

Journey to the Self✨ Sharing my journey & Reflections♥️ Ashtanga #yoga coach & student of #Vedanta🧘🏻‍♀️ Spiritual,mental & physical well being🌹
ਧਨ ਪਿਰੁ ਏਹਿ ਨ ਆਖੀਅਨਿ ਬਹਨਿ ਇਕਠੇ ਹੋਇ ॥ dhan pir ehi na aakheean bahan ikatthe hoe | They are not said to be husband and wife, who merely sit together. ਏਕ ਜੋਤਿ ਦੁਇ ਮੂਰਤੀ ਧਨ ਪਿਰੁ ਕਹੀਐ ਸੋਇ ॥੩॥ ek jot due mooratee dhan pir kaheeai soe |3| They alone are called husband and wife, who have one light (Spirit) in two bodies. ||3|| In regard to spiritual life, the purpose of marriage is to expand our awareness from simply thinking about ourselves to thinking about other beings. In marriage we look after a wife or husband with love and support. We protect and care for our children when they are young, and help them to make their way in life. …….But there is a deeper aspect of marriage that applies to spiritual growth specifically. It provides us with the opportunity to balance the male and female energies within ourselves. A marriage can help us to develop qualities within ourselves that we need for our own inner balance and further spiritual growth. This happens as a couple engages in their spiritual life together on a daily basis. Since the purpose of the spiritual life is inner freedom, we need to understand how to work toward this inner freedom in marriage. Only by becoming complete within ourselves is inner freedom possible💕💕💕
183 45
5 months ago
🌸‪“योग ( YOGA)”‬ 🌸 Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body, man and nature. It is an art of right living and the one who has learnt the art of right living is Happy, Harmonious and Peaceful. ‪The word Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word “Yuj (युज्)” which means "to yoke" or "to unite" or “to connect ”‬ The YOGA practice leads to the union of the body, mind, and spirit (It is the union of the parts within ourselves.), as well as to the union of individual consciousness with that of the Universal Consciousness, indicating a perfect harmony between the mind and body, Man & Nature. According to modern scientists, everything in the universe is just a manifestation of the same quantum firmament. One who experiences this oneness of existence is said to be in yoga, and is termed as a yogi, having attained to a state of freedom referred to as mukti, nirvana or moksha. Thus the aim of Yoga is Self-realization, to overcome all kinds of sufferings leading to 'the state of liberation' (Moksha) or ‘freedom’ (Kaivalya). Living with freedom in all walks of life, health and harmony shall be the main objectives of Yoga practice. 📸 @yoga_with_nithin 🤍🤍🤍 #yog #yuj #yoga #spiritualdiscipline #yogsadhna #yogascience #conciousness #oneness #yoke #spirit #spiritualbliss #harmonious #peaceful #harmony #love #nirvana #mukti #freedom #liberation
177 18
11 months ago
🪷TAKING YOGA BEYOND MAT- INTO LIFE🪷 “The idea of a yoga practice is really not just to focus and be aware and mindful and calm for the time that we're on the mat, but to carry this state of being with us when we leave mat” -Bhagavad Gita Yoga reminds us to constantly check in with ourselves. To practice self awareness and self inquiry. It is an invitation to still the mind enough, to trust the body, and surrender to life, to our purpose - our DHARMA. To put it simply - Yoga is not just something we ‘do’ - it’s something we live. Yoga calls us to look at ourselves very deeply, and focus our awareness inwards, transforming our world from the inside out. The practice of Yoga is about more than enjoying the euphoric or zen feels we have after sixty minutes in the class, the journey of becoming a teacher or celebrating the progress we’ve made with our headstands. It’s about extending our practice in our daily lives and increasing our awareness and sensitivity to life in all its shades. #internationalyogaday #internationalyogaday2023 #yogaoffthemat #yogaawareness #yoga #yogapractice #yogaeveryday #yogawayoflife
