Doolly Noted


Things Worth Noting • ✏️ • Since 2010 • 👋☺️ Facts, Fun, Q&A, Free Info, AMA, Tips & Tricks Health | Science | Tech | Space | History | +
Ultra Processed Foods: Impact on Health and Brain Function Ultra-processed foods severely impact our health, disrupting our bodies, metabolism, hormones, and brain function. These foods offer minimal benefits beyond short-lived dopamine boosts, contributing to long-term health issues such as obesity and chronic diseases. Processed foods are notorious for their high levels of sugar, unhealthy fats, and additives, which can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, and hormonal imbalances. Studies indicate a correlation between a diet rich in ultra-processed foods and increased risks of cardiovascular disease and cognitive decline. To maintain optimal health, prioritizing whole, unprocessed foods rich in nutrients and avoiding excessive consumption of ultra-processed options is crucial. Question: “Is our food deliberately manipulated to keep us docile and lacking critical awareness?” — Comment Your Answer Below 📝 Notes: See Pinned — Doolly Noted | Things Worth Noting ✏️ Follow @doollynoted for facts, fun, and free info. #processedfood #nutritionalfacts #healthconscious #Health #Nutrition #Wellness #HealthyEating #RealFood #CleanEating #WholeFoods #NutrientDense #HealthyChoices #FoodIsMedicine #EatClean #FoodForThought #HealthyLiving #WellnessJourney #MindfulEating #HealthFirst #GutHealth #FoodAsFuel #EatWell #Balance #HealthyHabits #HealthyLifestyle #NutritionTips #FitnessFood #EatRealFood #HealthyBody #HealthyMind Credit denny dure Disclaimer: For Informational Purposes Only.
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18 days ago
What Does It All Mean Cat | Video | Doolly Noted + Humanity: Origins, Evolution, and Meaning - What are we here for? - We are Homo sapiens, the only surviving species of the genus Homo, characterized by our bipedalism, large brains, and complex societies. Our existence is the result of biological evolution, shaped by genetic mutations, natural selection, and environmental pressures over millions of years. - Where did we come from? - Our species emerged in Africa approximately 200,000 years ago. Our ancestors were early hominids who evolved from earlier primates over millions of years. The exact timeline of our evolution includes species such as Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and Homo neanderthalensis, leading to the emergence of Homo sapiens. - What does it all mean? - The meaning of life is a complex and subjective concept. It is influenced by various factors, including cultural, philosophical, and religious beliefs, as well as personal experiences and individual perspectives. Some people find meaning in relationships, personal achievements, or contributions to society, while others seek meaning through spiritual or existential exploration. Ultimately, the meaning of life is a question that each person must grapple with and define for themselves. WHAT IS THIS PLACE? 👀😳 — @DoollyNoted | Things Worth Noting ✏️ #humanity #origins #homosapiens #cat #evolutionary#existentialism #philosophymemes #meaningoflife #biologylovers #anthropologist#science #history #spiritualitymatters #conciousness #perspectives#explorationstation #primatesofinstagram #culture #beliefsystem #ancestralliving#life #nature #catvideosdaily #earthdiscoveries #catsofgram#animalvideos #catvids #catstagrams #kittycatloves #funnyanimalstoday Credit buesihood Disclaimer: Video for informational purposes.
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2 months ago
Smart Engagement: Pick Your Conversations Wisely | Doolly Noted Engaging with people who won’t listen is like trying to grow flowers on rocks—it’s pointless and tiring. Rational talks work best with open minds. But trying to talk sense to those who won’t listen is like talking to a wall—it doesn’t go anywhere. Save your energy for those who want to understand. That way, you can have better conversations and maybe learn from each other. Selective Engagement: Optimize Conversations - Efficiency: Concentrate on conversations that yield results. - Productivity: Spend time wisely by avoiding unproductive exchanges. - Respect: Engage with individuals who value and understand your perspective. - Growth: Foster personal development through meaningful interactions. - Effectiveness: Prioritize quality discussions over quantity for better outcomes. — @DoollyNoted | Things Worth Noting ✏️ #conversation #smartengagement #communication #qualityoverquantity #qualityovereverything#selective #selectivelysocial #mindfulengagement #conversational #optimizeyourlife#choosequality #meaningfulconversations #meaningfulconnections #meaningfulconnection #converse#wisechoice #selectivelistening #selectivehearing #valueyourtime #valueyourlife#valueyourself #conversationstarter #theconversationcreator #productivemindset #communicationtips#idiocracy #communicationskills #mindfulconnections #convos #wordsofwisdom Disclaimer: For informational purposes only.
