Rebecca Smith | Gymnastics Mental Block Coach


🤸🏼‍♀️Mindset & confidence tips for gymnasts and their parents 👇FREE Mental Block resources👇
Break through fears and mental blocks at the Confident Gymnast Camp! Join us on August 3rd & 4th, 2024, for an action-packed weekend designed to empower young gymnasts. Hosted by Complete Performance Coaching at Redwood Empire Gymnastics in Petaluma, CA, our world-class coaches are specially trained to help gymnasts overcome fear and build lasting confidence. Camp Dates: Day 1: Saturday, August 3, 2024 Athletes: Noon to 6pm Parent workshop: Noon-1pm Day 2: Sunday, August 4, 2024 9am - 3pm Enroll now for the experience of a lifetime! Limited spaces available to maintain a 5 to 1 ratio of coaches to campers. Don't miss this opportunity to transform fear into empowerment and inspire success both in and out of the gym. Secure your spot today! Comment CGC and we will DM you more info. #PerformHappyPodcast #CompletePerformanceCoaching #GymnasticsMentalBlocks #Gymnastics #Mentalblocks #ParentingThroughMentalBlocks
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2 months ago
Discover the intricacies of the brain's resistance to change in 'Parenting Through Mental Blocks: How to Get Your Happy Athlete Back' by Rebecca Smith. Page 175 delves into the fascinating phenomenon wherein the brain, prioritizing survival, hesitates to embrace change, unaware of its potential for sustaining life in new and unfamiliar circumstances. The innate fear of the unknown often leads the brain to cling to familiar—even unfavorable—situations. Scheduled for release on February 29th, this insightful book sheds light on the complexities of mental barriers in athletes. Drawing from personal experiences and expertise as a renowned mental performance coach, Smith offers invaluable insights into navigating these challenges. 'Parenting Through Mental Blocks' equips parents with actionable strategies to understand and address the root causes of their child's mental blocks effectively. By fostering awareness, confidence, and self-trust, Smith empowers parents to guide their young athletes toward success. For further details and to preorder your copy, please comment 'book' below. Unlock the secrets to supporting your child through mental hurdles and fostering resilience in the face of change. 🔗 /book #PerformHappy #CompletePerformanceCoaching #GymnasticsMentalBlocks #Gymnastics #Mentalblocks #ParentingThroughMentalBlocks
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4 months ago
It’s always athletes who are physically capable who get stuck. They have been told their whole lives that they have potential. “She’s so talented!” “She could go so far!” Skills come easily… You jam through the lower levels… Then BAM you lose a skill you can do better than most. It’s SO confusing. Coaches say, “just go for it!” Parents say, “don’t be scared!” Teammates say, “you got this!” But you’re stuck. Your body won’t go for it and you don’t know why. Here’s why it happens: Your brain has sensed a threat, which sends it into “fight-flight-freeze” mode. That threat can be physical (fear of falling and hurting yourself) or emotional (fear of failure or disappointment). Then a skill that used to feel automatic, that you didn’t have to think about, starts to feel off… Then you start THINKING. Overthinking to be exact. But the thoughts are not about technique or execution, they’re about everything that could go wrong. This increases the perceived threat to the brain, making the freeze response even more powerful. He good news? This is 100% normal and it doesn’t have to be a big deal at all. It’s those worry thoughts that make it feel like a big deal and keep you in the fear cycle. Once you learn to work *with* your brain and not against it, your thoughts will straighten out and you can get back to doing what you love. Are you struggling with a mental block? Comment BREAKTHROUGH and I’ll send you my free Mental Block Breakthrough Guide 🙌 #mentalblock #gymnasticscoach #gymnasticsmom #confidentgymnast #sportpsychology #mindset
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5 months ago
What’s the Secret to Conquering Mental Blocks? 🤔 In this week’s new episode of the PerformHappy Podcast, Brandi Smith reveals the powerful secrets she’s learned through her own incredible journey in sports. @perfect10pt takes us back to her senior year of high school when a sudden injury just before signing her college scholarship changed everything. She shares how that setback, which kept her out of competition for nine months, became a turning point in her life. Despite the initial disappointment and struggles, Brandi’s story is a powerful example of how mental resilience and finding your “why” can lead to unexpected successes. Through her personal experience of coming back stronger, earning a spot on her college team, and ultimately contributing to a national championship victory, Brandi highlights key strategies for overcoming mental blocks. She explains how understanding your emotions, like harnessing anger for action and using fear for alertness, can transform challenges into opportunities for growth. Whether you’re an athlete, coach, or parent, Brandi’s insights offer a fresh perspective on how to navigate mental blocks and achieve your highest potential. Don’t miss out on her inspiring story and practical tips for turning setbacks into comebacks! Listen to the Full Episode Now 🔗/2024/06/30/what-really-matters-in-sport-with-performancecoach-brandi-smith/ (/2024/06/30/what-really-matters-in-sport-with-performancecoach-brandi-smith/) Comment ‘BRANDI’ and we’ll send you the link to the podcast episode! 🎙 Struggling with fears, mental blocks, or confidence? Comment CONSULT to get a FREE session with one of our experts to tackle your challenges together! #PerformHappyPodcast #BrandiSmith #MentalBlocks #AthleteMindset #SportsPsychology #OvercomingObstacles #Inspiration #GymnasticsJourney #FindYourWhy #SportsPerformance