75 11
1 year ago
“Journey to my journey- KARMA YOGA” 🫶🏻Karma yoga or selfless service is the foundation on which all yogic practices are based. It is a means to inner purification and spiritual growth. 🫶🏻It is the practice of learning to work selflessly for others, with no attachment either to the ego or the result of the work, offering the work to a higher power as an act of worship. 🫶🏻It generates unity and purifies the heart. It fosters humility, love, compassion, sympathy, mercy, tolerance and forgiveness. 🫶🏻 All works are sacred. There is no menial work from the highest view-point of the absolute, from the view-point of Karma Yoga. Even scavenging when done with the right spirit and mental attitude is Yogic action. 🫶🏻 It is selfishness that has deplorably contracted your heart. It is the root-cause for human sufferings. Real spiritual progress starts in selfless service. 🫶🏻 Karma yoga diminishes the ego and helps to dissolve any sense of separation between self and other. 🫶🏻 Start with small acts that you do every day, like washing the dishes. Or do something kind for someone else, without any expectation of thanks or reciprocity. Build on these small acts, letting of expectation gradually. After a while you may notice that the intentions woven into your actions start to transform. A connection to the deep truth in your heart becomes re-established. 🫶🏻 Whatever you choose to do, making service a regular part of your life is key to practicing karma yoga. 🫶🏻 It is about giving to those in need, sharing love, and spreading light. Let yourself be humbled by their knowledge and experience. Forge meaningful connections and let yourself be touched by their lives and stories. In this way, karma yoga can become more than just a practice. It can become a way of life. 📸Photo Credit @yoga_with_nithin
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1 year ago
“Journey to my journey- SADHANA” “methodical practice(discipline) adopted to attain desired knowledge or a goal (Sādhya)" 🪷 In life you seek different things and what you seek determines the type of means or method, SADHANA, for reaching that goal. 🪷This necessity of a “means” is true in the material as well as in the spiritual world. To reach anywhere, there must be a way of getting there. 🪷 The goal is called “SADHYA”; the spiritual aspirant or one who desires to reach the sadhya is called the “SADHAKA”; and the process or means by which the sadhya is reached is called “SADHANA”. 🪷 For any spiritual aspirant, Sadhana is very important as it gives a comprehensive knowledge of life with all its currents & crosscurrents. 🪷 All sadhanas, all practices, are meant to purify and strengthen the mind that disturbs your being and prevents you from being aware of the Reality that is within you. 🪷 To be in Sadhana is to be in transition from the Limited to the Absolute.
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1 year ago
“Journey to My Journey- INITIATION(Diksha)” 🌺It is a process of undergoing an expansion(toward higher levels) of CONSCIOUSNESS . 🌺Initiation is the sacred act in which an individual is given their initial experience of means to realising Truth 🌺The Guru will offer his heart and spirit, part of himself to take the disciple into The highest region of the beyond 🌺The Guru makes a solemn promise to the individual seeker or aspirant that he will do his best to help a seeker in his spiritual life.
