Concrete Co-Working Space

Mon-Sat | 9AM-6PM Working & Meeting Space | Event Space | Photo Studio @concretestudio 📍Pluit📍Kedoya
Check it out what’s in our photo studio!
20 1
1 month ago
POV : working at a private suite in Pluit!
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21 days ago
POV : Kantor MURAH, fasilitas TOP untuk kalian yang mencari Work Life Balance! Check it out di video ini. Perlu informasi lebih lanjut bisa kontek kita via WA di 08778 1868 111
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1 month ago
Kedoya Photo Studio props
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11 hours ago
What they say , Working at Concrete Space!
8 1
5 days ago
Looking for a private space quiet space for meetings?
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11 days ago
Various props for our Kedoya Studio
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13 days ago
What could be better than brainstorming at our Kedoya Libary
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18 days ago
Choose and make your own flower with . Special price when you register together with your friend!
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25 days ago
Learn to make your own Coquette cake togther with @happybites_id at Concrete Space. Will be the perfect gift for your friends/family. For more details contact us at 08778 1868 111
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27 days ago
BEST DEAL Promo guncangan 6.6! Bisa punya kantor sendiri dengan hanya Rp 5jtan / bulan. Kantor kami sudah fully furnished dengan meja & bangku, unlimited high speed Wi-Fi, free flow air minum, teh & kopi, concierge. Oh iya ada free common working area yang kamu bisa gunakan loh! Kamu tinggal bawa laptop saja sudah bisa langsung bekerja dengan tim kamu.
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27 days ago
Lagi mau bikin bisnis baru? Perlu kantor yng ramah di kantong tapi kulaitas bagus? Private Suites kami akan melengkapi jawaban kamu! Yuk, yang mau tau lebih detail tentang Private Suites kami bisa contact ke WA 08778 1868 1111
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29 days ago