Derick Cotnam


Steering the MCG ship @mycateringgroup
A month ago my pal Francis told me it was time for him to move on from his executive chef roll in my company to new adventures and last week marked the end of an absolutely unforgettable 5 year stretch as him being the executive chef of MGC . Him I and the team over this five year stretch have accomplished more than I ever thought would be possible by a long shot! We got through the pandemic then grew the business to one of if not the largest catering operations in our nations capital. We took over every federally run museum in the downtown core and the National gallery in the process. A feat that has just never been accomplished by any company ….. EVER! Not even the big billion dollar multinational catering corporations that had always historically held those contracts some for a decade at a time. I want to say thanks to Francis for all the hard work, dedication, attention to detail and perseverance through tough times to help get the business where it is today! Excited to see what’s next for you brother! Much luv @francist07 🙏😘 
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2 months ago
Reminiscing of Cabo in February, flying through the dessert on a “romantic” Valentine’s Day dirt bike sesh with this beautiful babe 😜, coincidental honey moon crashing with old friends and making friends with new ones! Cheers to memories made with awesome people 🍻
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1 year ago
A year ago today I got the keys to my home in Chelsea! I first though this was just going to be an investment by either flipping it or turning it into an air bnb but as the time passed I really fell in love with area, the home and largely the process of in-visioning the potential projects and what the home and property could be….. then JUST GOING FOR IT! I’ve had the pleasure of working along side some of my closest friends to make the vision come to life and although we have a long way to go, we have come a long way in a year! Something about being in the country has just made me a happier person and I can honestly say that even though this may not be my forever home I don’t think Ive ever felt more at home than I do here! Looking forward to continuing the project and turning this property into something extraordinary that I can continue to make lots of awesome memories with friends and family for years to come😊
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1 year ago
Amazing time last week visiting my longtime homie in his natural habitat! If you haven’t been to Vancouver island you should go! It’s beautiful!!
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3 years ago
So let’s just say I’ve come to terms with this year being a weee bit of a write off to say the least. Crazy what can happen in such a short amount of time. In early March our business was forecasted to more than double our sales of last year and now we are working just to attempt to cover our overhead. Had to give up our dodge today as we are trying to limit any unnecessary expenses (man am I going to miss putting that 6.4 Hemi to the floor lol) and we won’t be pulling out the mobile kitchen this year.... but hey🤷‍♂️ it is what it is. I just wanted to say that I am super thankful / grateful to have the support that I do during this messed up time that absolutely no one could have ever expected. To all the wonderful people both past and present that have worked so hard to make @mycateringgroup is what it is thank you! To all our loyal clients helping us in this time by purchasing our MCG at home offerings thank you! And to all my amazing friends and family that are always there for me no matter what! THANK YOU!!! Next year is 100% going to be one for the books! We just took over the catering in one of the nicest event spaces in down town Ottawa and are in negotiations with two others in the downtown core to be their exclusive caterer. With all that and the huge back log of weddings and other events that couldn’t happen this year we are very much going to have our work cut out for us!!! 💪 #bringon2021
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3 years ago
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4 years ago
A week ago today @shineyguy tied the knot with the one and only @tamjam6 !!!👰🤵what a great day it was🤗
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5 years ago
I love what I do but when I get to do it for those I love it’s that much better:) So blessed to have the amazing family that I do! #familyiseverything congrats @ajirwin on this next chapter in your life! Props to your big sis @misskateirwin for putting yesterday together:) so nice to see everyone!
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6 years ago
Throw back to staring at the Acropolis and drinkin ouzo with @jasongorlomi @shineyguy and my pops. Greece is a good time:) Go there!
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6 years ago
SOON........ Can’t wait to get rid of the roof and doors and get off the roads! Cmon SUMMER!!!!!!!! Fun times with @daveo3901 #lacstar
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6 years ago
Amazing day @whistlerblackcomb ! Unreal riding! I’ll be coming back for sure !
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6 years ago
Amazing fishing with @epicsportfishing and @wilderness_chef before getting to work in the 6ix for the week. #lakeontario #chinooksalmon #25lbs #wildcaughtsalmon can't wait to get this cured smoked and vacuumed packed for a couple special occasion feasts 😋!!!
128 7
6 years ago