Fight against chinese cat torturing rings


Spreading awareness and exposing killers 🐈🇨🇿 #speakforthevoiceless PODEPIŠTE 🔻🔻🔻 SIGN
Repostuju všeobecné shrnutí, jelikož první verze už nebyla podle mých estetických představ dostačující. • PODEPIŠTE PETICE • VYVĚŠUJTE PO SVÉM MĚSTĚ LETÁČKY, KTERÉ UŽ TED NAJDETE NA MÉM PROFILU • ZÚČASTNĚTE SE PROTESTU, KTERÝ V ČESKU BUDE [datum ještě neupřesněno] V PRAZE PŘED ČÍNSKÝM KONZULÁTEM🇨🇳 pro více informací mi napište ‼️‼️ Děkuju, že mluvíte za ty, co nemůžou 🫂 #stopanimalabuse #cats #stopanimalcruelty #stopchinacattorment #stopcattorture #china #kocky #cina #cesko #tyranizvirat #boycottchina #zviratka #animallovers #unite #chinahasnoanimalwelfarelaws #aktualne #informace #info #zpravy #konectyranizvirat
665 59
1 month ago
Tak už máme vše připravené, stačí jen zkopírovat a poslat:) /document/d/1zu3NErnZAxvcwgSbeQyV1UDeDHpdUzalfnWywz3mUv0/edit?usp=drivesdk Link bude v biu. Peace FGCZ
205 8
22 days ago
Reposting from @feline_guardians A news station in Hubei, China, highlighted the cat abuse committed by Yuan Hao, a food and safety quality student at Jiliang University in Hangzhou. THE REPORT STATED THAT MANY IN CHINA ARE DEMANDING STRONG PUNISHMENT, POTENTIALLY EXPELLING YUAN HAO. The news station reported that the school has "punished the student according to the rules." However, as cat abuse does not break any laws, netizens wonder what the punishment entails. The coverage concluded with, "The rampant cat abuse in society today, in the end, is due to the lack of strong punishment." The media is starting to speak up. Will the government begin to act? FOR ACTION VISIT ➡️ #StopChinaCatTorture #InvestigateOnlineCatTorture #SaveCatsInChina #AnimalAbuse #CatLivesMatter #cats #kittens #voiceforthevoiceless #felineguardianswithoutborders
100 11
21 hours ago
Reposting from @feline_guardians : The ambassador of China to Iceland He Rulong tweeted that the overwhelming majority of Chinese condemn #catabuse . It is encouraging to see Ambassador He Rulong highlighting the condemnation of cat abuse by the Chinese people as a positive step in recognizing animal abuse as a serious issue. However, public condemnation has so far only led to abusers being fired by employers or expelled from school. In some cases, serial cat torturers are detained for 3-15 days for disrupting public order. Currently, China lacks nationwide legislation against cat torture. This absence of legal measures is evident in recent cases like that of Xu Ruixiang, a serial cat abuser who faced rejection from graduate school admission due to his actions, yet received no legal punishment. As noted by @ladyfreethinker , it is insufficient to rely on China's schools to deter such acts of violence. It is imperative that this gap is addressed through comprehensive legal reforms. FOR ACTION VISIT ➡️ #SaveCatsInChina #AnimalAbuse #StopChinaCatTorture #InvestigateOnlineCatTorture #CatLivesMatter #cats #kittens #voiceforthevoiceless #felineguardianswithoutborders
107 3
2 days ago
Context: This was posted on May of 17th 2020 on X by @LQ ØØ68 (he has nothing to do with this) and the tweet goes like this: "Wang Houhuan a freshman at Yantai Nanshan College, cruelly pierced the limbs of a kitten with a toothpick and perversely sent the video to a rescue group, demanding that others give him 70 yuan to save the cat from death. If you want to know the fate of the people in a country, look at the fate of the animals in that country and you will know... The problem with Chinese people is that everyone is in a hurry to become a rich man, rather than a human being..." This just confirms that Chinese gangs were active before "the torture of cow cat" incident. It's not even worth writing to university anymore, studies there last 4 years, this video may be even older than when it was originally posted. #stopcattortureinchina #stopanimalabusers #catsinchina #cats #china #boycottchina #czechia #felineguardians #throwback #kocky #kocicky #cina #stopchinacattorture
511 157
4 days ago
Good News from #jiading in #shanghai ! • To address the overpopulation of stray cats, Jiading District Animal Epidemic Prevention and Control Center has launched a Trap-Neuter-Return program in selected residential communities. It’s the first government-led TNR implementation in the district. • The government covers all related expenses, including physical exams, deworming and vaccinations. The TNR program is currently in its pilot phase in Jiading and will be promoted across the district if successful. #china #czechia #news #tnr #program #cats #stray #animals #neuter #kocky #cesko #cina #zvirata #stopanimalabusers #animalslover
356 16
6 days ago
@Alejo_23Hn on X: Li Chao's behavior is deeply disturbing, especially given his role as a primary school teacher, where he is expected to teach and guide young students. His sadistic, violent, and deceptive behavior completely disqualifies him from any educational role. Such an individual poses a significant danger to the well-being of students and undermines parents trust in the educational system. It is imperative that the authorities take drastic measures and expel him from the educational system to protect students and restore public confidence. In my bio, you have link to e-mail you can send to his workplace to get him fired! If you'd want, i can send you the video to have even more evidence against him and the screen of that conversation, cause it's in terrible quality.. Just Dm me. #stopanimalabusers #stopchinacattorture #stopcatabuse #cats #china #czechia #boycottchina #kocky #kocicky #kitties #felineguardians #felinefriends #help #stopcattorture #callforaction #chinatourism
