Reilly Donovan


Product Design Prototyper @ Meta Quest
Bubbles An AI generated music video sketch made using #runwaygen3 and #udio
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19 hours ago
As The Colors Fall An AI generated music video using #runwaygen3 for the visuals and #udio for the audio, I might just make it as a pop star some day!
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1 day ago
Doing tests with temporal stability for video to video transfers, I need to make more keyframes and masks to reduce noise and improve continuity, however I do like seeing my face melt as an old man
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14 days ago
AI generated logos for the ai generated language made for ai called Elanth
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14 days ago
A test of an AI generated language called Elanth translated from text to speech, Elanth Paragraph Elanth: Xe lavia quor i katir, zevin tar klenir silvok. Xeni yorin beska turis, naru xeti vin tarin. Lo jekri voximen avot rem ni selen. Tan ratior vitrak elim, nadron yavi vior ekril. Miu dantor, na ilvior leskin xor. Translation English: I walk through the forest, watching the stars sparkle above. We gather fresh water, thanking the river for its gift. He builds a house by the ancient tree. The sun rises with warmth, bringing life to the land. We sing, and our voices echo in the night. Vocabulary Used Xe: I lavia: walk quor: through i: the katir: forest zevin: watching tar: stars klenir: sparkle silvok: above Xeni: We yorin: gather beska: fresh turis: water naru: thank xeti: river vin: for tarin: gift Lo: He jekri: builds voximen: house avot: by rem: ancient ni: tree selen: tree Tan: The ratior: sun vitrak: rises elim: with nadron: warmth yavi: bringing vior: life ekril: land Miu: We dantor: sing na: and ilvior: our leskin: voices xor: echo xor: in v: the night: night
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14 days ago
AI generated symbols for an AI generated language called: "Elanth" can be derived from a combination of syllables that have particular meanings in the invented language: "El": Might signify "universe" or "realm" "Anth": Could mean "life" or "existence" Elanth Language Framework Phonetics and Pronunciation Vowels: a, e, i, o, u, y Consonants: k, t, p, m, n, r, s, l, v, z, g, b, d, j, x, q Diphthongs: ai, ei, oi, au, eu, iu, oy, ay Sample Pronunciation Rules: "a" as in "father" "e" as in "bed" "i" as in "machine" "o" as in "not" "u" as in "rude" "y" as in "yes" Consonants have distinct, crisp sounds, with "x" pronounced as "ks" and "q" as a throaty "k" Grammar Sentence Structure: Verb-Subject-Object (VSO) Example: "Eat I apple" instead of "I eat an apple." Articles: None Pluralization: Use infix "-ni-" after the first vowel of the noun Example: "kat" (cat) becomes "kanit" (cats) Tenses: Prefixes added to the verb Present: no prefix (eat -> eat) Past: "ba-" (eat -> baeat) Future: "na-" (eat -> naeat) Pronouns I: xe You (singular): za He/She/It: lo We: xeni You (plural): zani They: loni Basic Vocabulary Hello: Ulay Goodbye: Xir Please: Fara Thank you: Naru Yes: Ra No: Fi Love: Vion Friend: Kelya Water: Turis Food: Zolak Example Sentences Hello, how are you?: Ulay, za qim fara? I am fine, thank you.: Xe qim zen, naru. I love you.: Vion xe za. We are friends.: Xeni qim kelya. Numbers 1: o 2: ta 3: tri 4: qar 5: ve 6: xi 7: zev 8: ok 9: nu 10: des Sample Text in Elanth English: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Elanth: Jum lo qim fox qat the desum dog laz.
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14 days ago
AI generated fonts.
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22 days ago
Dive into "Nature," the most organic solution you never knew you needed, showcased in this AI-powered parody advertisement. This video unfolds the irony of using entirely artificial, AI-generated elements—hosts, landscapes, and sound effects—to promote the simple pleasures and healing powers of the natural world. It highlights the contradiction between the digital medium and its message, encouraging viewers to step outside and reconnect with nature while they themselves are immersed in a completely unnatural, digitally created environment. This playful juxtaposition not only draws attention to the capabilities of modern AI but also serves as a reflective mirror on our increasing detachment from the natural world, urging a return to authenticity and environmental engagement.
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1 month ago
A very early rough draft of "ECHO". "ECHO" is an AI short film where the story itself revolves around the very AI tools that created it, presenting a meta-narrative on the capabilities and implications of artificial intelligence in art. The film employs AI-generated visuals, sound, music, speech, and script to explore the concept of simulacra, blurring the lines between creator and creation. It delves into the complexities and potential of AI as both a tool and a subject, highlighting the impact of AI on the nature of storytelling and artistic expression.
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6 months ago
Playing around with text generation in midjourney v 0.6, hello world
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6 months ago
"Gestalt" is an experimental video that explores the concept of "the sum of the parts." The video features infinitely randomly mixed AI-generated audio and video clips, inviting viewers to contemplate how a cohesive whole can emerge from the chaos of individual elements. As the video unfolds, viewers are invited to reflect on the idea that our understanding of the world is shaped not just by the individual components but by their arrangement, relationships, and the context in which they exist. "Gestalt" challenges us to consider the profound implications of perceiving the sum of the whole, taking us on a journey that blurs the line between the parts and their encompassing unity.
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6 months ago
A quick test using generative AI audio and video, #runwayml #gen2
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9 months ago