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2 months ago
EMF Radiation: Electric Car VS Microwave Comparison + Health Concerns Excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) has raised health concerns due to its potential impact on biological systems. EMF exposure comes from power lines, mobile phones, Wi-Fi, and other wireless devices. Here’s a concise summary of the key points related to EMF exposure and health. Types of EMF: - Non-ionizing: Low-frequency EMFs from power lines, mobile phones, Wi-Fi. - Ionizing: High-frequency EMFs like X-rays, which can damage DNA. Health Concerns: - Cancer Risk: Potential link to certain cancers, particularly brain tumors, but evidence is inconclusive. - Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS): Symptoms include headaches, fatigue, and stress, though scientific evidence is limited. - Neurological Effects: Possible impacts on sleep, memory, and cognitive functions. - Reproductive Health: Mixed evidence on effects on fertility and reproductive health. Regulatory Guidelines: - International Guidelines: WHO and ICNIRP provide exposure limits. - National Regulations: Varies by country, with standards for occupational and public exposure. Protective Measures: - Minimizing Exposure: Use wired connections, keep devices away from the body, and reduce wireless device use. - Shielding Products: Their effectiveness is debated. Current Research: - Ongoing Studies: Research continues to understand long-term health effects. - Public Health Initiatives: Focus on educating the public about safe EMF practices. “Being in a Tesla is like having a mobile phone constantly around you.” — Doolly Noted | Things Worth Noting Follow @doollynoted for facts, fun, and free info. #EMF #Tesla ☢️🚗⚡️🧠😣😴 #EMFradiation #ElectricCars #MicrowaveRadiation #HealthAwareness #TechnologyNews #EnvironmentalHealth #EMFexposure #CarSafety #HealthyLiving #TechInnovation #ElectromagneticFields #RadiationAwareness #ElectricVehicles #MicrowaveOven #HealthRisk #SafetyFirst #WellnessWednesday #GreenTechnology #HealthTips #TechSafety #EMFprotection #CleanEnergy #DigitalHealth #RadiationSafety #ElectricCarSafety #TechHealth #EMFawareness #HealthScience Credit Chief Nerd Disclaimer: For Informational Purposes Only.
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7 days ago
Why High Fructose Corn Syrup is Bad for Your Health High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a common sweetener found in many processed foods and beverages. Derived from corn starch, HFCS contains a mixture of glucose and fructose, which has been linked to various health concerns. Here are the key reasons why HFCS is detrimental to health: Increased Risk of Obesity: HFCS contributes to weight gain and obesity due to its high calorie content and the way it affects metabolism. Fructose is metabolized differently than glucose, promoting fat accumulation, especially visceral fat. Metabolic Disorders: Excessive consumption of HFCS is linked to insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes. Fructose does not stimulate insulin secretion or enhance leptin production, both of which are crucial for regulating appetite and body weight. Liver Damage: Fructose is primarily metabolized in the liver, where it can lead to fatty liver disease. High intake of HFCS can result in the accumulation of fat in the liver, causing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Heart Disease: HFCS can increase triglyceride levels in the blood, contributing to higher risks of cardiovascular diseases. The inflammation and increased oxidative stress caused by excessive fructose intake can also damage blood vessels. Increased Appetite and Overeating: HFCS may interfere with the body’s ability to regulate hunger and fullness. Fructose can alter the signaling of hormones like ghrelin and leptin, leading to increased appetite and overeating. Gout and Kidney Stones: The metabolism of fructose can increase uric acid levels in the blood, which is a risk factor for gout and the formation of kidney stones. Negative Impact on Gut Health: High intake of HFCS can disrupt the balance of gut microbiota, leading to dysbiosis. This imbalance can contribute to gastrointestinal issues and affect overall health. Addictive Potential: HFCS has been shown to have addictive properties similar to drugs, making it difficult for individuals to reduce consumption once they have developed a habit. See Pinned For More Notes (IG) — Doolly Noted | Things Worth Noting #HFCS #HighFructoseCornSyrup #Sugar
