DC Dance Factory


341 13
1 month ago
353 15
2 months ago
Congratulations again to DC Dance Factory for taking home Honored Studio in Orlando. An unforgettable moment 🎉 🎥: @jongifted @tanoshi._ #ndhorlando23 #nationaldancehonors
905 26
11 months ago
It’s that time of the year… A Little throwback from a couple years ago at our Intensive with @clinelewisjones 🤍🤍🤍 🎥 @tanoshi._ much gratitude for @clinelewisjones 🤍🤍🤍 #dcdancefactory #dcdf #safespace #home #dancefamily #dancestudio #savor #savorlife #wisewords #donttakelifeforgranted #carolinelewisjones #reels #dancereels #wisdom
4,314 38
12 days ago
RECITAL SENIOR 24 X LEXI @leximcdonnough S W I P E ✨ WHEN DID YOU START DANCING? -I started dancing when I was 2 years old HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU BEEN AT DCDF? 16 years! 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF? Determined, kind, and ambitious. FAV QUOTE? “Everything happens for a reason” because it gives me peace in knowing that God has a plan for me and I’ll always end up where I’m supposed to. MOST MEMORABLE DC MOMENT? One of my favorite DC memories was being on the select team and winning our first competition because we were so young and after pouring so much time and energy into our dance and giving it our all, being able to win together was an indescribable feeling. FAV STYLE OF DANCE & WHY? I really love hiphop because it’s such a dynamic genre where no rules apply and I can really allow myself the freedom to try anything, especially through improv. I’ve always had the most fun in Nick and Dyson’s classes exploring new moves because there’s an infectious energy that pushes me to master challenging combos and show off a different side of my personality! 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE DCDF? Inspiring, creative, and passionate. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST DREAM? CAREER? PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR? -Next year I’ll be attending the University of Florida and majoring in marketing! My dream career would be pursuing work as a corporate marketing director in the entertainment industry. My biggest dream would be to compete and become a host on Dancing with the Stars. :) ON DAYS WHEN YOU WANTED TO QUIT WHAT KEPT YOU GOING? On days when I’ve wanted to quit, the support from my teachers, family, and friends have kept me going. When I look back and remember the countless memories that dance has brought me and the undying love that I have for performing on stage, I wouldn’t give it up for anything! LAST QUESTION IN 1st COMMENT! DC LOVES YOU & WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU, LEXI. HELP US WISH LEXI THE BEST!! 🎓🎉✨🫶🏻💜💚 #graduate #DCDFSENIORS #proud #dcdf #DC4L #seniors #seniorspotlight
249 14
20 days ago
SENIORS 24 X DYLAN @_dylanrosen - S W I P E ✨ WHEN DID YOU START DANCING? I started dancing at four years old. HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU BEEN AT DCDF? I’ve been at the studio for 14 years. 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF? Passionate, Creative, & Ambitious . FAV QUOTE? “The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.” -Walt Disney MOST MEMORABLE DC MOMENT? I would say my most memorable moment at DC is helping create the “Soul Purpose” intro video from last year. Being with all my boys, old and new, all coming together to make something special, then being able to showcase and perform it at recital is something I’ll never forget. FAV STYLE OF DANCE & WHY? Hip hop was my first love, and it has not changed. Since I was little, having inspiration and mentorship from older peers sparked my initial obsession for the style, and dance in general. 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE DCDF? Family, Elite, & Professional. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST DREAM? CAREER? PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR? My biggest dream is to continue what I love doing, which is dancing. Next year, I plan on attending Chapman University, and furthering my dance career. ON DAYS WHEN YOU WANTED TO QUIT WHAT KEPT YOU GOING? Usually, the times I’ve “wanted to quit” have been because of discouragement. So remembering that I dance for me, and not the people who I’m trying to please, reassures me why I do what I do. ADVICE TO THE NEXT GENERATION OF DANCERS? Stay passionate in whatever you choose to do, and set a good example for the generation after you. For me, having older dancers to look up to sparked my initial passion for dance, and hopefully my generation has done the same for y’all. Remember you always have eyes on you, mimicking your every move, even if you don’t know it. DC LOVES YOU & WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU, DYLAN. HELP US WISH DYLAN THE BEST!! 🎓🎉✨🫶🏻💜💚 #graduate #DCDFSENIORS #proud #dcdf #DC4L #seniors #seniorspotlight
