Doutzen Kroes


I’m in this physical world but I’m non of it. I’m grateful to be part of this massive evolution of human consciousness ❤️
When I was watching the @thrive_movie a while ago I was amazed by these two ladies and the wisdom they spoke with! It stuck with me and I can’t let go of it that’s why I decided to share it with you. I think the metaphor of the Caterpillar is so accurate today. We as human beings can be so destructive to our planet just like a caterpillar can be to it’s surroundings eating everything on it’s way. When it’s satisfied it hangs itself and in it a soup of imaginal cells is created. When Elisabeth Sahtouris is explaining why this metaphor is so important because the old and the new co exist, it resonates with me in this day and age! We can be those imaginal cells and build a new world! Let us be that butterfly and spread our wings and move into that new world, focus on what CAN be in a world where we can all THRIVE! Power to the people 🦋
3 years ago
This video resonates with me, it brings me to a higher vibration and frequency. It’s an incredible feeling of joy and hope during this time to feel connected with a lot of likeminded people and I hope it does the same to you ❤️💫 @freedomceremonies
3 years ago
I’m a demeter, which says: ‘You’re a mother and a creator. You cherish and take care of life at all its forms. You don’t judge anyone.’ Thank you @dior and @mariagraziachiuri for spending the day with you ♥️
4 years ago
Even though I was very nervous, introducing my childhood hero conservationist and ecologist doctor @janegoodallinst at the @oneyoungworld Summit in London, it was one of the highlights of my career. With her work raising money and awareness for a better planet for all living creatures, she is a huge inspiration for the work I do with @knotonmyplanet . Her powerful message of hope for the future is a very important one. You can watch the episode here:
4 years ago
Evening time is family time at our place. We cook, share a meal, play and read bedtime stories, I'd also like to call it rush hour. When the kids are asleep I like to indulge in some serious self-care. It’s something I think every busy woman should allow herself to do. Don’t expect the truth about beauty from me though, I struggle as much as the next person but discovering what works is half the fun. You can check it out here:
4 years ago
You should not take any tips from me on how to start a video 😂 Check out my link in bio for the newest episode of Doutzen Diaries all about my home in Fryslân
4 years ago
No better way to recharge after busy times then at my mem's home in Friesland. Literally walk barefoot in the grass and eat fresh veggies from the garden. It’s here, surrounded by nature, that I get to feel grounded again. And I love taking Phyllon and Myllena to see their ‘beppe,’ so they too will grow up knowing that sometimes all it takes to make you happy is spotting a hedgehog. It’s the perfect antidote to my other, ‘glamourous’ life, which I love too, as you can see when I get to dance the night away at the Bazaar Icons Party in New York. You can check it out here:
4 years ago
I can’t wait to invite you into my world and share some of the amazing experiences in my personal and professional life, taking you along on some very special adventures. Yes, there will be lots of fashion and travel and parties, but I also want to discuss some of the more serious issues that are close to my heart, such as @knotonmyplanet . I hope you will really get to know me and my family, from all the fun stuff to my most private and vulnerable moments. Stay tuned for more tomorrow at 3PM CET when I’ll upload the first episode! If you like what you’ve seen so far check out /doutzen to subscribe!
4 years ago