farid aziz


I'm stupid dumb sick
Tell your mom I said hi
53 6
3 months ago
The life of me
23 0
2 years ago
Apathy's a tragedy & Boredom is a crime
86 7
2 years ago
26/3/1998. This is what 23 looks like. Broke and alive.
124 41
3 years ago
" We start to miss every single thing while we trapped in this pandemic lifestyle "
52 0
4 years ago
Stay save everyone
70 0
4 years ago
Subculture COMING SOON
42 0
4 years ago
"Insert inspirational quotes here" you degenerate scum
50 1
4 years ago
I like dancing in the dark
72 1
4 years ago
Can I have your brand name now? @flow3rbuoy
51 3
4 years ago
Graduation of 20199999
85 0
4 years ago