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10 days ago
Raw Milk vs Pasteurized Milk: Nutrients, Enzymes, Health Benefits Raw milk vs pasteurized(past) milk: Understand the nutrient disparities, enzyme content, and health benefits of raw milk compared to past varieties. Raw Milk: - Nutrients: Contains higher levels of vitamins (A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K) and minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus). - Enzymes: Rich in beneficial enzymes like lactase, lipase, phosphatase, amylase, and proteases, aiding digestion and nutrient absorption. - Probiotics: Contains beneficial bacteria such as Lactobacillus, supporting gut health. - Immune Factors: Immunoglobulins and lactoferrin contribute to immune system support. - Fatty Acids: Higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory. Pasteurized Milk: - Nutrients: Some vitamins and minerals may be reduced during pasteurization. - Safety: Eliminates harmful bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella, reducing foodborne illness risks. - Availability: Widely available due to longer shelf life and reduced microbial contamination. - Consistency: Standardized nutritional content due to regulatory controls. Health Benefits of Raw Milk: - Potential for improved digestion and nutrient absorption due to intact enzymes. - Enhanced immune system function through natural antibodies. - May reduce allergies and asthma symptoms in some individuals. - Supports local farming and sustainable agriculture practices. Health Benefits of Past Milk: - Reduced risk of foodborne illnesses. - Standardized nutritional content ensures consistency in nutrient intake. - Widely accessible and suitable for individuals with compromised immune systems. Considerations: - Regulatory Standards: Raw milk safety varies by region; strict hygiene and testing protocols are crucial. Make sure it’s from a reliable source. - Personal Health Factors: Individual tolerance to raw milk varies; some may experience digestive issues. - Choice: Balanced consideration between nutrient density & safety is crucial in choosing between raw & past milk. • Notes in Pinned (IG) “Is raw milk’s purity worth the risk over pasteurized milk’s safety?” — Doolly Noted | Things Worth Noting #RawMilk #PasteurizedMilk #OrganicMilk
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11 days ago
Smartphone Ban in Schools: Enhance Education with Dumbphones Banning smartphones but allowing dumbphones in school helps reduce distractions and cyberbullying, while still providing basic communication for emergencies. Dumbphones limit internet access, social media use, and gaming, fostering a more focused learning environment. Notes: 1. Reduced Distractions: Dumbphones limit access to social media, games, and unnecessary internet browsing, helping students stay focused in class. 2. Prevention of Cyberbullying: Smartphones often facilitate cyberbullying through social media and messaging apps, which can be mitigated with dumbphones that have limited communication features. 3. Promotion of Face-to-Face Interaction: Dumbphones encourage more face-to-face interaction among students during breaks and free periods, fostering social skills. 4. Enhanced Learning Environment: By minimizing distractions, students are more likely to engage with academic material and participate actively in classroom activities. 5. Emergency Communication: Dumbphones still provide basic communication capabilities for emergencies, ensuring safety while limiting non-academic uses. 6. Parental Control: Parents can have more control over their children’s usage patterns and screen time with simpler dumbphones compared to smartphones. “By limiting smartphones in schools, we prioritize focus, genuine connections, and meaningful learning.” — Doolly Noted | Things Worth Noting #smartphone #education #school
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15 days ago
