

Breathe-House-Cat-Yoga-Cake-Freeze-Breathe-Don’t Breathe-Repeat
🖤2004 - 2022🖤 Little Eeusk
44 34
2 years ago
One for the super-fans - “Eeusks of The Wynd.💜” she loves it here.
36 4
3 years ago
Sunday sunset at The Wynd. 💜
29 6
3 years ago
💜Welcome to the Wynd💜
51 31
3 years ago
💜thank you for everything Roseneath. And that, as they say, is a wrap.💜
45 21
3 years ago
Me and Eeusk on the mat = happy.
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3 years ago
I’m all about enjoying the wobbles today. A foot full of titanium and a weak right leg from years of walking on rebroken bones means I’m always off kilter. “Thrawn” to use the Scottish word. I’m thrawn in so many ways...(on and off the mat) and the more I’m fine with it...the less off kilter I seem to get. Weird. 😅💜
19 0
3 years ago
How to stay happy. Get friend. Get in ice. Play in ice. Make hole to sit in. Sit in it. Shut up. Stop thinking about pointless shit. Get out. Repeat. 😂
36 3
3 years ago
Today. In that sparkling, no-filter light. When my life flashes before my eyes, that’s what I’m going to see. 💎 #gladhouse #gladhousereservoir
41 17
3 years ago
Some things change quickly, (I am actually enjoying working splits maybe for the first time ever) 💜Some things change slowly, (I am still really not enjoying back bends. Understatement) Either way, things change.
32 0
3 years ago
More time outdoors pretty much sorts everything. stretch-breathe-freeze-repeat 💖
28 1
3 years ago
No loch? No local beautiful walks? No icy Narnia-esque picture perfect Scottish wilderness? Want to get the feeling anyway? No problem. I don’t even swim when I’m in the loch, by the way. I’m not a good swimmer and I also don’t like the mud/slime/weeds/potential eels 😂 I literally just get in and sit there, quiet in the head and body for however long is applicable to the temp (1 minute per 1 degree is the general rule, longer if you have more experience) Here’s how to recreate it at home if you want to try. FYI, The sea temp is about 7-10 degrees at this time of year. The loch is about 0-2 degrees. The water out of your tap is about 7 degrees just now. Add ice and off you go. Also, just so you know, it feels harder getting in the cold bath and sitting. Outdoors there’s more distraction. So if you can do this, you can do the outdoor stuff. And you absolutely CAN do this. Just get in. Don’t let the mind-chatter distract you. Ignore it. Breathe. Feel. Get warm afterwards. Hot shower for as long as you like. Benefits are that it resets some of the feedback loops deep within the brain that regulate how our body-mind responds to stress. Put simply, it just feels good. And even better afterwards. Hope you enjoy. Xx
23 14
3 years ago