today as we have to part ways but I can NOT begin to say how thankful I am to have had you on this journey we call the Jubilee with me. The universe really truly knew we needed each other when we were offered the Inaugural cast of the Carnival Jubilee . I could not have done this contract with out you. Thank you for all the laughs, letting me cry underneath you on the bottom bunk lol, third wheeling on FaceTime calls with Andy, being someone I can without a doubt come to for anything, being one of my biggest supports and ultimately just being an amazing best friend. For those of you who don’t know Christian, he is the life of every party, lights up literally EVERY room he walks into, brings so much laughter and joy to literally everyone around and is one of the most talented humans I know. Not only is he all these things but he has been at almost every single one of our shows this contract and is ALWAYS sitting there cheering us on, sitting there with a smile. I most definitely will miss seeing you out there in the crowd. The Jubilee theatre will NOT be the same without your presence. Christian, I love you and you don’t know how thankful I truly am to have you in my life. I know that no matter where we are at in this world, our friendship will always remain. All I can say is thank you. I love you, I miss you already and I can not wait for the day we reunite. But until then, go kick ass on your next endeavor. Never forget you’re a star and you have so much lying ahead of you. No matter where I am at, I am without a doubt supporting you and cheering you on. “THATS MY ROOMIE!!!!” I LOVE YOU ROOMIE. And I miss you so much. Room 6221 is officially signing off live from the Carnival Jubilee from here on out because it will never be the same. ✌️ 💛💛💛💛
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3 months ago
All smiles 🙃
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3 months ago
Happy Valentine’s Day to my Bestfriend. Our 2nd one apart unfortunately but my love for you is not celebrated on just one day. Distance sucks. It’s really hard and I don’t wish that anyone had to do it. But I would do it over and over again to be with him. Thank you for your constant love, support and all the laughs. I am so so grateful you are in my life. I’m so thankful for the places we have traveled, where we will be traveling and for all the memories made and that are to come. Your smile and laugh melt my heart and I can’t wait to see you so soon and be able to see your face 24/7. Days like today are hard but I’m loving you extra from afar. I love you Andrew! Happy Valentine’s Day❤️❤️❤️❤️
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4 months ago
A clip of my favorite part of the new show, “Dear Future Husband,” on the Carnival Jubilee💕 Thank you @vpboyle for letting us be apart of your creation of this show! Choreography: @iamemiliodosal
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4 months ago
Just a little clip of Roxanne// Getting to do Celestial Strings is truly a dream✨🫶 Choreography: @_paul_roberts @carnivalentertainment 📸: @damiangar
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5 months ago
Spent my 26th birthday dancing along side all of these talented human beings. Also we finally opened our third and final main stage show onboard the Carnival Jubilee! Lots of laughter, blood, sweat and tears but we are here. This process is unexplainable but honored to get to take part in it with these other 7 amazing people. Here’s to us! I love you all and can’t wait for what is to come✨🫶🩵🦕 @carnivalentertainment // All pictures were either taken by @rgbdaniel or my dad @conradusa ❤️
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5 months ago
Happiest of Birthdays to my person. Even though you don’t love celebrating your birthday, you always deserve to be celebrated today and always. I wish nothing more than to be with you today. Your smile brightens every room you walk into and your laugh is contagious. I am so thankful a year and a half ago you walked into my life and so proud of you in everything you do. You are so special and everyone that knows you, knows that💛 Every time we have to say goodbye I’m always in a puddle of tears but I get more and more excited till the next time I get to see you. Im already counting down the days. I fall more in love with you each and everyday. Have the best day Andrew, I love you so much and can’t wait to see you soon🫶✨❤️
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5 months ago
I was so lucky to be able to be back in Amsterdam and get to be there with my person!! My time with you always goes by so fast. But they are always my favorite moments. I am so thankful for the short time I got to spend with you, but I’ll take any minute with you I can get. I can’t thank you for the constant laughs, love and for taking care of me. I’ll see you in just a few weeks😍 I love you always and miss you more than you know💛
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7 months ago