
Coined the term rhodents 💋✨ I don’t have Twitter but Rhodents make me viral — NOT ACCEPTING FOLLOWERS.
He’s telling us it’s all DECEPTION AND LIES !!!! No other reason to post this !!! OPEN UP YOUR EYES ! #justinbieber #bieber #freejustinbieber #baldwin #rhodent #rhode #haileybaldwin #jenner #kardashian #diddy
106 9
5 days ago
Forever miserable ! #rhodent #baldwin #bieber #justinbieber
127 40
1 month ago
He has not liked or commented on any of his wifes posts for MONTHS, not even the one she dedicated to him for his birthday or anything on Valentines day - yet sir is out here melting 🫠 and loving 😍 what he sees in Maddison Beer wishing HER a Happy Birthday 🥳 ! With hugs 🤗 Not even 17 hours after his wife defends their marriage he does this …. #justinbieber #bieber #haileybaldwin #baldwin #rhode
149 17
3 months ago
Hailey admits the relationship is over & all fake! #justinbieber #bieber #haileybieber #haileybaldwin #kardashians #kimkardashian #kyliejenner
77 6
4 months ago
104 11
4 months ago
Further proof you’re a mean girl. Who speaks like this about anyone behind their back, and then you think you got the b@lls to post a screenshot online? What is there to prove here? You wanna be a bad ass so bad but too pu$$y to show who you’re gossiping about? Imagine as someone who works with/for you seeing this text, is this what you say behind peoples backs? Do you speak about your friends this way? You clearly showing you gossip about people behind their backs, you mean girl. Imagine Justin having a fantastic weekend and you still manage to be a brat and make it about YOU, can’t have the light being taken off of you by your own husband for two seconds before acting like a spoiled brat. Go sulk in the car some more. @haileybieber @justinbieber divorce already. #haileybaldwin #justinbieber #bieber #haileybieber #kardashian #baldwin #kyliejenner #kimkardashian
141 23
4 months ago
71 6
5 months ago
#ichallengerhode @rhode sell a product without naked bodies / ass / titties / nudes and use the actual product in their campaigns. Goodluck with that. #rhode #rhodents #haileybaldwin #baldwin #justinbieber #bieber #kardashian #jenner #rhodents
154 19
5 months ago