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16 hours ago
Want to Boost Athlete Performance and Reduce Burnout? In today’s brand-new episode of the PerformHappy Podcast, Performance Coach Brandi Smith dives into the powerful concepts of autonomy and clarity in sport. @perfect10pt shares how creating a supportive environment where athletes have choices and understand the “why” behind their training can lead to higher performance and less burnout. 📚 In The Episode You’ll Learn: * How Autonomy Boosts Performance: Discover why giving athletes the freedom to make choices, like picking their training tools or having a say in their goals, can significantly improve their performance. * The Importance of Clear Goals: Find out how having a clear mission statement and understanding the purpose of their training helps athletes stay motivated and focused. Brandi emphasizes that a well-defined “why” can transform the experience from a chore into a meaningful journey. * Creating a Culture of Collaboration: Learn how fostering a culture where athletes, coaches, and parents work together towards common goals can prevent burnout and lead to greater long-term success. Brandi discusses how a collaborative environment helps athletes feel valued and supported. Brandi’s insights reveal that when athletes are given choices and are part of a collaborative culture, they can harness their inner strengths and overcome challenges more effectively. 🌟🌈 🎧 Tune in to the full episode to explore these concepts and find out how you can apply them to create a positive and empowering environment for your athlete! 🔗/2024/06/30/what-really-matters-in-sport-with-performancecoach-brandi-smith/ Comment ‘BRANDI’ and we’ll send you the link to the podcast episode! 🎙 #PerformHappyPodcast #AthletePerformance #BurnoutPrevention #SportsPsychology #BrandiSmith #AutonomyInSport #ClearGoals #PerformanceCoaching #Gymnastics #SportCulture #PositiveAthleteDevelopment #MentalToughness #CollaborativeCulture
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1 day ago
When @ejnedov returned to a national team camp, she noticed her old habits creeping back. Back then, she didn't drink water during training sessions and didn't think much about her nutrition. Now, she is diligent about her protein intake, timing, and hydration. She's learned that fueling her body properly is crucial for performance. Gone are the days of just getting by; now it's all about optimizing nutrition to support her gymnastics. There's so much more education now about the importance of fueling properly. We've moved past the toxic mindset of the 90s gymnastics era, where it was all about not eating and suffering. Instead, we've realized that if you fuel your body, it performs even better. Looking back, when she was in her teens, Emma could get away with eating rubbish or eating nothing. They found ways to sneak lollies and junk food, thinking it was fine as long as they didn't eat too much. At the 2018 World Championships, Emma was so exhausted from not be allowed to eat enough that she had to hide a Red Bull in her drink bottle just to get through, and even that didn't help. As she got older, she realized how much more important proper nutrition is. Now, Emma understands that if she's going to use her muscles as much as she does and wants to build lean muscle mass, she needs to give her body the right fuel. This awareness has transformed her approach to training and competition, and she feels stronger and more prepared than ever. 🥗💪 Learn more about this on this week's podcast, comment 'EMMA' and we'll send you the link to the episode! 🎙 Ready to unlock your athlete's full potential? Comment PERFORMHAPPY to explore how they can conquer fears, crush mental blocks, and foster unshakeable confidence with the PerformHappy Membership. Get started now with a $29 trial! #PerformHappyPodcast #CompletePerformanceCoaching #GymnasticsMentalBlocks #Gymnastics #Mentalblocks #ParentingThroughMentalBlocks #FuelYourBody #ProactiveNutrition #GymnastLife #EmmaNedov #NutritionMatters
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2 days ago
