Devon DeGilio | Intuitive Energy Healer & Teacher


Awaken your consciousness and intuition to 🌱 Heal from the root 🤍 Deepen soul connections ⚡️ Usher in conscious leadership Expand your energy👇🏽
House music intentionally designed to heal you on a cellular level ✨ My friend recently shared @lincolnjesser page with me, knowing that, as an Intuitive Energy Healer, his work would be my vibe {literally} Listening to specific frequencies can change your brainwave activity, promote relaxation, and reduce stress 🌿 432hz corresponds to the natural frequency of the Earth’s vibrations, so when we listen to music at this frequency, our mind and body unites with nature 🧘🏽‍♀️ The sacred chant Om Mani Padme Hum cleanses our energy body Everything is energy, energy is vibration, let’s be intentional with how and what we attune to 🤍
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1 month ago
New Followers, Long-Time Followers: Allow me to (re)introduce myself 💫 Thank you for being here, in any capacity you are- 2 years into business and I’ve loved meeting, connecting, healing, and expanding with you all! For my long-time followers, clients, community members, and friends, I appreciate how you’ve witnessed my journey of self-discovery, and have included me in yours too!! 🌎 I would love to know what you bring to the world- please feel free to drop your Human Bio, Astro Bio, Human Design Bio, even your Shadow Tendencies 😂, and especially your Vision and Mission in the comments!! Connect with others in this space, and as always, please let me know how I can support you here 🫶🏽 With love & light, Devon
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4 months ago
The Future of The Divine Feminine and The Divine Masculine is Here: When you invite an Awakened Woman onto a stage to be seen, when you give her a microphone to be heard and an audience to be received by her, something so incredibly powerful happens: the room falls silent, all eyes are on her, hearts begin to open and tears begin to fall, as the deepest of truths awakens within all. What an honor of an experience it is, to be and witness the essence of the Divine Feminine, who channels from her soul and speaks from her heart. And how beautiful it is, for that stage, microphone, and audience to be provided by the Awakened Man - he who holds the space for her to be seen, heard, and received. The future is here, the future of not Divine Feminine rising alone, but of collaboration and co-creation between Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. The sacred dance, for one simply cannot exist without the other, and it’s time that we, as a collective, lean into this truth 🖤🤍 Thank you to those Divine Masculines at Ace Interstellar for the invitation @mikeyacesheridan @mattjameshersh @seanoc24 S/O to the Divine Feminines who also took on the stage @wellnesswith.lizz @yogabriela.c @keelyshinecoaching @thesarahpappas Thank you Queen @moriellemedia for the content capture Thank you for the stage and incredible resort @ozenresort And thank you to everyone at Ace Interstellar for witnessing and holding me while I poured my heart out, and for allowing yourselves to be activated by me 🤍 This is just the beginning 🌟
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4 months ago
Cosmic RX | High Vibe Happy Hour 🌝🪐🌞 An evening of connection with @iammadimurphy @audrey.amelie and the @thecosmicrx community, Astrology Readings by @egressastrology , and Chakra Vibe Checks with @enlightenandempower I had so much fun sharing energy work with everyone! As an Intuitive Energy Healer and Teacher, I love nothing more than guiding others in attuning to the wisdom and medicine of energy ⚡️ My favorite part of this purpose of mine is bringing it with me wherever I go - private parties, bachelorettes, corporate events, virtual workshops etc. For more information on how I can bring Chakra Vibe Checks, and so much more to your next event, DM or email me at 🤍✨
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1 hour ago
When you ask for Lemonade, the Universe gives you Lemons 🍋 It makes me smile when I figure out just how hard the Universe works to get messages to us, and I’m always amazed by how they come through The past 7 days have been something else - nothing short of magical, miraculous, and blessings on blessings, all because I’ve chosen to see everything as Lemons That woman in the bright yellow bathing suit? I told her about this synchronicity, and she said she’d needed to hear that so badly - just days ago she was moving through the hardest waves of her life, until she decided that she was ready for a change. She’s now heading to Russia for the opportunity of a lifetime to represent USA in a reality fitness show - The Universe gave her Lemons, and she made Lemonade 💪🏽 Thank you, abundantly, Universe, for the sweetest Lemons this past week. I’ll be integrating and sharing everything across the next few days and weeks ✨
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1 day ago
Tag your spiritual bestie ✨ Soulmate friends who match your frequency are everything - when you find your soul family, hold them close If you’re seeking yours, follow and let’s connect! #matchmyfreak #spiritualbestie #frequency #soulawakening #soulmates #soulfriends
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7 days ago
If Astrology isn’t real, then why did I experience the most expansive year of foreign travel, cultural exploration, and higher beliefs during Jupiter in Taurus transiting through my 9th house this past year?? What I love about the expansion Jupiter brings to our lives is that it happens without us even consciously planning for it - but when we take the time to look back, holy sh** is it spot on. As a Sag Stellium, Jupiter is naturally my favorite planet and I’m so excited to see where Jupiter in Gemini transiting through my 10th House of Career and Public Image 💫 What area of your life experienced expansion with the Jupiter in Taurus transit last year?
