

23 | Australia📍 🦋ED recovery advocate 🤍Your new virtual hype girl 🫶🏻Swifties, join me on tik tok!
Don’t recover just for food freedom, recover for BRAIN space & all the things that you can focus on & enjoy again because you AREN’T thinking about food! Recover for LIFE freedom🧠✨ ~ #recoveryisworthit #edrecovery #edrecovered #foodfreedom #transformation #realwellness
179 4
19 days ago
A reminder for when you are experiencing recovery burn out. Whilst going back to your eating disorder may feel like the ‘easier option’, it’s actually far from it. In reality it’s torture (same with a toxic ex lol): 🧠MORE stress & anxiety 🥺Body distrust only increases 🫀Increased chance of long term health issues 😈Increased financial burden from the above 👭Strains your close relationships ☁️Hold you back from your dreams ✨Detaches you from your values 🌞Holds you back from discovering your true identity ❌only worsens your relationship with food AND your body SAVE this when you need the reminder to keep going because it’s common to feel burnt out at times & have times of questioning everything! But I promise you that #recoveryisworthit Song: Blank Space Artist: Taylor Swift Disclaimer: The information in this post should not be used as individual medical advice ~ #1989 #swiftie #1989era #1989tv #taylorswift #edrecovery #harecovery #motivation #mentalhealth #dontgiveup #hypegirl #keepgoing #taylorswift #eatingdisorderrecovery #recoveryisworthit #blankspace
161 7
5 months ago
~HA Recovery / Update *filmed a few weeks ago*~ - Disclaimer: Please know that having your period does not mean that you aren’t sick, or that you are recovered from your eating disorder. Everyone’s journey is different & there is no single order that things happen for anyone. The information in this video is also based on my personal experience & should not be used as professional advice or that specific to you. Sending love to everyone in this community!💞 Whilst I’m not returning I have gotten some dm’s recently & figured I’d film an ‘health/life update’ video. ~ #edrecovery #harecovery #bonehealth #periodrecovery #bodyneutrality #healing
130 13
11 months ago
Reframe what weight gain means to you because in the context of ED recovery it is a wonderful, healing part of the process with so many benefits. I promise it’s not as scary as you or society makes it out to be. I am so glad that I gained those 20+ kilos (note that I do not weigh myself anymore so who knows where I’m at now!) ~ #weightgain #weightgainjourney #edrecovered #edrecovery #weightgainiscool #healthierme #recoveryisworthit
40 3
20 hours ago
Comments like “you look well” and “you look so much better” are well meaning, but I remember them really getting to me when I would leave treatment but was still struggling immensely with my eating disorder. It make me feel even more alienated in my body & like I had to loose weight in order for people to take my mental health struggles seriously. Luckily I came to validate myself instead of expecting other people to ‘get it’ but that in itself was a journey! Becoming “trigger proof” to other people’s remarks/opinions & being able to validate your own recovery is the ultimate goal. However I fully acknowledge that there still (yes in 2024), needs to be more awareness around that eating disorders do not have a ‘look’ as they are in fact, a MENTAL illness. Most sufferers never look visibly unwell but that doesn’t mean they aren’t sick. You don’t need to look a certain way or weigh a certain amount to deserve help & to be in active recovery. Your eating disorder & mental health struggles ARE VALID. You deserve to be free from mental illness. PERIOD. ~ #recoveryisworthit #edrecovery #mentalhealth #edawareness #mentalhealthawareness
80 4
2 days ago
Recovery not only improves your physical & mental health, it also transforms your ability to connect with others & this, your social health & wellbeing. Just reason no.36278 to recover💖 Song: Late night Talking Artist: Harry Styles ~ #recoveryperks #relationships #edrecovery
52 2
4 days ago
You can wake up one day & feel like steaming hot 10/10…only to feel awful the next week. This to say that your body is not the problem! If you are having a BBI day then use that as a sign to up your self care game, whatever that looks like for you personally! For me, it means comfy clothes (or pyjamas if I am home), self massage, a comfort TV show, Taylor swift, nourishing meals & chocolate! When I’m doubt: Body neutrality baby!💅🏼 What do you already do for self care & what might you want to implement more of?💕 Song: La vi be rose Artist: Zaz ~ #bodyneutrality #badbodyimage #bodyimage #selfcompassion #eatingdisorderrecovery
50 0
5 days ago
Please please please Edith, more celeb recovery memes! You know I’ve got you😉 This one’s featuring queen Sabrina & my current favourite on-repeat song 💅🏼 Also this is off the back of going to a Sabrina themed club night so definitely a fitting carousel for this Carpenter🩷 ~ #carpenter #sabrinacarpenter #pleasepleaseplease #celebmemes #celebritymemes #edrecovery
75 0
8 days ago
EATING ONLY NEW FOODS Day of eats! This video is intended for inspiration & fun NOT comparison Just sharing what a random day with food freedom can look like for me & hopefully it encourages those of you struggling to eat a variety of foods to go out of your comfort zone! Again, this is not a video meant for comparison purposes, I didn’t even film the extra food I ate that didn’t align with the set theme! New Foods D(eats) below:👇🏼 -Prune juice -Chocolate cream brioche horn -Halloumi & spinach croissant -Salt & vinegar HIPPEAS (posted a taste eat on my instagram stories) -Cashew butter on a spoon (change from Pb!) -Cranberry yogurt nut bar (new flavour) -Salt n pepper squid with salad & tartare plus wedges with sweet chilli & sour cream -Belgian chocolate Haagen dasz (my usuals are salted caramel or strawberries & cream!) ~ #fdoe #newfoods #whatieat #edrecovered #foodfreedom #recoveryisworthit #intuitive
100 4
10 days ago
When I was in my eating disorder, I was forever operating in a state of masculine energy, never switching off from: 📚Producing 🔛Being active / ‘productive’ 🏃🏼‍♀️Operating in fight or flight 💻Always remaining task orientated Here are some aspects of feminine energy that have come back with recovery: 💜Intuitive 🤱🏼Nurturing 🫶🏻Empathetic 🩷Patient 🧘🏼‍♀️Peaceful 🌻Grounded During ED & HA recovery, the emphasis should be on tuning into the feminine energy. Masculine & feminine energy is not specific to the gender binaries. Everyone, no matter what your gender identity is, should have aspects of both to live well & feel that they are in balance. ~ #feminine #masculineenergy #feminineenergy #harecovery #edrecovery #energyhealing #eatingdisorders #transformation #intuitive
69 3
13 days ago
Diet culture & eating disorders love extremes, they survive off pushing for ‘all or nothing’ thinking, moralising food & fear mongering At one stage during my eating disorder, I was a vegan who ate tons of fruit based meals whilst completely demonising dairy, meat & gluten At another stage, I counted macros & limited my carb intake immensely. I was convinced that starchy fruits like mangos, dates & bananas were a ‘waste’ of carbs…I was incredibly distorted (unwell!) in my thinking. I since have healed my relationship with food completely. I do not count calories, restrict any types of food or moralise it in any way! I eat fruit most days because I love it, but I also have periods where I don’t crave it at all & therefore I don’t eat any unless it’s dried lol No food choices are inherently good to bad, but going with the flow of life & listening to what feels good in the moment IS GOOD! I promise the only real villian is diet culture. Diet culture & your eating disorder don’t care about your health or wellness, that is for sure! Song: Froot Artist: MARINA ~ #foodrules #foodfreedom #edrecovered #edrecovery #eatingdisorderrecovery #fuckdietculture #antidiet #realwellness
58 4
14 days ago
What are yours? 🥯🎹💋💕 ~ #obsessions #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness
32 3
20 days ago