Pesticides: Effects on Gut, Immune System, and Overall Health Pesticides, crucial for agriculture, extend their impact to human health, notably affecting gut microbiota and the immune system. These chemicals can disrupt the delicate balance of gut bacteria, leading to potential health implications. This discussion explores how pesticides alter gut microbiota and immune responses, their associated health outcomes, current research insights, and strategies for mitigation. Mechanisms of Impact on Gut Health • Microbiome Disruption: Alters the diversity and composition of gut bacteria. • Direct Toxicity: Harmful to beneficial gut bacteria, affecting their growth and function. • Immune System Interaction: Induces gut inflammation and affects gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Effects of Specific Pesticides • Organophosphates: Inhibit acetylcholinesterase, altering microbial populations and enzyme activity. • Glyphosate: Disrupts the shikimate pathway in microbes, affecting gut bacteria. • Neonicotinoids: Reduce microbial diversity, potentially impacting the gut-brain axis. • Pyrethroids: May affect microbial diversity (limited studies). Health Outcomes from Microbiota Changes • Gut Dysbiosis: Imbalance in microbial populations. • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Altered microbiota may contribute to IBD. • Metabolic Disorders: Links to obesity and diabetes through microbiota changes. • Neurological Effects: Potential impacts on the gut-brain axis, affecting mental health and neurodegenerative diseases. Research Findings • Animal Studies: Show significant microbiome changes and health impacts like increased inflammation and metabolic issues. • Human Studies: Suggest correlations between pesticide exposure, gut dysbiosis, and health problems (limited data). Mitigation Strategies Dietary Interventions: Consuming organic foods, probiotics, and prebiotics to support gut health. Conclusion Pesticides significantly impact gut health by disrupting microbiota, leading to various health issues. Addressing this requires dietary, regulatory, and research efforts. Notes: See Pinned (IG) — Doolly Noted | Things Worth Noting ✏️ #pesticides #guthealth #microbiome
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20 days ago
Prevent Identity Theft: Freeze Your Credit Freezing your credit with the major credit bureaus—Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion—is a crucial step to protect yourself from identity theft and unauthorized account openings. When you place a credit freeze, it restricts access to your credit report, making it significantly harder for identity thieves to open new accounts in your name, as creditors typically need to review your credit report before approving new credit. This measure does not affect your existing credit lines and remains in place until you choose to lift the freeze. To freeze your credit, you must contact each bureau individually online, by phone, or via mail, and provide personal information such as your Social Security number, date of birth, and address. Each bureau will give you a unique PIN or password that you will need to unfreeze your credit temporarily or permanently when you decide to apply for new credit. Freezing your credit is free under federal law and does not impact your credit score. It’s a highly recommended action if you do not plan to open new accounts soon, providing peace of mind against identity theft. Additionally, it is advisable to periodically review your credit reports and consider additional monitoring services to ensure continued protection. — Doolly Noted | Things Worth Noting #credit #identitytheft #fraud
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20 days ago
Artificial Food Coloring: Health Risks Red 40 (Allura Red AC) - Source(S): Derived from petroleum. - Health Concerns(HC): - Potential links to hyperactivity in children. - May cause allergic reactions, especially in individuals with aspirin intolerance. - Possible carcinogenic effects suggested by some animal studies. Yellow 5 (Tartrazine) - S: Derived from petroleum. - HC: - Linked to hyperactivity and behavioral changes in children. - May cause allergic reactions + asthma exacerbations. - Possible association w/ thyroid tumors in animal studies. Yellow 6 (Sunset Yellow FCF) — S: Derived from petroleum. - HC: - Potential for allergic reactions + hypersensitivity. - Linked to hyperactivity in children. - Associated w/ kidney + adrenal gland tumors in animal studies. Blue 1 (Brilliant Blue FCF) - S: Derived from coal tar. - HC: - May cause allergic reactions. - Possible link to hyperactivity in children. - Associated w/ increased tumor formation in the kidneys of mice. Blue 2 (Indigo Carmine) - S: Derived from coal tar. - HC: - Potential