Neil Morris


My wife made this for me… 😂
86 18
3 days ago
This is hilarious, one of my patients would probably try to wrist lock me Not my post, please post who ever had original credit
26 2
7 days ago
I always find great solace in returning to Restore Health AZ. Each visit ensures that I am well taken care of by Dr. Neil and his outstanding team. They are truly excellent professionals, dedicated to maintaining and enhancing my health, body, and mind. Their commitment and expertise consistently provide me with the best care possible, making every experience there reassuring and beneficial.
117 0
18 days ago
Being a high performer takes its toll. Early mornings. Late nights. The constant grind. And if you don’t learn how to take care of yourself…eventually you’ll burn out. So glad I have @dr_neil_morris and Dr Muro in my corner. Whether it’s an energy boost, blood work to get my hormones on track, or injections to keep my body moving, they got you covered.
46 0
27 days ago
Do I get to work with cool people… Absolutely @queixinhobjj
137 4
1 month ago
Some Trust in Chariots and some in horses, but we Trust in the name of the Lord ours God . Psalm:20:7 San Diego spring open Champion. Thank you for all support and trust for everyone envolver, would be very hard without you 🙌💛❤️♥️ @janainalebre @fujisportsus @lebre_jiujitsu @aojacademy @dr_neil_morris @vgroupsigns @staycasasdiego @rauan_lebre OBRIGADO SENHOR 🙏
443 39
1 month ago
These messages make my day @jcmad99
68 2
2 months ago
@jakewatsonmedia this guy is hilarious even when being stuck by a needle.
28 4
2 months ago
If you are an athlete and you have experienced an injury that took you out of competition, Restore Health AZ is for you. Our doctors are passionate about athletics, and we want to work with you to get you back to doing what you love without surgery.
60 4
2 months ago
So proud of these two. Being twins I have them compete in different weight brackets because they fight enough at home. Jiu Jitsu teaches them sometimes you win and sometimes you lose but you never fail unless you quit! Neither of them quit and fought there entire time. Proud Dad moment! They finished with a Gold and Bronze. @azbjjleague
67 5
2 months ago
Are feeling tired? suffering from low energy? low stamina? decreased virility? Is your body not responding to workouts the way it did before? Are you dealing with daily pain? Then we'd recommend joining us on Saturday, April 13 at 10am to meet the Drs from Restore Health. They help their patients restore their health and feel better than ever! Stop by @mywayfitness_training to meet them and learn more about how they may be able to help you! No cost to attend. Please DM us to RSVP. Thanks to Chris from My Way Fitness for hosting! #RestoreHealth #workout #fitness #health #HRT #hormoneimbalance #hormonereplacementtherapy #hormonebalance #hormonehealth
20 1
3 months ago
Another past pic Love working with Champions! @karenantunesbjj @maykoaraujobjj
34 2
3 months ago