

What does the Fox say? I love foraging, especially for fungi. Also, I enjoy photographing my finds! 🍄
When you see one, then the rest pop into view! 😍 Scarlet elf cups, Sacroscypha austriaca, are beautiful, edible and very cheerful in the dull winter months. . . . . #scarletelfcups #fungiforaging #fungiphotography #fungi #ediblefungi
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4 months ago
I think I've found Black Witches Butter and Yellow Brain Fungus all on dead wood on the edge of a field/woody scrub boundary. I've seen these squidgy blobs before, but only learnt recently what these might be, thanks to some great posts on here 🍄❤️🍄 Tried to look these up, but I'm a bit confused if they're the same species or not. So many names on different sources. I guess some are older names? . . . . #witchesbutter #yellowbrainfungus #jellyfungus blackwitchesbutter #winter fungi #foraging #fungiforage #fungiphotography
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4 months ago
The only 'proper' mushrooms I saw yesterday 😄 A fair few crusts and brackets around. But these guys were sheltering in a fallen tree, so they were protected from the elements a bit. No idea what they were, but an interesting pattern on the cap in the second picture. . . . . #fungi #fungiforaging #mushrooms #mushroomhunting #woodlandwalk #winter walk #unknownmushroom #idhelp
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4 months ago
Nice to see new life springing forth on this mornings walk. This acorn's new roots were well and truly buried in the woodland floor. Grow little fella! 🌳 . . . . #fromtinyacorns #oak #acorns #springtime #newgrowth #acorn #rooting #roots #look down #woodlandfloor
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4 months ago
Has anyone eaten lichen? I think this is a Cladonia. Apparently, many species are edible (avoiding yellow lichen, which can contain high amounts of toxic acids). They all contain acids and need washing or soaking before consuming to reduce the acidity and improve the flavour. I quite like to try to eat things I find, if I'm confident with my identification! But I haven't tried lichen to date! . . . . #lichen #cladonia #foraging #foragedfood #ediblelichen #foragingfinds #winterforaging
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5 months ago
Hairy curtain crust (Stereum hirsutum) Really vibrant colours on a dull day. Not edible, but cheering, if only for its amusing name! 😄 . . . . #hairycurtaincrust #foraging #crust #crusts #foragingfinds #floraandfauna #wildlife walk
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5 months ago
I love seeing these in January! Always brighten my day as well as the floor 😊 Scarlet elf cups, Sarcoscypha coccinea, are edible and look lovely in a winter salad. Personally, I don't think the flavour warrants picking them and prefer to just look at them as I walk in the fields nearby. . . . . #winterforaging #scarletelfcups #January foraging #mushroomhunting #fungiforaging #ediblefungi
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5 months ago
I can never resist these pouting lips 💋 or at least that's what they look like to me! Cladonia lichen, commonly called British soldiers - just in the UK I guess? A welcome splash of colour on a cold winters day. . . . . #lichen #cladonia #British soldiers #winterforaging #winter walk #Welshwildlife
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5 months ago
Highlight of our walk this afternoon. Watching this little Goldcrest foraging in the undergrowth for about 20 minutes. It was totally unfazed by us, coming to within a metre of us! 😍 . . . . #goldcrest #birdwatching #foragingbird #smallestbird
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5 months ago
Huddling together for warmth in the shelter of a rotten log, these little brown mushrooms (LBM's to those of us without great identification skills!) were some of very few fungi not entirely gone to mush in the cold weather we've had. . . . . #frozen foraging #winter walk #shelteringfromthestorm #fungi #lbm #littlebrownmushroom #foraging
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5 months ago
This trooping funnel is just as beautiful as it decays! We ate a fair few of these Trooping funnels (Clitocybe geotropa) before Christmas, dried some too and left the rest to do their thing. Totally delicious! I hope it goes without saying to always be 100% sure of I.d. before eating anything foraged! . . . . #troopingfunnel #clitocybe #foragedmushrooms
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5 months ago
Nice find in the woodshed! Grey oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus), we've found a few locally, but Nice to find them in the garden even if they are looking a bit dry 😬 FYI all my I.d's need the words 'I think' after them! 😄 . . . . #fungiforaging #mushroomhunting #fungi #welshforaging #gardenforaging #midwales #oystermushrooms #woodshed #foraging
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5 months ago