Helen Emily Nora Greene | Psychic Medium and Spirit Baby Medium


🔮 #1 Bestselling Author of A Cosmic Bond 🌹 Psychic Medium and Spirit Baby Medium 🌈Intuitive Development Teacher
Lots of new energies around here so I wanted to have my story all in one place! Welcome soul family - I’m so happy we get to connect in this life. I had my first spiritual awakening in 2013 and then another wave in 2014/2015, and I’ve been running my spiritual practice for nearly a decade 🤯 Time flies when you’re living out what your soul came to do. All my love, 
Emily the Medium
501 39
7 months ago
Six ways to tell your spirit babies are close to coming in 👇🏼 1. Children and other people around you will start talking about them. Our spirit babies will work through the people around us to send us messages. Children are especially open. Some of my favourites…. “My sister in the sky is coming soon” “There’s a baby coming in to mommy’s belly” “I had a brother before I came here and I miss him” Also…. people around you might start to talk about having dreams of you being pregnant, sharing visions of seeing you with future children, or just randomly asking you out of the blue if you’re pregnant/ calling in a baby and more. 2. You’ll have dreams of them yourself! Because we’re often so busy in our everyday lives, dreams are an amazing way for spirit babies to communicate. So many ways they can show up here. 3. They’ll send you signs and symbols. Super common universal spirit baby signs: Rainbows, butterflies, specific number sequences, coins, birds, hearts, songs…. 4. You strongly feel pregnant even if the negative test says otherwise. Soul energies will often do “test runs” where they will bring their energy down into your body once or sometimes multiple times before conception. You’re not crazy! 5. You’ve had lots coming up for you emotionally and energetically in the last while. You feel like you’re purging and transforming at a rapid rate. 6. You feel (mostly) detached from ego expectations around conception and are surrendered to the timeline of your babies plan and timing. This is a biggie, and it can take some time to get here. Be patient with yourself ❤️ #spiritbabies #consciousconception #infertility #soul #newearth
12.7k 318
8 months ago
Have you listened to episode 113 of @magichourpodcast with @emilythemedium ? It’s SO good and full of amazing information about spirit babies 👼💜🪄✨ . What was your takeaway from the episode? . Life is too short not to be magical 🌊✨ . #spiritbabies #motherhoodjourney #fertilityjourney #witchywoman #witchesofinstagram #spiritualpodcast #witchypodcast #spirit
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6 days ago
Have you listened to episode 113 of @magichourpodcast with @emilythemedium yet? What was your favorite part? So much amazing feedback from you all!! 💜👼🏻✨✨ . Remember: You are magic 🪄✨ . #spirit #spiritbaby #spiritualpodcast #witchywoman #witchythings #fertilityjourney #fertility #motherhoodjourney #soulguidance #intuitiveguidance #psychic #psychicmedium
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11 days ago
The soul is vast and complex, and understanding sex and gender from our (sometimes) limited human perspective can be tricky. Fundamentals to understand: 1. The soul is essentially genderless - biological sex is something we have to choose in order to have an human incarnation (we can choose to identify differently down the line). 2. Many of us have had multiple incarnations in both male and female sex bodies. We usually have a preference for which experience we prefer. (For example: if we’ve had 500 lifetimes on Earth, 70% were female, and 30% were male) this can sometimes skew our perception of our spirit babies - because even if 70% of incarnations have been female, which may present as a more “feminine” leaning soul - that soul may be looking to explore a masculine incarnation this time around and thus would be born as a boy. I break down all of this and more in my recent podcast episode called “The Masculine and Feminine Energies of Spirit Babies”. Comment the word SOUL to get the link to listen delivered straight to your inbox. 💌 #spiritbabies #gender #soul #ascension #5D #newearth #karma
303 155
20 days ago
Did you know that your name, your child’s name, or even the name you have picked for your future child can give you a glimpse into how you can best advance on your souls journey? Yes, your first name tells you your “growth number” in numerology. I think it’s very powerful to understand - from another POV - just how important the name we have/ that we give our children is. GROWTH NUMBERS: Growth number 1: Here to grow into independence and confidence Growth number 2: Here to deepen in connection, in relationships Growth number 3: Here to grow into creative expression Growth number 4: Here to grow into being an organizer and builder Growth number 5: Here to grow into feeling free and to connect and engage Growth number 6: Here to grow into service to others Growth number 7: Here to grow into connecting to spiritual world Growth number 8: Here to grow into being a powerful leader Growth number 9: Here to grow into leaning into transformation and change Growth number 11: Here to grow into the energy of inspiration for self and others Growth number 22: Here to grow into connection and making a difference Do you know your growth number? Mine is an 8! How to calculate your growth number is in the comments 👇🏼 PS: comment PODCAST to get the link for this weeks podcast with Tiffany on names and numerology sent to your DMS!