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8 days ago
“I failed at going after what I wanted.” 👆🏽Anyone else experience that narrative? Whether it be pursuing a job, a relationship, a home, or literally any dream you’ve ever had, inevitably there are times when life doesn’t pan out exactly as you envisioned, no matter how diligently you planned and how hard you tried. When you finally stop forcing it and let go of your hold, it can feel both like relief and like failure. This “failure” of mine said, “I said I was going to do something, and I didn’t make it happen.” 🏙️ I felt called to move to a new city 🙌🏽 I felt like I was ready for it ⛰️ I found my new dream environment, created a vision board, scoured the rental sites, and visited every few months to affirm I wanted to be there 🫶🏽 I applied to apartments and even had one that was mine, until the very moment when it somehow slipped through my fingers Now I’m still here, living at my mom’s. And yet, at the same time I feel like I’m right where I’m meant to be. In the three years that I’ve been here, ✨ I spiritually awakened and began my deep inner child healing journey, living with my mom and sharing my journey with her every step of the way 💥 I started my business and left my Special Education teaching career of 6 years 🤍 I supported my mom when she had cancer, sharing Reiki and mindfulness practices with her every single day 👯‍♀️ I’ve shared so many beautiful experiences with my best friends all in my area ✈️ I’ve travelled freely wherever, whenever 🏡 I’ve gotten to strengthen my relationship with my mom in a way I never would have had I moved any sooner I know I’ll make my way to a new city soon, I have a deep desire to, but I trust the timing of my life and so I accept and embrace where I am right now. May this be a reminder that it’s ok to feel like you failed at going after what you want, while also trusting the timing of your life ✨
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14 days ago
Sometimes we need that sacred permission to create and show up how we want to, and today was one of those days ✨ Making the connection between how I wish to show up in all I do (business, relationships, personal life) and how I wish to show up on social media really helped me. The beauty and power of having a support system that sees, supports, and honors the uniqueness in you is everything. @averyhutcheson did just that for me (she always does), and it’s the way I love to show up for my clients and communities too. May you remember that you get to create and show up however you want to 🫶🏽
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15 days ago
🔥 Ep #135 of The Spread Love Movement Podcast is with Devon DeGilio @ddegilio @enlightenandempower . Devon is an Intuitive Energy Healer and Teacher. She used to be a Special Education Teacher and was living her dream, but after years, life began to change. She decided to surrender to and embrace this change within herself. 👉 Learn about reiki and energy healing. Reiki was her doorway into a deeper understanding of spirituality and healing. And from there she continues to tap into the ever-evolving potential of our being. She will help you do the same and her story will inspire you to welcome and step into the change in your life. 🎙️ Listen to our entire conversation in Ep #135 “Energy Healing & Our Ever-Evolving Nature with Devon DeGilio” on The Spread Love Movement Podcast with @justincourt_ . Available on all podcast streaming platforms. 🧡 Link in bio.
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18 days ago
When the noise gets really loud, my medicine is to dump it all out, and then go within… I write and speak out loud everything that has been going on both within and around me - the thoughts, feelings, choices, conflicts, opportunities, and experiences. I see them all laid out on the table of my consciousness, and then I turned to meditation. For this particular meditation, I set the intention for my Higher Self to activate the wisdom within to guide me along my highest timeline, with my eyes in the present and my heart open, boldly moving forward. Read the full post for the Love Notes from Higher Self ✨ 🔖 Save this one for when you need that Higher Self reminder
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22 days ago
We believe in Magic, Miracles, and Blessings here 💫 Set those intentions and see what unfolds for you today 🤍
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25 days ago