You can see it when she lands this tumbling pass. Secret weapon #1 ? The joy she has for this sport. Her smile as she landed her bars dismount. The pure happiness she shows for her sport she loves. She is the perfect example of a #performhappy athlete. Secret weapon #2 ? Her people. Her teammates were THERE for each other at Olympic Trials and all along the path to Paris. Her family is a huge part of her story too. It’s proven that athletes with strong support systems are the most resilient when things don’t go according to plan. Make sure you’re surrounding yourself with people who believe in you and your dream. It’s incredible what you can accomplish 💗💗 Do you have big dreams in your sport? Comment ROADMAP and I’ll send you my free Sport Confidence Roadmap to help you on your way. #suni #olympictrials2024 #teamusa #performhappy #confidentgymnast #gymnastics #confidencetips
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3 days ago
Goals can change, and that's okay. When you're younger, it feels like you must reach them no matter what. But in gymnastics, injuries and unforeseen circumstances happen. Have a big goal, but stay open to other opportunities along the way. @ejnedov shares how important it is to be adaptable. She learned that while having a big goal is essential, staying flexible and open to new paths can lead to unexpected and rewarding opportunities. Embrace the journey and be open to where it might lead you. 💫 Learn more about this on this week's podcast, comment 'EMMA' and we'll send you the link to the episode! 🎙 Ready to unlock your athlete's full potential? Comment PERFORMHAPPY to explore how they can conquer fears, crush mental blocks, and foster unshakeable confidence with the PerformHappy Membership. Get started now with a $29 trial! #PerformHappyPodcast #CompletePerformanceCoaching #GymnasticsMentalBlocks #Gymnastics #Mentalblocks #ParentingThroughMentalBlocks #GoalsChange #StayOpen #GymnasticsJourney #EmmaNedov #EmbraceTheJourney
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3 days ago
I’ve spent 9 years actively avoiding USA Gymnastics. My blood has boiled. I have been repeatedly disappointed by the way things have been handled over the years. I watched the USAG sport psychologist advocate for Larry Nassar 🙈 for goodness sake!! That’s hard to come back from in my eyes… But a good friend of mine told me, you can’t help if you’re not involved. So here I am. This feels really important. We have to change the way we think and talk about fear. I’m so grateful to the new guard at USAG and especially for the jam packed room full of coaches who are prioritizing mental health today 👏👏👏 My hope is being restored. #mentalhealthmatters #usagymnastics #usagnationalcongress #mentalblocks #overcomingfear #performhapppy #dobetter
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4 days ago
Check out this clip from the Winning with Joy episode of the Perform Happy Podcast where Rebecca Smith @complete_performance and I @championshipculturecoach discuss the importance of giving athletes a voice and making them feel heard. 🔊⭐️ - - - #ChampionshipCulture #WinningWithJoy #PerformHappyPodcast #GiveAthletesAVoice #FutureAthletes #TeamCulture #RebeccaSmith #AthletesVoices #TeamCultureIsImportant #PositiveCulture #WinningIsTheByproduct #CultureFocused #AthleticCulture #ChampionshipCultureCoach
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4 days ago
As Emma Nedov says, being present every day and celebrating the wins is crucial. @ejnedov shared that she has always focused on future competitions, but now she emphasizes enjoying the daily process. This mindset shift has helped her find fulfillment in every step, not just the final goal. Emma's journey in gymnastics has taught her invaluable life lessons that extend beyond the sport. She realized that the skills she developed as an athlete, like resilience and problem-solving, are beneficial in all areas of life. Whether you're pursuing a dream in sports or any other field, remember to savor the journey and keep seeking new challenges. 🏔️💪 Learn more about this on this week's podcast, comment 'EMMA' and we'll send you the link to the episode! 🎙 Ready to unlock your athlete's full potential? Comment PERFORMHAPPY to explore how they can conquer fears, crush mental blocks, and foster unshakeable confidence with the PerformHappy Membership. Get started now with a $29 trial! #PerformHappyPodcast #CompletePerformanceCoaching #GymnasticsMentalBlocks #Gymnastics #Mentalblocks #ParentingThroughMentalBlocks #EnjoyTheJourney #ClimbNewMountains #StayPresent #GymnasticsJourney #EmmaNedov
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4 days ago
When you watch Jordan Chiles between events, whether it’s nationals, international assignments, Olympic Trials, or the Olympics… She’s consistent. Her physical routines and skills are consistent. And her mental routines are consistent. Did you know that dancing is a mental strategy? It lifts your mood… Gets you out of your head and into your body… Helps you tune into the senses of sound and feeling… Tapping into the senses can only happen in the present moment. Great performances only happen in the present moment. In your body, not your head. This doesn’t mean everyone has to dance between routines at meets though. You can get into your body through any of the 5 senses. You can boost your mood in a way that works for you. But the most important thing about your mental routines in competition? Be consistent. #olympictrials #gymnasticsolympictrials2024 #jordanchiles #dance #moveyourbody #mentalskillsarefun #performhappy #confidentgymnast #gymnastics #gymnast
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5 days ago