John Ellison Conlee


Husband to Celia, father to William, Crabtree to Evelyn, Currier to Ives, Shields to Yarnell.
New one incoming. Again, I’m still in the soup with my legal team, so this is all I can share for the moment. This song is about heartbreak, but also about responsible stewardship of the earth, so it hopefully can reach a lot of people. Let me know if you’ve found yourself in a situation like this one. Peace ☮️ 💔🫐🍓🍐🍎
96 11
1 month ago
New one in the works! Spring is here and with the change of seasons I find there’s always a deepening connection to my muse. This one sprang forth like Athena fully formed after a brief interaction with a gentleman at my dentist’s office. Enjoy! #newmusic #groin
99 15
3 months ago
The wife and I LOVED season 1 of Julia, and then I had the great pleasure of playing Evan Jones opposite the fantastic Fiona Glascott in season 2. Such wonderful folks, and they really made something amazing. Love and admiration to all involved❤️
84 11
5 months ago
It’s been a long, wild ride! Thank you so much to our incredible @sagaftra leadership, negotiating team, strike captains, and the thousands of folks on the lines, from our union and other unions. Your tireless work and commitment to getting a fair deal has been inspiring. Union Strong!!!💪
70 2
7 months ago
Back in the studio laying down bass and vokes (vocals) for a new track inspired by that 90s Manchester sound. It’s also of course inspired by my two greatest influences, Wang Chung and Hoobastank, and like most of my music, I think you can hear some of that ‘Stank/Wang influence coming through. Hope you enjoy!
67 8
8 months ago
We’re still here. Not going anywhere. Give us a fair contract, and we can get back to work. Until then, we’ll be marching together outside your offices. @sagaftra #unionstrong #sagaftrastrong #sagaftrastrike
69 0
8 months ago
Back in the studio, because the work never stops. Sometimes rock n’ roll feels like an opportunity for bravado, or for false machismo. Other times, as in this one, it feels like a chance to open up about one’s fears. We’re still mixing this one(French horn solo will be OFF THE CHAIN), but I wanted to share a taste. Getting your fears out in the open can free you. I really believe that. Though it hasn’t yet worked in this particular case. #brave #vulnerable #weakness #clowns
73 7
8 months ago
After years of my album being tied up because of issues with my team(scroll back through my posts if you’re interested), I finally signed a deal with a streaming service to get all my songs to the people. Yesterday I found out that the streamer I signed with, Flubi, is not going to stream music at all, but might sell cannabis infused hats. I’m incredibly disappointed, but undaunted. Back to writing. Here’s a little clip from a new one.
118 10
9 months ago
I have about 80 of these. Pictures of my sweet mom reading to my boy. We are lucky, William and I, to have incredible mothers who are also incredible women. Here’s to the extraordinary act of mothering, and the many, varied ways all of that can play out, and the true gift that is being brought into the world and nurtured. Thanks mothers, biological and other.
200 9
1 year ago
New song. It’s been a little dark here recently, especially since I learned that my gut biome has been trying to undermine me. No matter. Do what you do. Put it all into your work. Your music. Here’s a clip that shows some of that pain transformed into song. Enjoy, even if it takes you down a bit. #strength #growth #strengthgrowth
79 0
1 year ago
65 10
1 year ago
Almost time to head back into the studio! I just wanted to give you a taste of what I’m working on. Lots of new stuff happening!#pantsuit
69 5
1 year ago