Greig Clifford


A published music photography freelancer, now introducing myself to the world of street / human interest / fine photography too. Absolutely NO AI !!
The Neighbourhood Watch. A little while back, whilst out with my camera as I do, this woman with black hair, black sunglasses, and a black dress, wearing a set of (white) pearls, rather weirdly seemed to be on a mission to get into all my photos, deliberately standing in my field of vision and staring at me while I tried to make photographs. I thought it quite odd behaviour, but what can one do? I previously haven't bothered doing anything with the pics because, well, she's in all of them! 🤣 However, I've started to think this one is actually quite cool. I've called it The Neighbourhood Watch and it's available for prints. See /couk/prints/C/C-080.htm for all the details. #leicacamera #throughmyleica #leicagram #leicaworld #leicasociety #myleicablog #bnw #monochromephotography #storyinmonochrome #blackandwhitephotography #bwgrammer #igers _bnw #framesmag #surreal #friendsinbnw #thepictoriallist #artphoto _bw #art _camera #photoobserve #womaninblack #insta _pick_bw #onepointperspective #fineart _photobw #modelvillage #bnw _photography #artisticphotography #lensculturediscovery #classicphotography #photographyblog #streetphotography _bw
150 30
1 month ago
Anyone visiting Brighton (UK) over the next couple of weeks? If so, make some time to see the latest brilliant exhibition from @bhcameraclub ! As you'll see from the pics it's an outside public exhibition so it's totally FREE. If you're already a local resident have a wander along the beach and check it out. My photo on show is called The Sack Race. Not only does it show the fabulously eccentric spectacle of a sack race I saw on Weymouth beach one time, but also (perhaps rather cynically) comments on team building exercises and their ability to signal who's next for redundancy, the closed, shuttered building in the foreground a visual hint at harder times. They say jump, you say how high. I think I would have preferred vultures watching on, but I happily enjoy crows instead, super intelligent creatures and I thought it cool that one looked like it was joining in. As always, thanks for reading. #leica #leicacl #throughyourleica #storyinmonochrome #art _camera #bwgrammer #bhcameraclub #bnw #thepictorialist #framesmag #spectaculummagazine #igers _bnw #passion _for_bnw #photovogue #weymouth #brightonlife #friendsinbnw #decisivemoment #exhibition #photoexhibition #gallery #artgallery #exhibit #photographyexhibition #artcollector #fineartphotography #contemporaryphotography #emergingartist #monochromatic #bnw _magazine
189 31
1 month ago
Normally I would post one of my photographs and write a (probably) over-long post where I try to explain my thoughts behind the image. Today, I would just like to direct any interested readers to the @leica_fotografie_international (LFI - Leica Fotografie International) website instead (link in bio), where my Remember When photograph is the latest One Photo - One Story, and my thoughts behind that photo can be read there. My words aren't nearly as rambling for a change! Please do have a look and a read, I'm incredibly pleased to have been included in such a fine, iconic, publication. Thank you to all involved, I'm really very grateful. And thank you to all the fantastic people who comment on my photos here and generally encourage me to keep sharing my thoughts this way. As always, thank you for reading. #leicauk #leicacamera #leica _photos #throughyourleica #leicagram #storyinmonochrome #bwgrammer #igers _bnw #bnw #streetphotography #streetsgrammer #friendsinstreets #streetsansfrontieres #blackandwhitephotography #streets _storytelling #mydaidia #lensculturestreets #eyeshotmag #humanistphotography #timeless _streets #friendsinbnw #bnwphotography #bnw _captures #contemporaryphotography #bnw _demand #lfigallery
99 29
2 months ago
Natural Space Visitors to the Seven Sisters cliffs sit for a while, facing the sun and feeling its warmth, some enjoying time together with their friends and loved ones, while others take a moment alone to relax in this wonderful natural space. I found it fascinating how these people had naturally spaced themselves apart, each group almost perfectly equidistant from another... an intriguing display of how strangely contradictory our human instincts can seem sometimes, at once both social and solitary... the need as social creatures for close companionship against a deeply inherent desire for a space around us, a buffer zone to provide a sense of security over our immediate surroundings. Although there may have been some consideration for others, it seems to me the space between wasn't created for entirely altruistic reasons. So with that in mind, this photograph is not just about people enjoying a beautiful open natural space, but also, and perhaps more interestingly, it is a photograph about trust. This photograph shows our instinctively natural need for personal space, where only the trusted are welcome to break its unseen boundaries. As always, thank you for reading. ____ I'm always keen to make new contacts and push my photography to wider horizons. If you are