James (Bell) Free


PBM Veteran Transdisciplinary Creator University of Streets & Corners President
He didn't give his life for our right to vote. He was assinated by a country that despised the gains he made towards forcing the United States to grant equal social, economic, political, and judicial respect to those of us that weren't even considered human before being given 2nd class citizenship. He didn't preach peace. He taught using nonviolence in the face of our oppressors to demonstrate to the world our moral superiority in the face of a hypocritical government that abused its citizens while claiming to be "the land of the free." He was assinated before his work was complete. Today, most of us can vote freely in public election but sadly that battle is still being fought. Today, we are fortunate that we can't just be attacked openly for simply sitting to eat in a restaurant. Today, our enemy is not the threat of violence by racists or rampant discrimination. Today our challenge is to dismantle the pillars of Systemic Racism that still stand strong in a society that has moved on from its ugly past wjthout repairing the damages it has done to our people. If God saw fit to resurrect Dr. King for 24 hours I'm sure he'd be in absolute disbelief that the same government that thwarted his efforts and imprisoned him countless times saw fit to honor his work with a holiday. Its good tho. Please enjoy the day off and take a minute to reflect on the real while you pour one up for the OG. -FREE AT LAST 90
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2 years ago
HAPPY INSURRECTION DAY🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 May the 6th day of January forever be remembered as the day that that shined a beaming light on hypocacy that this country continues to thrive on. In modern society we love to pretend that we have recovered from a legacy built upon racist ideals. With gaping racial disparities in education, economics, health, medicine, politics, legislation, we can stop pretending that all people stand as equals in this country. This day reminds me that the Civil Rights Movement did not end with a celebration for a job well done. It ended after the leaders were all imprisoned, exiled or assinated. Wake up from the distractions, we still have much work to do. Big shout out all wypipo so emboldened by Trump they knew they could run up in the Capitol to disrupt "democracy" knowing that they would be able to return home safely. We all know damn well had some niggas tried it, there wouldn't be any need for prolonged trials and investigations today, they'd have been killed on arrival to the property.
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2 years ago