Falling Colors


Supporting public and charitable funds through our end-to-end solution providing outstanding partnership and analytics.
Happy Earth Day! At Falling Colors, we care about the environment and protecting the planet we call home. As a #bcorp we have enshrined these values in our policies and procedures for operating our headquarters, general purchasing, and waste reduction/recycling. The largest negative environmental impacts come from companies and the ultra-wealthy that leave outsized environmental footprints like carbon emissions from factories or private jets. Mitigating the massive damage done by a relatively small group can seem like an impossible task, but as individuals we can “vote with our dollars.” Are we supporting businesses that consider and protect the environment? How can we tell if a company is “good” for the planet? Most companies will advertise the good they do on their website, so spend a few extra moments scrolling to check for eco-friendly labels or information. A great tool to find the best of the best when it comes to positive environmental impact is the B Lab’s “Best for the World - Environment” listings. Click the link in our bio to see what businesses are leading the charge for Mother Earth. #earthday #ecoconscious #loveyourmother #bcorp #bcertified
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1 year ago
It’s National Volunteer Week! Communities thrive when time and attention are given to the people and places that need it most. To support and encourage our employees to invest time into their local communities, we offer paid volunteer time in addition to regular paid time off. Employees can choose the causes and organizations that mean the most to them where they feel they can make an impact. #volunteer #makeadifference #nationalvolunteerweek #bethechange
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1 year ago
There is currently an unprecedented amount of anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric and legislation being weaponized against some of the most vulnerable members of our communities. Today is Day of Silence, a national day of action encouraging students to push back against the ugly attacks that have become far too commonplace. Traditionally, participants in Day of Silence refrain from speaking throughout the day, breaking their silence at a rally or event at the end of the day. As a company, we #riseup to make it crystal clear to the communities we live and work in that we support our LGBTQIA+ brothers and sisters. As attacks become more frequent and extreme, we understand it is more important than ever to speak up and speak out to make sure everyone in our communities can live safe and fulfilling lives. Click the link in our bio to learn more about Day of Silence. #dayofsilence #dayofnosilence #risingup #transrights #diversity
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1 year ago
We are happy to share that we have a new addition to our finance team 🎉 Welcome Cody!
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1 year ago
In observance of Good Friday, Falling Colors is closed today and will resume normal business operations on Monday, April 10.
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1 year ago
Falling Colors is hiring a Public Health Data Analyst and a Data Engineer! If you think you’d be a good fit for our data team, we’d love to hear from you. Details on the jobs and instructions on how to apply can be found at the link in our bio. #hiring #datajobs
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1 year ago
Today is Autism Acceptance Day. Beyond awareness and acceptance, we seek to foster an environment where neurodivergent individuals can thrive. When the pandemic pushed our company into remote work in 2020, our employees were able to hone in on how they work best. Most of our employees continue to work from home and remain empowered to control their personal space, including making adjustments for sound and light sensitivities. Employees are also encouraged to utilize flex time to do their best work when they work best. As circumstances change, we will continue to help our employees thrive in their preferred work environments. #autismawareness #autismacceptance #neurodiversity #valuediversity #wesupportyou #workfromhome #officelife #remotework #diversity #bcorp #bcertified
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1 year ago
Provider spotlight: Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico On this Transgender Day of Visibility, we recognize and revere the relentless resilience of the transgender community that continues to live authentically in the face of injustice. The road to self-discovery and affirmation can be arduous, and the support from places like the Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico can be critical. Access to food, healthcare, employment, housing, and peer support is made possible through @TGRCNM . Whether someone simply needs help navigating legal name and gender marker changes, or is actively in crisis and needs immediate and substantial support, TGRCNM plays a meaningful role in promoting and sustaining the wellbeing of individuals in the trans community. We are proud to play a role in delivering funds to this worthy organization. Learn more at the link in our bio. #transdayofvisibility #transgenderdayofvisibility #TDOV #humanrights #equalrights #weseeyou #pride
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1 year ago
Every year on March 25th from 8:30-9:30pm we turn out the lights to observe Earth Hour. Earth Hour began as a call to action to support the health of our planet. While efforts to conserve electricity are certainly worthwhile, there are many ways to go beyond flipping the switch to promote conservation and sustainability. Click the link in our bio to read about more ways to shape a brighter future for our planet. #earthhour #biggesthourforearth #turnoff
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1 year ago
Water is what gives us life. We depend on safe and consistent access to water to stay alive and thrive, but that access is under constant threat. Whether impacted by climate change or disasters like the Red Hill or Norfolk Southern chemical spills, it is our duty to manage the health and viability of our water sources. Here in Santa Fe, our biggest concern is water conservation. As a business, Falling Colors has taken steps to install a water reclamation system at our headquarters to sustain the beautiful gardens. As individuals, there are a variety of steps we can take to monitor and conserve our water usage: Save Water Santa Fe (link in bio) is a great resource for tools and tips to conserve water through a variety of methods, including the Eye on Water app. Want to make an even bigger splash? Contact your local and state representatives so that city, regional, state, and national regulations and laws reflect your values and protect our most precious resource. #waterislife #waterconservation #waterquality #redhill #fuelleak #norfolksouthern #chemicalspill #drought
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1 year ago
As a B Corp, conservation and sustainability are always top of mind as we supply our company with equipment. As a technology service company, we might upgrade more frequently than other industries which has the potential to lead to excess tech waste. As we decommissioned laptops, we found ourselves wanting to not only extend their life/usability, but also help our community in a meaningful way. We connected with One Simple Wish and over the past year have been able to donate a number of our decommissioned (and securely wiped) laptops to current and former foster kids, right here in New Mexico. We are proud of this contribution we’re able to make, but it illustrates a bigger point: by seeking to protect the environment, the choice we make to reduce, reuse, and recycle results in positive social and economic benefits to a vulnerable population in our community. #reducereuserecycle #threers #globalrecyclingday #sustainability #mothernature #makeadifference #fosterkids
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1 year ago
On a Friday in March each year, Falling Colors celebrates “Remember Who You Are Day”. With no federal holiday during the month of March, we observe one of our own. We encourage all our staff to do something that reminds them of who they are at their core, whether it’s creating, giving back, or simply getting outside. Falling Colors is closed today and will resume regular business on Monday, March 20th. #rememberwhoyouare
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1 year ago