able to help bring my photography to a larger audience, then lets talk! I'd be glad to hear from you. Most of my photographs are available as signed prints (limited) with prices typically ranging from £15 to £250. A photobook is also available priced £12.50. I can deliver worldwide. If interested, please message me for info, or check my website at . ____ #leicacamera #throughmyleica #leicagram #leicaworld #leicasociety #myleicablog #bnw #monochromephotography #storyinmonochrome #blackandwhitephotography #bwgrammer #igers _bnw #framesmag #decisivemoment #friendsinbnw #thepictoriallist #artphoto _bw #art _camera #photoobserve #bw _curators #insta _pick_bw #spectaculummagazine #fineart _photobw #photovogue #bnw _photography #artisticphotography #lensculturediscovery #classicphotography #photographyblog #streetphotography _bw
237 27
2 months ago
Connections. Between the couple making a selfie together... Between the vlogger and their audience as they film their next social media post... Between the man and the hiding dog, watching each other... Between the boy and the wider world as he becomes more self aware... Self awareness. It seems to me society's constantly watchful eye scrutinizes more than ever, and that scrutiny increases our self-consciousness, manifesting a deeply innate desire to curate how we are perceived by others. This may simply be through the choice of clothes, or perhaps by using calculated angles making selfies to flatter our features, or even for some people through carefully crafted personas to gain social media influence... and no matter where, even on a remote outcrop of rock, there's still at some level a need to present oneself in a certain way and to take a director's controlling input over the visual narrative of our lives, each step a seemingly deliberate act of self expression. Shakespeare said it best... all the world's a stage. I wonder if this awareness of self makes our life connections any better? I suspect not. Anyway, it's just a thought. As always, thanks for reading. ____ I'm always keen to make new contacts and push my photography to wider horizons. If you are able to help bring my photography to a larger audience, then lets talk! I'd be glad to hear from you. Finally, most of my photographs are available as signed prints (limited) with prices typically ranging from £15 to £250. A photobook is also available priced £12.50. I can deliver worldwide. If interested, please message me for info, or check my website at . ____ #leicacamera #throughmyleica #leicagram #leicaworld #leicasociety #myleicablog #bnw #monochromephotography #storyinmonochrome #blackandwhitephotography #bwgrammer #igers _bnw #framesmag #decisivemoment #friendsinbnw #thepictoriallist #artphoto _bw #art _camera #photoobserve #bw _curators #insta _pick_bw #spectaculummagazine #fineart _photobw #artclassified #bnw _photography #artisticphotography #lensculturediscovery #classicphotography #photographyblog #streetphotography _bw
202 35
3 months ago
As two young women enjoy laying on the beach, lovingly wrapped in each other's arms, a boy quickly walks past, his eyes fixed forward in an unwavering stare, a little shy perhaps towards such public displays of affection... This photograph captures a moment of contrast between different stages of life and love. The young couple are enjoying each other's company, while the boy is focused on his ice-cream. I wonder how he would look back on this time in life once he has grown older and his priorities shifted. Would he still cherish the simple pleasures, or be consumed by the complexities of romance? This image invites us to reflect on our own journey of love and maturity. It occurred to me that the journey of love is linked to the journey of life... our understanding of love and our ability to share it grows with every opportunity there is to experience it... from childhood with love for family, pets and favourite objects, to later years encompassing such things as a life partner and one's own children or grandchildren. The depth of feeling is entirely relative to the individual too... a child can love their soft toy teddy bear just as much as their parent loves them, and the intensity from person to person is immeasurable. Quite simply, love is... different things for different people. And depending on life's experience and where a person is in their life journey, it may well be that for some, love is... an ice cream, sometimes. #leicacamera #throughmyleica #leicagram #leicaworld #leicasociety #myleicablog #bnw #monochromephotography #storyinmonochrome #blackandwhitephotography #bwgrammer #igers _bnw #framesmag #decisivemoment #friendsinbnw #thepictoriallist #artphoto _bw #art _camera #photoobserve #bw _curators #insta _pick_bw #spectaculummagazine #fineart _photobw #artclassified #bnw _photography #artisticphotography #lensculturediscovery #classicphotography #love #icecream
193 13
3 months ago
