

🎀🎧🫧🥂 med sales rep ⚕️ MSU alum
21 years of you🎂🫶🏻 im so proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished in 21 years. happy birthday, lover boy
0 5
3 months ago
car dealership selfies>
0 31
4 months ago
big girl job coming up next ⚕️
386 36
6 months ago
back in the woodshed💚🤍
0 7
10 months ago
she’s somebody’s problem 🤠
348 18
1 year ago
lover girl era
0 15
1 year ago
360 38
1 year ago
it was his idea to match with me;)
402 20
1 year ago
party of the summa🤠
345 17
1 year ago
dear softball, thank you for giving the 6 year old little girl with a dream a purpose to fall in love with a sport that would be far more than a game. as our very last out was called, the last inning was pitched and our cleats were untied for the last time today, I just wanted to say thank you. You were far more than just 88 stitches. they say that 13 years would go by fast and I hope I made that little girl that fell in love with such a special game proud. for the last time… #3out
264 9
2 years ago
next stop EL💚
328 15
2 years ago
the last dance✨
325 22
2 years ago