Carlos Dienstmann


Gracias Cusco 🫶🏻
1 day ago
Increíble trabajar otra vez con la familia de tipi chill en colaboración con Visionart y la supervicuon conceptual del equipo de Arkana, luego de mucho trabajo y reuniones llegamos a la pieza que presentamos que representa a un “sacerdote” Chavin en transformación chamanica en la cima del templo/nave sobre la representacion de nuestra re-interpretación del cielo Mochica representado por triángulos coronando un arco que acaba em ambos lados en cabezas de perro Viringo? O algún animal sagrado para esa cultura pre-Inca. Felices de tener un stage con psicodelia andino Amazonica gracias también a las increibles proyecciones de Teser Acto! Fue un verdadero placer y trabajar con todos uds en la creacion de este sueño llamado Arkana Festival! Gracias a todos los que vinieron y disfrutaron esta celebración hecha con mucho amor y esfuerzo! Y mil disculpas a los que se vieron perjudicados con el cambio de locación a una semana del Festival. ————————————————————————————- 🇬🇧 It was a pleasure to work again with the tipi chill family in collaboration with Visionart and the conceptual supervision of the Arkana team, after a lot of work and meetings we arrived at the piece we present that represents a Chavin “priest” in shamanic transformation in the top of the temple/nave on the representation of our re-interpretation of the Moche sky represented by triangles crowning an arch that ends on both sides in the heads of Viringo dogs? Or some animal sacred to that pre-Inca culture. Happy to have a stage with Andean Amazonian psychedelia thanks also to the incredible projections of Teser Acto! It was a real pleasure to work with all of you in the creation of this dream called Arkana Festival! And a thousand apologies to those who were harmed by the change of location one week before the Festival. We wouldn’t did it if it weren’t necessary for the safety of the festival.
1 day ago
I am really proud to announce that my last production on my MNKM (Manikeism) project is out on Nukaya compilation, compiled by my great friend and colleague @mallki_r !!! 🎧 I am extremely happy to be part of the @padang.records family and this psytech VA was made with a lot of passion and precision in the track selection!!! 💀 A big thank you and lot of respect to all the great artists on the compilation: @shreder.doublecheese @akari_system @kleiman_music @meerkat_music_ @dienstmann7 @my.rtox @myr.tox @deuteroz963 @brojanowski.broja @victor.mnkm @tystix_ocularscope @niukid.breadman Caballero Evolve @monococtechno @monococ_techno @freckles.sound Kilbee @xavichikm @musgolino @slluksmusic @bensaid.voqui Link to the album : /album/va-nukaya Photos in the video edit from @euan_wallace
7 days ago
Caê, the visionary force driving the Dienstmann project, stands as the vibrant core of the renowned Padang Records. With a career spanning over 17 years within the trance scene, he has established himself as both a prolific musical producer and a discerning curator, boasting a portfolio of over 50 groundbreaking records. Collaborating with a diverse array of talented artists from across the globe, Caê has consistently pushed the boundaries of creativity. His influence transcends mere record releases, as he assumes the role of a musical alchemist, orchestrating dynamic events and nurturing budding talent. Within the walls of Padang Records, Caê serves as a mentor to aspiring artists, imparting his wisdom and igniting their passion. The Dienstmann project, adorned with releases on esteemed labels including DMT, Glitchy Tonic, and Insonitus, reverberates throughout the global scene as a beacon of originality and excellence. His tracks, seamlessly blending elements of techno and dark progressive, beckon listeners to both dance and contemplate, serving as a captivating presence at premier festivals worldwide. With an artistic ethos that gracefully balances sophistication with the extraordinary, Caê has elevated Padang Records into a bastion of innovation within the psychedelic music sphere. His unwavering dedication as both a producer and curator has solidified its position as a sanctuary for underground music enthusiasts and a launchpad for emerging talents alike. Prepare yourself for an auditory journey where the unconventional intertwines with the surreal, promising to infuse your senses with a breath of fresh musical air.
22 days ago
Videoclips de las últimas ediciones especiales de Arkana en el Valle Sagrado de los Inkas!!! Que no te lo cuenten … Ultimo día de extension de la 1ra fase!!! Video clips of the latest special editions of Arkana in the Sacred Valley of the Inkas!!! Last day of extension of the 1st phase!!! Feel the Magic 🪄 Arkana Festival … not to be missed!!!