World Without End. These two photographs, Cloudscape No. 3 and Cloudscape No. 4, were made about three minutes apart so they look quite similar but one features a person and the other a bird. The one featuring a person, Cloudscape No. 3, also has a second title... World Without End. It's a biblical reference although I'm not particularly religious. It's down to the individual whether one relates to heavenlike iconography or sees an entirely secular wonder of the natural world in this image, but I felt that whatever one's stance, spiritual or otherwise, the photograph showed a sense of human frailty before a greater presence (however that may present itself). I felt the scale of the person against the sky said something about how small we are in the grand scheme of things... in space and time, that our time ends too soon, and that the world will still turn after us as it always has done before us (World Without End). How will we face that moment... and will we feel a need to seek judgement and atonement? I think the other photo, Cloudscape No. 4, makes a good pairing for No. 3. I like the bird flying towards the sun, I feel there's something symbolic in that... freedom perhaps? I think if the two photographs are viewed together there's a sense of rejuvenation, of change, of metamorphosis... I'm also reminded of the tale of Daedalus and Icarus, his warning about the wings he made. But anyway, as always, I ramble, and probably think too much. Thank you for reading. #leicacamera #throughmyleica #leicagram #leicaworld #leicasociety #myleicablog #bnw #monochromephotography #storyinmonochrome #bwgrammer #igers _bnw #framesmag #decisivemoment #friendsinbnw #thepictoriallist #art _camera #photoobserve #bw _curators #lensculturestreet #streetphotographers #icarus #cloudscape #fineart _photobw #artclassified #unframe #bnw _photography #artisticphotography #lensculturediscovery #spectaculummagazine #classicphotography
210 43
4 months ago
Handstand at Petworth. I love the carefree attitude kids have to doing handstands in public. Of course, they don't think about whether it's appropriate... when could a handstand ever be anything but harmless? But at some stage though, as they get older, they stop doing it, as with anything "childish". There's something about growing up that makes us more self-conscious about such things, a side effect of becoming a stable and productive hard-working member of society I suppose... After noticing this scene I was fortunate to have a minute or two to compose in such a way before the handstands stopped. I like how the leg aligns with the slope of the hill, how the hill semi-obscures the stately home but not enough to diminish its power and presence, the juxtaposition of these visual elements and their inherent symbolism if one wishes to think deeper. I must admit to wondering sometimes if a scene might be better in colour. Not very often though, hardly ever in fact, but on this occasion I did wonder. The reason was because these particular colours (a clear blue sky, a grey stone building, and sun bleached grass) all rendered as a rather bland mid-grey when looked at with black and white eyes. As a print, I knew the greys would look even worse (the backlighting of a computer/phone screen seems to compensate well for dull tones). Thankfully, there were some harsh shadows to add an element of contrast, but even so, a sunny day shouldn't look so glum. By slightly overexposing (and also lifting the exposure a touch more in processing) I feel satisfied that the final photo now shows a sense of the brightness of the day, something that didn't originally come across very well unless viewed in colour. These brighter greys are much nicer to view in natural light too. Anyway, as always, thank you for reading. #leicacamera #throughmyleica #leicagram #leicaworld #leicasociety #myleicablog #bnw #monochromephotography #storyinmonochrome #bwgrammer #igers _bnw #framesmag #decisivemoment #friendsinbnw #thepictoriallist #art _camera #photoobserve #bw _curators #lensculturestreet #streetphotographers #handstand #statelyhome #mansion #petworth #petworthpark
212 22
4 months ago
I have always enjoyed photographing people who like jumping from height into the sea! From flamboyant somersaults and swan dives to flailing limbs or tucked knees, I like how the jumps are often a reflection of the individual's personality. I also like the simple adrenaline fueled joy of it all... there's no technology, just the thrill of the drop. On this occasion, as I watched these harbour wall jumpers gleefully launching themselves into the water I heard a distant sound of helicopters grow louder. I remember feeling the buzz of excitement for a chance to perhaps catch something unusual, perhaps even slightly surreal, as the helicopters got closer to entering the frame. This image is from the first (and best) of three that showed them. Unfortunately, as the seconds passed, bystanders quickly moved to the railings for a better view of the fly-by and I became less interested in the scene. In hindsight, I could have been more artistically mindful in the moment. Although I was generally pleased with the image in camera I ultimately felt it needed editing... cropping to level a tilted horizon, and to exclude all people but the jumpers. The crop also meant I lost a ladder on the harbour wall that the jumpers were using to climb back up but I felt it worth sacrificing for a less cluttered more artful image. By honing this way the image began to speak