

CIS graduate🎓
I guess it's the end of the journey! Today, I walked out of college for the last time after five incredible years! Each corner of this place holds a treasure trove of memories and lessons learned! After burning the midnight oil and putting in the hard work, I'm beyond proud of how far I've come. As I turn the page to a new chapter. I'm buzzing with excitement for what's next. This college, and every moment spent here, will forever be a part of me. I'll always carry a piece of it in my heart 💙 Here's to new adventures and endless possibilities!🎓 #goodbyecollege #forevergrateful #hardworkpaysoffs
66 23
27 days ago
145 3
1 year ago
Best dude🤍
155 5
1 year ago
شد حيل الخطاوي في الطريق الطويل لين الايام تضحك لك وتضحك لها💻📚
135 1
1 year ago
الذ هوت شوكلت لدرجة تشربه الساعة ٢ الظهر ودرجة الحرارة ٤٤ وانت مبسوط🍫
82 2
1 year ago
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1 year ago
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1 year ago
110 1
2 years ago
Back to Instagram posting after a lonnnnnggg time with February randoms🏃🏻‍♀️
103 0
2 years ago
حمام المدينة🕊🕌
200 5
2 years ago
التمسّك بالغصون الهشّة نهايته السقوط
111 0
2 years ago
June 2021🤍
122 2
2 years ago