688 36
20 days ago
SENIORS 24 X DARBYE @darbyelovesimpson - S W I P E ✨ WHEN DID YOU START DANCING? I started dancing when I was two years old. HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU BEEN AT DCDF? 14 years. 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF? Humble, hardworking, & determined. FAV QUOTE? Dream until your dreams come true. FAV STYLE OF DANCE & WHY? I love all styles of dance but if I had to choose one I would probably say Hiphop because I feel most like myself in that style. 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE DCDF? Home, family, & unmatched. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST DREAM? CAREER? PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR? To work in the entertainment industry as an actress or dancer or better yet BOTH!! I plan to keep training, dancing and working on my acting career. ON DAYS WHEN YOU WANTED TO QUIT WHAT KEPT YOU GOING? The desire to be better than I was the day before. ADVICE TO THE NEXT GENERATION OF DANCERS? You will miss this time the most. So, enjoy it as much as you can. Look around you and let the gratefulness exhale through you as you come to terms with how temperamental life is. And how often the things we take for granted can be changed in an instant —making us wish we could’ve appreciated it just that little bit more. Because one day you will look back at everything good that happened in your life and say to yourself ‘I wish I could go back and do it all over again’, and it will be this moment, this exact moment in your life that you will miss the most. DC LOVES YOU & WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU, DARBYE. HELP US WISH DARBYE THE BEST!! 🎓🎉✨🫶🏻💜💚 #senior #seniors #dcdancefactory #dancefamily
307 20
21 days ago
SENIORS 24 X ROSEMARY - S W I P E ✨ @rosemary.gaudreau WHEN DID YOU START DANCING? I started dancing when I was 3 years old HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU BEEN AT DCDF? I’ve been at dc for 8 years 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF? 3 words I would use to describe myself are kind, passionate, and creative. FAV QUOTE? “Spread love everywhere you go.” - Mother Teresa FAV STYLE OF DANCE & WHY? My favorite style of dance is contemporary, I love finding new ways to move and express myself. It’s the style I feel most like myself and I always feel at home when I’m dancing it. 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE DCDF? Three ways to describe dc dance factory is family, supportive, and memories WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST DREAM? CAREER? PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR? Next year I’ll be attending the University of Tennessee Chattanooga and majoring in psychology. In hopes of one day becoming an occupational therapist. ON DAYS WHEN YOU WANTED TO QUIT WHAT KEPT YOU GOING? On days when I wanted to quit I remembered all of the friendships I had built over the years through dance. They truly are my best friends and are always there to uplift me and support me. I can’t imagine my life without them! ADVICE TO THE NEXT GENERATION OF DANCERS? My biggest advice to the next generation of dancers is to stay present in the moment. Time goes by so fast and you’re only given a small amount of it to spend with the people you love, doing what you love. Soak in all the precious moments whether it’s at the studio, competitions, or spending time together as a team! DC LOVES YOU & WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU, ROSEMARY. HELP US WISH ROSY THE BEST!! 🎓🎉✨🫶🏻💜💚 #graduate #DCDFSENIORS #proud #dcdf #DC4L #seniors #seniorspotlight
172 12
21 days ago
SENIORS 24 X ALLIE - S W I P E ✨ @allielekai WHEN DID YOU START DANCING? I started dancing at 3 years old and competing at 4 years old. HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU BEEN AT DCDF? I’ve been at DCDF for 8 years. 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF? Dedicated, hardworking, and positive. FAV QUOTE? “Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realise they were the big things.” -Robert Bault FAV STYLE OF DANCE & WHY? My favorite style of dance is hip hop because I can express myself and it pushes me to become a better overall dancer. 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE DCDF? Encouraging, inspiring, and family. