Fog Den


Artist specializing in black velvet painting. Check out The Fog Den on Etsy for new art merch! Closed for commissions in 2024
Found! Thank you intrepid hunters and congrats to @kelprat89 for catching that sneaky mushroom! 🍄 There are some more amazing shrooms out there left to discover by other epic S.F. artists - wishing you luck on your hunt!
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23 days ago
Our walking mushroom is enjoying this damp S.F. weather! They were last seen sending by a strange and beautiful geometric forest in Diamond heights! If you adopt this velvet shroomie, please let me know thanks!
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23 days ago
Hey Game Of Shrooms Art Seekers! Here’s a big hint if you’re questing for this little velvet walking mushroom last seen wandering near Diamond Heights in SF! The Dungeon opens tomorrow- good luck!
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24 days ago
Get ready! This walking mushroom black velvet painting has escaped the dungeon and was last seen in Diamond Heights in San Francisco! Some lucky adventurer should be able to capture it on Saturday June 8th.
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29 days ago
Zero! Tiny 2”x3” black velvet
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1 month ago
Tiny Audrey 2 on velvet 🥀🩸🌹
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1 month ago
Slimer! 2”x3” velvet painting
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1 month ago
I know it’s early but all I want to paint right now are Halloween velvets 💜🎃
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1 month ago
I made a velvet walking mushroom painting for a lucky adventurer to find for this years @gameofshroomsofficial mushroom themed art hunt! Stay tuned for hints on when and where to find this give away!
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1 month ago
Using my postcards from the S.F. Legion of Honor Museum gift shop to get out the vote! Writing postcards is a great way to help on your own time at your own pace. They give you an easy script to copy - you just supply your own postcards. Visit to join us!
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1 month ago
I love making tiny black velvet paintings! But the trouble with tiny frames is that they don’t have built in hangers. So today I’m giving all of my art babies little hoops so they’re ready to hang up. ❤️🎨🧰🔨
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2 months ago
Ha Ha!
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2 months ago