to me in other ways beyond the purely visual too. I see these helicopters, symbolic of war, contrasting with the innocence of youth. I see a repeating cycle of jumping, then climbing up, and jumping again, and like war, the cycle never seems to truly end. Despite the slightly more equal times we live in I still traditionally associate war with men fighting and I felt the lack of males in the image added an extra dimension to think about too... But anyway, as always I ramble on, and overthink things. Thank you for reading. #leica #leicacamera #throughmyleica #leicagram #theleicalook #leicaworld #leicasociety #myleicablog #bnw #monochromephotography #storyinmonochrome #bwgrammer #igers _bnw #bnw _life #bnw _epic #framesmag #decisivemoment #friendsinbnw #thepictoriallist #art _camera #photoobserve #bw _curators #chinook
274 30
4 months ago
Low Flying Crow. This photograph has been sitting on my computer's hard drive since May last year. Sometimes it takes a while for me to decide whether processing an image is worth my time, especially when it's one with a long shelf life and doesn't cry out for attention. I suppose those things in life that make the least fuss are the easiest to overlook when there's so much pressure on the time we have. I wonder whether the scene grabs the attention quickly enough to stop the scrolling, but I think that's partly why I like it... it rewards those able and willing to spend a little time with the image. Despite the restricted size I present at on these social media platforms, I do hope a few people will see something to appreciate. That is of course the reason for sharing. The low flying crow was pure fortune. I had composed with a different photograph in mind... that of the line of people walking along the beach, hoping to catch a moment where only their heads could be seen, no shoulders even, just heads. I thought that would make a particularly quirky image, but it was proving to be a quite impossible task to capture the graphical minimalist image I had envisaged in my mind... I just wanted three horizontal bands of sky, sea and pebbles, with dark circular heads dissecting the frame. What I got was people of differing heights and clouds breaking up the sky and forming shadows on the water. My slight frustration ended when I noticed the crow fly over. In my reaction time to press the shutter button it had already almost left the frame. I thought of those old war films where fighter planes would strafe a column of soldiers, but in this case without dropping bombs or having all guns blazing. There was no panicked scramble, the low pass quiet, and in fact I didn't think anyone noticed but me and perhaps one other... the only person in the line who was not looking at the ground. I bet it looked cool from below. As always, thank you for reading. #leica #leicacamera #throughmyleica #leicagram #theleicalook #leicaworld #leicasociety #bnw #monochromephotography #bwgrammer #igers _bnw #bnw _life #bnw _today #bnw _daily
186 7
5 months ago
At Regent's Canal, Near Gasholder No. 8. The Regent's Canal was completed over 200 years ago, the old towpath for horses is now paved, but still the waterway is used... I believe the canal boats have engines these days. And either side of the canal, tower blocks have risen. One of the latest developments is known as Gasholders which, as the name suggests, incorporates the frames of original 19th century circular gasometers (Gasholders 10, 11, and 12) from the old Pancras Gasworks that used to be stationed nearby. The structures were dismantled and restored before being relocated to their current location to form a cool industrial outlook to a luxury apartment complex within. The photograph shows Gasholder No. 8 which was the largest, and instead houses a local park. I liked how the new coexists with the old, a sense of history amidst modern development. So while I sat along the wall from this person, I waited my usual few minutes for something to happen. People came and went... cyclists, runners, friends chatting and couples walking hand in hand, but this person and myself remained still. Despite initially hoping for something more dynamic, I realised it was the photo of the person on their own that I needed to make. I got the feeling their flat cap, jacket and boots came from a much older time when the canal boats were in their heyday bringing coal to the gasworks. I imagined a person born of a different era, happily blind to the modern way, eschewing the connected digital world of memes and social media to pass the time, instead immersing their mind in the tradition of a newspaper crossword. The pen is mightier than the stylus. And as I get older, I too like to escape the intensity of modern living... it's nice to take a while for oneself, to stop the ride for just a moment. But of course the modern world isn't still, it's in a state of constant transition, and times change quickly, and life follows suit. Stay still for too long and it can become hard to find the motivation to jump back on life's rollercoaster again. Too often when the crossword is done and one looks up from that newspaper, then once again everything's changed... #StoryInMonochrome
212 15
5 months ago