Faculty Of Design


Faculty of Design has been pioneer in formalizing design education in the country. It is a part of the CEPT ecosystem of programs of excellence
Title: Spatial representation in Dystopian Narratives, speculative design and Global south science and speculative fiction This project explores Speculative Design practice, focusing on the Global South's underrepresented futures in media. Through analysis of speculative fiction, it examines stories in depth, the role of tools in representing and visualising fictional worlds, and the taxonomy of elements within these narratives, culminating in a game prototype for broader engagement. Principal Investigator @ankit_a_trvdi
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15 days ago
Title: An Inquiry into Material innovation in Eco-conscious Hotel design This study explores the interplay between sustainability and material application, focusing on their influence in driving material innovation while striving for balance. This investigation intends to use evaluative research methodologies to scrutinise the adoption of these practices within hotels and resorts in India’s ecologically sensitive Western Ghats region from an interior architecture perspective. It further aims to underscore the pivotal significance of context responsiveness and creating low-impact spaces while ensuring that hotels’ distinctive experiences are not diminished. Principal Investigator @amalshah.design
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15 days ago
Power and Politics in Performance Spaces: A spatial study of Jaatra, West Bengal DRP Guide: Prof Priya Narayanan This research examines the politics of performance spaces through five spatial parameters, focusing on Jaatra in urban and rural contexts. Data from interviews and site documentation reveal stronger political dynamics in urban settings, providing insights for designers on how spatial aspects influence political implications in performance environments. Principal Investigator Priya Narayanan
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15 days ago
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1 month ago
Summer Exhibition 2024 displays the all studio projects of the recent semester. This year Summer Exhibition was displayed between 6th-17th May 2024. It encompasses student work from all five Faculties and the Cept Foundation Program. Summer and Winter Exhibitions are open to public and we welcome all to join us and learn together. #ceptuniversity #ceptexhibition2024 #summerexhibition #designeducation
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1 month ago
Summer Exhibition 2024 displays the all studio projects of the recent semester. It encompaases student work from all five Faculties and the Cept Foundation Program. Summer and Winter Exhibitions are open to public and we welcome all to join us and learn together. #ceptuniversity #ceptexhibition2024 #summerexhibition #designeducation
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1 month ago
Summer Exhibition 2024 displays the all studio projects of the recent semester. It encompaases student work from all five Faculties and the Cept Foundation Program. Summer and Winter Exhibitions are open to public and we welcome all to join us and learn together. #ceptuniversity #ceptexhibition2024 #summerexhibition #designeducation
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1 month ago
The making of the CEPT Summer Exhibition 2024. Witness behind-the-scenes process, where the entire CEPT community works together to showcase their semester's work. #ceptuniversity #ceptexhibition2024 #summerexhibition #designeducation
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1 month ago
The making of the CEPT Summer Exhibition 2024. Witness behind-the-scenes process, where the entire CEPT community works together to showcase their semester's work. This year Summer Exhibition was displayed between 6th-17th May 2024. #ceptuniversity #ceptexhibition2024 #summerexhibition #designeducation
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1 month ago
The making of the CEPT Summer Exhibition 2024. Witness behind-the-scenes process, where the entire CEPT community works together to showcase their semester's work. #ceptuniversity #ceptexhibition2024 #summerexhibition #designeducation
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1 month ago