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST DREAM? CAREER? PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR? I plan to attended the University of Alabama next year. My major is undecided. ON DAYS WHEN YOU WANTED TO QUIT WHAT KEPT YOU GOING? No matter how hard the days were, DC never let me forget my true love for dance and my team. My team always pushed me to be my best and built me up on days when I needed it most. The teachers at DC also pushed me to be the best version of myself. On days where I wanted to quit, I remembered how much this team means to me, and continued to work hard with them. ADVICE TO THE NEXT GENERATION OF DANCERS? The days may feel long, but I look back and realize how fast it all went by. Enjoy every moment because I blinked and now I’m graduating! DC LOVES YOU & WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU, ALLIE. HELP US WISH ALLIE THE BEST!! 🎓🎉✨🫶🏻💜💚 #graduate #DCDFSENIORS #proud #dcdf #DC4L #seniors #seniorspotlight
309 30
22 days ago
SENIORS 24 X GRACIE - S W I P E ✨ @gracie_sliva WHEN DID YOU START DANCING? I started dancing when I was 3 years old. HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU BEEN AT DCDF? This is my 6th year at DC. 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF? I would describe myself as kind, compassionate, and thoughtful. FAV QUOTE? My favorite quote is “Wherever you go, go with all your heart” -Confucius. FAV STYLE OF DANCE & WHY? My favorite style of dance is contemporary because I am able to put whatever I am feeling into it. It also allows me to express myself and brings me comfort on hard days. 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE DCDF? 3 words to describe DC are inspiring, memorable, and joyous. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST DREAM? CAREER? PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR? Next year, I will be attending the University of Tennessee Knoxville and plan to major in speech pathology. ON DAYS WHEN YOU WANTED TO QUIT WHAT KEPT YOU GOING? On days I wanted to quit, I remembered how much I love to dance and all that it has given me. I have put so much into dance for the past 15 years, and I could not imagine ever giving it up. I think about how much I would miss out on, like being on stage with my best friends and making memories with my team. ADVICE TO THE NEXT GENERATION OF DANCERS? Even when it gets hard, never lose the heart that you have for dance. Never take any of it for granted because the time you have in the studio really does go by fast. Cherish every moment that you have left, whether it’s on stage, in the studio, or with your team. DC LOVES YOU & WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU, GRACIE. HELP US WISH GRACIE THE BEST!! 🎓🎉✨🫶🏻💜💚 #graduate #DCDFSENIORS #proud #dcdf #DC4L #seniors #seniorsp otlight
197 17
22 days ago
SENIORS 24 X GABBY - S W I P E ✨ @gabby.cox_ WHEN DID YOU START DANCING? I started dancing when I was 3 years old. HOW MANY YEARS HAVE YOU BEEN AT DCDF? I have been at DC for 7 years!! 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE YOURSELF? I would describe myself as dedicated, passionate, and inspiring. FAV QUOTE? “The more you believe in yourself, the more you can trust yourself. the more you trust yourself, the less you compare yourself to others.” Roy t. Bennett FAV STYLE OF DANCE & WHY? My favorite style of dance is lyrical. Starting at a very young age, I knew lyrical had my heart. Lyrical allows me to really express myself & it’s the style I feel the most like me! 3 WORDS TO DESCRIBE DCDF? I would describe DC as my Sanctuary, consistent, and HOME!!! WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST DREAM? CAREER? PLANS FOR NEXT YEAR? Next year I will be attending Marymount Manhattan to continue my dance training!!! I am hoping to go out and dance professionally after college!!! ON DAYS WHEN YOU WANTED TO QUIT WHAT KEPT YOU GOING? On days that I wanted to quit the thing that kept me going was knowing what I’d be missing. Whenever I faced challenges or felt discouraged, I reminded myself of why I started dancing in the first place and the happiness it brings me. Challenges are a normal part of any journey, and quitting would mean missing out on the joy and fulfillment that dance brings to my life. ADVICE TO THE NEXT GENERATION OF DANCERS? Don’t let fear hold you back from being the best you can be. The hardest part about growing up is learning to not care about what everyone else is thinking of you, but at the end of the day the only opinion that matters is yours. DC LOVES YOU & WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU, GABBY. HELP US WISH GABBY THE BEST!! 🎓🎉✨🫶🏻💜💚 #graduate #DCDFSENIORS #proud #dcdf #DC4L #seniors #seniorspotlight
396 27
23 days ago