link to hyperactivity in children. - Possible association w/ brain gliomas in male rats. - Risk of allergic reactions. Green 3 (Fast Green FCF) - Source: Derived from petroleum. - HC: - Linked to potential tumors in the bladder + testes in animal studies. - May cause allergic reactions. - Possible behavioral changes in children. Red 3 (Erythrosine) - S: Derived from coal tar. - HC: - Linked to thyroid tumors in rats. - Potential to cause chromosomal damage. - May result in behavioral changes in children. Citrus Red 2 - S: Derived from petroleum, used primarily to color orange peels. - HC: - Classified as a potential human carcinogen. - Linked to bladder tumors in animal studies. - Limited human studies but potential for causing cancer. Notes: - Continuous exposure to multiple artificial dyes(ADs) may increase health risks. - Some ADs are banned or restricted in certain countries due to health concerns. - Many ADs are associated w/ behavioral issues, particularly in children, including hyperactivity, attention deficits. - Doolly Noted | Things Worth Noting #foodcoloring
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21 days ago
Mars at Night ✨ Mars Notes: - Red planet, fourth from the sun - Thin atmosphere, primarily carbon dioxide - Surface features: Olympus Mons (tallest volcano), Valles Marineris (longest canyon) - Polar ice caps composed of water and dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) - Various rovers exploring its surface, including Curiosity and Perseverance - Potential future colonization target for humans, but challenges include harsh environment, lack of atmosphere, and radiation exposure — Doolly Noted | Things Worth Noting #mars #nightsky #starrynight #redplanet #celestialbeauty #nightskymagic #astrovideos #marsplanet #cosmicwonder #spaceexploration #astronomy #nightvideo #stargazing #marswatch #galacticvibes #planetarymagic #marsrover #nightscape #skylovers #astrobeauty #stellarnight #stargazingnight #skygalaxy #cosmicwonders #explorethecosmos #celestialart #spacevideos #starsfordays #starnight #nighttimevibes Disclaimer: For informational purposes only.
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21 days ago
10 Ways to Remove Lead and Heavy Metals from Your Body Removing lead and other heavy metals from the body, a process known as detoxification or chelation, involves several methods. Here are the primary approaches: 1. Chelation Therapy: Using agents like EDTA, DMSA, or DMPS to bind and excrete metals through urine. 2. Activated Charcoal: Binds toxins in the gut, reducing absorption. 3. Dietary Interventions: - High-Fiber Diet: Binds metals for excretion. - Antioxidant-Rich Foods: Reduce oxidative stress (e.g., fruits, vegetables). - Chelating Foods: Cilantro, garlic, chlorella. 4. Nutritional Supplements: - Vitamins/Minerals: Vitamin C, zinc, selenium, magnesium support detox. - Glutathione: Aids in detoxifying metals. 5. Hydration: Supports kidney function and toxin excretion. 6. Sauna Therapy: Sweating helps eliminate toxins. 7. Colon Hydrotherapy: Controversial, but some believe it aids toxin removal. 8. Avoidance of Exposure: Use water filters, avoid high-mercury fish, ensure a lead-free environment. 9. Liver/Kidney Support: Healthy diet and lifestyle enhance detox. 10. Professional Supervision: Essential for safe detox, especially with significant exposure. Notes: Foods known to accumulate heavy metals: - Fish (especially large predatory types like tuna) - Rice (particularly from areas with contaminated soil(CS) or water) - Leafy greens (spinach, kale, etc.) - Shellfish: Shrimp/crab may accumulate heavy metals like cadmium and mercury. - Root vegetables: Potatoes and carrots, especially if grown in CS. - Chocolate: Cocoa plants can absorb heavy metals like lead and cadmium from soil. - Poultry: If raised in areas with contaminated feed or water. - Processed foods - Fruit juices: If fruits grown in areas with CS or water sources. - Tea: If grown in areas with high soil contamination. Heavy metals can cause: - Neurological damage - Kidney damage - Liver damage - Developmental issues in children - Cardiovascular problems - Reproductive system damage - Respiratory issues - Immune system suppression - Bone density reduction - Increased risk of cancer — Doolly Noted | Things Worth Noting #detoxification #heavymetaldetox #healthtips
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22 days ago