61 13
1 year ago
💙Ganga symbolizes purity and the power to purify. Ganga is the mother of all purifiers. In the spiritual practices, purifiers occupy an important place. The mortal world is considered an impure place since it is infused with death, delusion, ignorance, desires and sinful karma, which envelop the souls like a dark cloud and bind them to the cycle of births and deaths. Since the minds and bodies are infused with them and subject to the modifications of Nature, they are also considered impure. Liberation is not possible unless the souls become purified and find an escape from them. Hence, a great emphasis is placed upon the purification of the mind and body through transformative practices and techniques such as yoga. Without cultivating purity, none can become enlightened or liberated. The waters of Ganga symbolize the power to purify mortal beings. Like the flow of water that never stagnates she purifies all that she touches💙 💙The River Ganga carries a great significance, which only the Vedic seers knew and used a physical river upon earth to symbolize it. Ganga represents the eternal power of Brahman that gives life, nourishes life, purifies life, facilitates renewal and rebirth, and liberates life. In short, she symbolizes life (Prana) itself and all the movement (chaitanyam) that characterizes life and creation. With her roots in heaven and branches below, she even symbolizes the famous Asvattha Tree, or the Tree of Life, which is mentioned in the Upanishads as the tree that is upside down. Like Ganga, the Tree too has its roots in heaven and branches in the worlds below. In the ultimate sense, the River Ganga is not just a river and a flow of consciousness, but creation itself that originates from Brahman as a movement (ga) and descends into the mortal world, (which is but a limb (anga) of creation), through Isvara , the lord of the universe, to release the bound souls from the previous cycle of creation and give them a chance to liberate themselves💙 #ganga #gangariver #gangamaiya #yoga #liberation #shiva #prana #purity #motherganga #moksha #uttarkashi #uttarkashidiaries
178 8
2 years ago
🧘🏻‍♀️तत्र प्रत्ययैकतानता ध्यानम् ॥ ३.२॥ 🧘🏻‍♀️ Swami Vishnu-devananda would say that it is not possible to teach someone how to meditate, any more than it is possible to teach them how to sleep. Sleep overtakes us only when we detach our mind from its concerns. Meditation also cannot be forced, but unlike sleep, it is a conscious state. To attain this state of relaxed awareness we need to prepare ourselves. 🧘🏻‍♀️It is important to reiterate that meditation is a process, and as such, takes time. Be gentle and patient with your mind; do not expect miracles. The more care and attention you give to the preparation, the more positive the results. 🧘🏻‍♀️Meditation practice is the royal road to peace of mind. Meditation kills all pains, sufferings. Meditation gives the vision of unity. Meditation produces sense of oneness. Meditation is an aeroplane that helps the aspirant to soar high in the realms of eternal bliss and everlasting peace. It is a mysterious ladder that connects earth and higher realms. 🧘🏻‍♀️Meditation is the continuous flow of one thought, like the continuous flow of oil from one vessel to another (Tailadharavat). Meditation follows concentration. #meditation #meditationpractice #dhyaan #meditationspace #oneness #royalpath #yoga #peace #peaceofmind #bliss #dharana #concentration #positivethinking
205 27
2 years ago
In the practice of yoga, Surya Namaskar is a salutation performed to the Sun offering gratitude and love for the life-giving energy that it provides🌞 The sun represents energy, power, and vitality. As the Surya Nadi or Sun Channel runs along the right side, you begin the Surya Namaskar with your right leg first. Experience many benefits such as physical and mental strength, better command over your body, calmness of the mind, balanced energies, and inner peace. Surya Namaskar is a powerful technique to make you more mindful. With regular practise, it increases awareness forming a deeper connection between the body, breath and consciousness. #happyinternationalyogaday #suryanamaskar #suryanamaskarchallenge #suryanamaskarbenefits #suryanamaskarforvitality #yoga #yogaforlife #yogalife #yogsadhana
53 5
2 years ago
🌸Happy International Yoga Day you all🌸 Wishing you all peaceful and healthy life🌸 On the occasion, I wish that you learn and practice this wonderful way of living a healthier life🌸 🌸“Yoga leads us from ignorance to wisdom, from weakness to strength, from disharmony to harmony, from hatred to love, from want to fullness, from limitation to infinity, from diversity to unity, from imperfection to perfection.” – Swami Sivananda in “Bliss Divine” 🌸 #happyinternationalyogaday #yoga #yogapractice #yogainspiration #swamisivananda #bliss #simplelife #happyself #yogashowstheway
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2 years ago
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2 years ago
💗Be good💗 💗Do good💗 💗Feel good💗 Man’s real nature is happiness. Happiness is inborn in the true self. His search for happiness is an unconscious search for his true self 💗 -Ramana Maharshi
204 20
2 years ago