418 70
9 days ago
• As the aging of the population, industrialization, and urbanization continue to accelerate, coupled with the widespread provalence of chronic infections, unhealthy lifestyles, and the gradual accumulation of factors such as environmental pollution and occupational exposure, the overall cancer incidence and mortality rates in Guangxi have shown an upward trend year by year. (Lifestyle-related cancers including lung cancer, colorectal cancer, and breast cancer showed an upward trend and have been the leading cancer types in China. 41.6% of new cancer cases and 49.3% of cancer deaths occurred in DIGESTIVE-SYSTEM CANCERS in China, and the cancers of esophagus, nasopharynx, liver, and stomach in China accounted for over 40% of global cases.) • XIAO LIU, a man from GUANGXI, has been feeling unwell recently. Not only has his skin turned yellow, but he also has a loss of appetite, does not want to eat, and is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. At first, he thought he had a bad stomach, so he took some medicine, but the symptoms were not relieved. He hurried to the hospital for a check-up, and the result was a bolt from the blue, Xiao Liu suffered from liver cancer. • The doctor asked Xiao Liu about his daily eating habits. Xiao Liu is from Guangxi, where there is a custom of eating dog meat. "I am used to it, and I especially like to eat it" he said. The doctor then said to Xiao Liu that exactly the dog meat was the crux of his liver cancer. #stopyulin #yulin #china #boycottchina #stopyulinforever #karma #dogs #cats
89 6
14 days ago
• Their bellies were filled with small plastic balls that are scattered everywhere, and probably diol, which is the bigger one of the two bottles with chemicals in the last photo. (Diol is a chemical compound widely used in automotive antifreeze coolants. The main danger of ethylene glycol is when swallowed). • And the second, noteciably smaller is (probably) bromocresol green, which it's commonly used to measure serum albumin (protein) concentration within mammalian blood samples in possible cases of kidney failure and liver disease... BTW it is exactly diol poisoning that ends in acute kidney failure. • Third photo: In the tube there is some green liquid marked by red circle, which is most likely the diol that Peng Xiang pours into the kitten's stomach. • According to the testimony on X, either both or one were eventually dissected. One photo shows kitten being burned on an electric stove (i guess it's the one thats on the left in the first photo behind the text, because of the black spot on a right paw, it kinda matches with the kitten on the stove). #stopanimalabusers #stopchinacattorture #stopcattortureinchina #china #cats #kocky #kitties #cina #czechia #cesko #callforaction #stopanimalcruelty #animallover #animalslover #brutal #monster #felineguardians #animals #chemistry #chemicals #protest
505 100
17 days ago
Footage of a horrifying video shot by a Sichuan University torturer recently surfaced on X. Whether the video is old or new is a question, but it is certain that the responsible culprit is Chen Kun, about whom I already have information on his profile! However, there were two kittens, the second one in the last picture had the same fate as the first... /document/d/1lmw-ytK5QD11ChKUdCowszc35SSgrrvZk1dcbD3-AWw/mobilebasic ⏬ Send emails to the university, created by @fortheanimals2 so that they don't ignore the student's behavior and expel him! Link will be in my bio. Peace. #stopanimalabusers #stopcattorture #stopchinacattortured #stopanimalcruelty #stopchinacattorture #catsinchina #cats #cat #kocky #animallover #animalslover #animallovers #kocicky #zvirata #china #cina #cesko #czechia #kitties
408 74
20 days ago
OKINAWA, JAPAN Another horrific incident, maybe linked to cat torture ring, occurred in Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The offense took place between 9.30pm on the 10th of June and 11am the following day on the 11th of June. The first person to discover the body around 11:00 a.m. on June 11 2024, was a local cat activist: "Around 11am, when I went to take care of the cat I had left with the local caretaker, I found the grisly corpse of the cat carelessly placed in the garden in the middle of the property. It was a cat I had never seen in this area. The body was severely damaged and in an unusual condition. From a distance, I could see the intestines lengthening several meters and thought something unusual was happening." We don't know if it's the work of someone from the cat torturing gang, because there are a lot of Chinese students in Japan, and it can't be ruled out that someone this perverted cannot be found among them. The police have only started an investigation. Anyway, we can't rule out someone with Japanese nationality either. PETA is offering a reward of up to ¥200,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrator. #stopanimalabusers #stopcattorture #japan #japonsko #okinawa #animallover #cats #kocky #cesko #czechia #activist #catlover #felineguardians #feline #kocicky #kitty #fightfortheanimals #police #investigation #lawsagainstanimalcruelty #peta
542 75
21 days ago