23 days ago
Crazy weekend starts tomorrow… can’t wait to play at @atmanfestival_official techno stage on Thursday with my brother @con__fetti and Friday @inchalafestival stage, opening the day with a psychedlic downtempo set with my bro @dj_r23p !! On saturday the 3 of us will go to @bahnwaerterthiel to a very special night where @arkana_festival meets @just_emma_official and @urem_music … is gonna be epic!!!! A nice Showcase of what’s comming to @arkana_festival this year!! Que fin de semana loco comienza mañana...ya falta poco para tocar en el escenario techno de @atmanfestival_official el jueves con mi hermano @con__fetti y el viernes en el escenario del @inchalafestival con mi bro @dj_r23p , abriendo el día con un set psicodélico de downtempo!! El sábado los 3 iremos a @bahnwaerterthiel en Munich a una noche muy especial donde @arkana_festival se encuentra con @just_emma_official y @urem_music ... Epico !!!! ¡¡Un lindo showcase de lo que viene a @arkana_festival este año en el Valle Sagrado de los Incas! 💜💜💜
1 month ago
Caê, a mente inovadora por trás do projeto Dienstmann, é o coração pulsante da lendária Padang Records. Com uma rica carreira na cena trance que abrange mais de 17 anos, ele é um produtor musical e curador que lançou mais de 50 releases criativos, colaborando com artistas únicos e talentosos de todos os cantos do planeta. Sua participação na indústria vai além do lançamento de discos. Como um verdadeiro alquimista musical, Caê desempenhou um papel fundamental na organização de eventos vibrantes e no desenvolvimento de novos talentos. Ele é um mentor para muitos artistas da Padang Records, guiando-os com sabedoria e paixão. O projeto Dienstmann, com lançamentos em labels como DMT, Glitchy Tonic e Insonitus, ressoa no cenário global como uma marca de originalidade e excelência. Suas faixas, que harmonizam techno e dark progressive, são um convite para a dança e a reflexão, presenças constantes e envolventes nos grandes festivais. Com uma abordagem artística que equilibra o elegante com o extraordinário, Caê transformou a Padang Records em um farol de inovação na música psicodélica. Sua dedicação como produtor e curador estabeleceu a mesma como uma plataforma para artistas emergentes e estabelecidos, um santuário para a os amantes do underground. Prepare-se para a experiência musical, onde o freaky encontra o absurdo trazendo novos ventos para seus ouvidos. Seja bem vindo Dienstamnn a High Secret Society
2 months ago
We are very happy to already launch our second phase of artists. We couldn't be more satisfied with the selection we have for this year. An epic Arkana is coming with many incredible musical flavors and textures traversing different genres of psytrance, techno, house, downtempo... a lot of fresh music! Don't miss this edition of Arkana festival that is coming back with everything!!! --- ¡Es un placer anunciar la segunda fase de artistas! Estamos encantados de compartir nuestra selección para este año, ¡y no podríamos estar más emocionados! Prepárense para un Arkana épico, repleto de una variedad de sabores y texturas musicales que abarcan distintos géneros como psytrance, techno, house, downtempo... ¡La música fresca está garantizada! No se pierdan esta edición del Arkana Festival, ¡vuelve con todo!
3 months ago
So happy to play at this amazing festival, the only one where the main stage has so much fresh music and lower bpms. Without a doubt, one of my favorite line ups of the summer!!! ———————————————————————————- Muy feliz de tocar en este increíble festival, el único donde el main stage tiene tanta musica fresca y los bpms mas bajos. Sin duda, uno de mis line ups favoritos del verano!!! @padangrecords @arkana_festival
4 months ago
Feliz de volver por tercera vez al festival mas Underground de Mexico, representando a @padangrecords .Que pedazo de line up, que lujo compartir con la bandota en el mágico bosque de San Cristobal. Nos vemos en un par de días para blastear en la pista!!!!
6 months ago
Feliz Natal pra todos vocês e suas famílias!!!
6 months ago
🧙 Se o nosso mago da telefonia, @dienstmann7 , disse, tá dito: AQUI NÃO TEM BRUXARIA! Para assistir ao programa completo, é só acessar o canal Loucos da Telecom no YouTube: #loucosdatelecom #telefonia #provedordeinternet #voip #telecomunicações
6 months ago