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1 month ago
What is the primary motivation for star-seeds coming to Earth and what is the risk involved? This week I had QHHT and soul journey practitioner @the.soul.journeys on the podcast and we discussed a hot topic right now: why are star-seeds coming to Earth? The answer Mario has received in hundreds of hypnosis sessions: LOVE. Earth is a very popular place to be right now, everyone wants tickets to the show. That’s why there are so many energies trying to get in (hence: why I have dedicated my work to the incoming souls). Do you relate to the term star-seed - and if so, why do you feel you came to Earth at this time? #5D #newearth #spiritbabies #starseed #offplanet
122 7
1 month ago
Whew - what a weekend, from multiple X class solar flares, and a severe geomagnetic storm - ya girl was feeling it. When in doubt - straight to nature. I spent the weekend in every version of nature I could: the lake, a river, the forest, sitting up against a tree for hours. What’s so interesting is I woke up Saturday morning feeling this super intense energy buzzing inside my chest; as soon as I went outside and later used my @grounding.well mat the sensation left me. All my body needed to discharge the intensity of the geomagnetic storm was some grounding. If it were up to me, I would live in the forest as a full time forest nymph. Alas, I have a business to run and that occasionally means I have to stay inside and work. Enter @grounding.well mat! It’s helped me to stay grounded while I’m on calls, I love putting it under my desk when I’m working, and my dog loves it too 🥰 he’ll chose the grounding mat over his bed any day. Comment the word GROUNDING to get the link to get yourself a grounding mat. How are you feeling after this weekend in the energies?!?! #solarstorm #auroraborealis #solarflare #geomagneticstorm #grounding #nature
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1 month ago
Y’all 😍🥰 I got the best piece of mail yesterday! @danawilcher - visionary artist sent me this custom channeled painting - she channeled the soul energies of my future babies in this piece and also wove in the frequencies that I’m bringing to the planet 🥹 she saw my energy depicted as the ‘earth Angel’ at the bottom of the painting - helping to bring so many of these important souls to the planet! So special to see my work and energy in a painting and I’ll cherish it forever! Working on getting it framed in my office right now. PS: check out the rainbow light!!! And the light shining out from the painting - such potent energy ❤️🙏🏻 ((She does these for clients too - go check her out!)))
359 46
1 month ago
Of course we know that children are the closest to the spirit world so they naturally remember more of their past life memories. BUT SOMETHING IS CHANGING - these new children are coming in with much more intact soul memories - and they’re making some major waves. Mainstream media is picking up on it (Washington Post just published a piece on it the other day) and the University of Virginia is studying it currently. Parents are having to adapt to the idea of reincarnation very quickly, and it’s all by design. These children are here to wake us up. Some common lines that a child may say when they’re remembering a past life: - asking for their other mama, or other parents (I know this one can sting 💔) but it’s not personal! - In my before life, I was a girl/boy - When I was bigger…. - I couldn’t breathe and then I went back to God and I came and found you! - I used to be somebody else Has your child shared a past life memory with you? Share below 👇🏼 #pastlifememories #childrenandpastlives #pastlife #reincarnation #spirit #soul
1,794 324
1 month ago
In my work with spirit babies, there are the three main “soul types” I’m seeing coming in in the highest volume right now. Of course this doesn’t just apply to our children, but to us as well. Massive amounts of Activator souls coming in right now. Which soul type do you resonate with the most? What do you do in the world? Which soul type resonates most with your child/ children? As a disclaimer, of course this is my attempt to break down the energy of the soul, which is so vast. I’m not saying these are the only 3 types of souls, just the ones I’m connecting with the most right now. #newearth #5D #newchildren #spiritbabies #consciousconception #spiritbabysigns #spirituality #ascension
697 114
2 months ago
All of us spiritual bitches doing our rituals tonight under the full moon. 😂😂 👋🏼 to my neighbours watching me from the windows! What are you doing tonight for the full moon? #fullmoon #fullmoonritual #scorpio #taurusseason #spiritualjourney
2,574 72
2 months ago