Douglas Starnes


Gone dark ..still checking DMs .. I'll be back as soon as I can
Social media is not something I have time for right now. My life demands I prioritize other things. I will be back.
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10 days ago
Tonight’s #LaserCut creation
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2 months ago
This evenings #lasercut creations.
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2 months ago
Laser cut dice #lasercut
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2 months ago
My first 3D #lasercut object designed from scratch
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2 months ago
I made a thing for the solar eclipse.
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2 months ago
On the left is without air assist. On the right is with. It does make a difference.
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2 months ago
Some lightning strikes against the #Nashville skyline
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3 months ago
The night life in downtown #Nashville after #DataTune2024 day 1
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3 months ago
I can see the Parthenon from my room. #DataTune2024 #Nashville
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3 months ago
That's a big boat. #Nashville
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3 months ago
Four more days until #DataTune2024 and #Nashville
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4 months ago